

词汇 language


  • language
  • languages


  • ① 语言
    • Children acquire language easily.儿童容易学会语言。
    • spoken language口说的语言
    • written language文本
    • The doctor talked to the horse in horse language.医生用马的语言对马说话。
  • ② (某国或某族的)语言;…语
    • a foreign language外国语(★提到某国的语言时, the Chinese [English, etc.] language 比Chinese [English, etc.]更为郑重)
    • She can speak six languages.她会说六种语言。
    • They have English as a second language.他们以英语为第二语言。
  • ③ 术语;专门用语;行话
    • the language of business商业用语
    • legal language法律用语
  • ④ 语法;文体;措辞;表达
    • fine language词藻华丽的文体
    • bad language恶言恶语,咒骂
    • in strong language以激烈的措词;以粗野的语言
  • ⑤ (鸟兽等的)叫声;(用以表达情意的)信号
    • gesture language肢体语言
  • ⑥ 语言学
  • ⑦ 低级话;恶语
    • use language to a person对某人恶语相向


the language of flowers:根据希腊罗马神话、传说、历史事实等,给与花的种种特别的意义,

例如苹果(apple)代表诱惑(temptation)、月桂树(bay)代表光荣(glory)、四叶苜蓿(four-leaf clover)代表幸运(good luck)、勿忘草(forget-me-not)代表真爱(true love)、金盏花(marigold)代表悲哀(grief)、橄榄(olive)代表和平(piece)等。


  • in the language of ...
    • ① 照…的说法
  • speak the same [a person's] language
    • ① 想法(等)一致,立场[态度]相同;声气相通
  • the language of flowers
    • ① 花语


  • dialectn.方言
  • discoursen.发言
  • idiomn.语法
  • mother tonguen.母语
  • native tonguen.母语
  • speechn.说话
  • tonguen.谈话
  • utterancen.发言
  • vocabularyn.语汇
  • argot
  • cant
  • jargon
  • langue
  • lexicon
  • lingo
  • patois
  • terminology
  • vernacular
  • linguistic communication
  • linguistic process
  • lyric
  • nomenclature
  • oral communication
  • speech communication
  • spoken communication
  • spoken language
  • voice communication
  • words


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • language
  • linguistic communication


  • auditory communication
  • communication
  • faculty
  • higher cognitive process
  • mental faculty
  • module
  • text
  • textual matter
  • word


  • artificial language
  • barrage
  • bombardment
  • charm
  • conversation
  • dead language
  • dictation
  • discussion
  • expression
  • give-and-take
  • idiolect
  • indigenous language
  • interlanguage
  • koine
  • lingua franca
  • linguistic string
  • locution
  • love lyric
  • magic spell
  • magical spell
  • markup language
  • metalanguage
  • monologue
  • native language
  • natural language
  • non-standard speech
  • object language
  • onslaught
  • orthoepy
  • outpouring
  • pronunciation
  • reading
  • saying
  • sign language
  • signing
  • slanguage
  • soliloquy
  • source language
  • spell
  • string of words
  • superstrate
  • superstratum
  • target language
  • tongue
  • toponomy
  • toponymy
  • usage
  • word
  • word string
  • words




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