

词汇 honor


  • honor
  • honors
  • honors
  • honoring
  • honored
  • honored


  • ① 名誉,荣誉
    • He had the honor of performing before many crowned heads of Europe.他有过在许多欧洲国王面前表演的光荣。
    • I have the honor to inform you that ...谨此奉告。
  • ② 体面;贞节
    • It was a point of honor with him to pay his bills at once.立刻付帐对他来说是攸关体面之事。
    • pledge one's honor以个人名誉担保
    • Honor is satisfied.(获得决斗或道歉而)保全了面子。
  • ③ 道义;廉耻心;自尊心
    • He's a man of honor.他是讲道义的人。
    • There's honor among thieves.【谚】盗亦有道。
  • ④ 尊敬;敬意
    • pay [give] honor to ...向…致敬。
  • ⑤ 1[通常用复数形]荣誉奖,勋章;名誉的表扬2[用复数形]叙位;叙勋3[用复数形]典礼
    • wear all one's honors佩带所有的勋章
    • the last [funeral] honors葬礼
    • (full) military honors军葬礼;(对元首等的)军礼
  • ⑥[an honor]被引为光荣的人或物
    • She's an honor to the country [the school, her family].她是国家[学校、家庭]之光。
    • I take her visit as a great honor.我认为她的来访是我的莫大光荣。
    • I think it a great honor to be invited.我认为获得邀请是无上的光荣。
  • ⑦[用复数形]1(学校中的)优等2[当单数用][大学]优等课程3【英大学】优等学位
    • graduate with honors以优等成绩毕业
    • pass with honors通过优等学位考试<in>
  • ⑧[用复数形]【纸牌】最高的王牌(如就桥牌(bridge)而论,指ace, king, queen, knave, ten五张王牌)
  • ⑨[Honor]阁下(对法官、市长等的尊称)
    • His [Your] Honor the Mayor市长阁下(用以代替he [you])
  • ⑩[the honor]【高球】优先击球权


  • ① 尊敬
    • We should honor our parents.我们应该尊敬父母。
  • ② 给与名誉[光荣];授以荣誉爵位[官位等];礼遇<with, by>
    • Will you honor us with a visit?可否光临指教?
    • Hermann Hesse was honored with the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946.赫塞于1946年获颁诺贝尔文学奖。
  • ③ 【商】如期交付;承兑(支票、汇票等)
    • honor a check承兑支票
    • The restaurant honors all major credit cards.那家餐馆接受所有主要的信用卡。
  • ④ 履行;遵守
    • The two sides agreed to honor the ceasefire.双方同意遵守停火(协定)。
    • honor a commitment履行承诺


honesty: 指待人接物正直诚实,绝不做盗窃、撒谎、欺诈等事,为一般用语

honor: 除具有honesty含义以外,尚指遵守社会地位或职业上所要求的伦理观念或道德规范

integrity: 强调品格纯正,讲究道德观念,绝不辜负他人之信赖

sincerity: 表示诚恳,毫无虚伪之意


honor: 指承认对方的人格、地位、行为或能力而表示敬意

pay honor to an eminent scholar

homage: 除具有honor之含义外,尚有表示更大的赞许或敬意

pay homage to the genius of the poet

reverence: 指深刻的尊敬与爱心

reverence for one's master

deference: 指对长辈或应予尊敬的人表示敬意和礼貌,并且尊重其意愿或要求

In deference to his wishes, I stopped gambling.


  • honoredadj.有名誉的,接受名誉的;引以为荣的


  • a debt of honor
    • ① 借用借贷;道义上应偿还的债务(尤指赌债等)
  • be on one's honor to-V
    • ① 道义上应做…
  • do a person honor
    • ① 对某人表示敬意;礼遇某人
    • ② 予某人以荣誉;给某人面子
  • do a person the honor of V-ing ...
    • ① 给与某人…的荣幸
    • Will you do us the honor of dining with us next Monday?下星期一你是否肯赏光和我们一道吃晚餐?
  • do honor to a person
    • ① 对某人表示敬意;礼遇某人
    • ② 予某人以荣誉;给某人面子
    • Your conduct will do honor to your school.你的行为将给学校增光。
  • do the honors of ...
    • ① 当…的主人[主持人]
    • He did the honors of the table.他担任餐桌的主人角色。
  • for the honor of ...
    • ① 为顾全(…的)信用[名誉]
  • give a person one's honor
    • ① 以名誉向某人担保
  • have [hold] ... in honor
    • ① 尊敬…
    • I hold him in honor.我深深地尊敬他。
  • honor bright
    • ① 【口】发誓以人格保证;确实无误
  • in honor of ...
    • ① 尊敬;向…表敬意;纪念
    • A statue has been erected in honor of the great composer.纪念那位大作曲家的雕像已经树立起来了。
    • They gave a dinner in honor of the foreign guest.他们以晚宴款待那位外宾。
  • on [upon] one's honor
    • ① 【口】发誓(以名誉担保)
  • put a person on his honor
    • ① 使某人以其名誉发誓
  • the honors of war
    • ① 给予投降者的恩典(准其保留武器、旗帜等)
  • to a person's honor
    • ① 增加光采;带给某人荣幸[名誉]
    • It was greatly to his honor that he resigned voluntarily.他自动辞职大大提高了自己的名誉。
  • with honor
    • ① 光荣地
    • He died with honor on the battlefield.他光荣地战死了。


  • confer honor uponv.增光
  • esteemn.尊敬
  • esteemv.尊敬
  • honestyn.诚实
  • integrityn.正直
  • look up tov.尊敬
  • principlen.原则
  • regardv.敬重
  • respectn.尊敬
  • respectv.尊敬
  • sincerityn.真诚
  • acclaim
  • accolade
  • account
  • admiration
  • admire
  • appreciation
  • celebrate
  • consider
  • consideration
  • deference
  • dignify
  • dignity
  • distinction
  • distinguish
  • elevate
  • ennoble
  • estimation
  • eulogize
  • exalt
  • extol
  • favor
  • glorify
  • good name
  • good report
  • grace
  • hail
  • homage
  • honorableness
  • incorruptibility
  • kudos
  • laud
  • laurel
  • magnify
  • obeisance
  • panegyrize
  • praise
  • prestige
  • reputation
  • repute
  • signalize
  • status
  • upstandingness
  • value
  • abide by
  • award
  • honour
  • laurels
  • observe
  • pureness
  • purity
  • reward


  • contemptn.轻蔑
  • disgracen.不名誉
  • dishonestyn.不诚实
  • dishonorn.不名誉
  • insultn.侮辱
  • low regardn.看轻
  • condemnv.谴责
  • insultv.侮辱
  • scornv.蔑视
  • disrespect


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • signal
  • signaling
  • sign
  • symbol
  • award
  • accolade
  • honor
  • honour
  • laurels


  • chastity
  • righteousness
  • sexual morality
  • standing
  • symbol
  • virtue


  • Academy Award
  • Emmy
  • Nobel prize
  • Oscar
  • Prix Goncourt
  • Prix de Rome
  • academic degree
  • aliyah
  • cachet
  • celebrity
  • citation
  • commendation
  • crown
  • decoration
  • degree
  • esteem
  • fame
  • glorification
  • glory
  • honorable mention
  • laurel wreath
  • letter
  • medal
  • medallion
  • mention
  • palm
  • pennant
  • prize
  • regard
  • renown
  • reputation
  • repute
  • respect
  • ribbon
  • seal
  • seal of approval
  • trophy
  • varsity letter




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