

词汇 information




  • ① 通知,报告;信息;报导;知识,见闻;(警察的)密告;消息
    • for your information仅供参考
    • get information at first hand搜集第一手数据
    • furnish information concerning [as to] ...提供有关…的情报
    • It was a very interesting piece [bit] of information.那是非常有趣的消息。
    • Do you have any information about the matter?你有没有关于那件事的任何信息?
    • I have no information on her whereabouts.关于她的下落,我毫无消息。
    • I have information [My information is] that he's going to resign.我得到消息说,他即将辞职。
  • ② 询问处,服务台
    • Call information.打电话给服务台。
  • ③ 【电算】信息;信息量


knowledge: 是根据研究和观察所收集的事实之总体,以及对这些事实的了解

a knowledge of physics

information: 是根据读书、观察、传言所得的事实或知识;但未必是确实或有用的观念,也可能是互相毫无关系的零碎知识

gather useful information

learning: 尤指根据语言、文学、哲学、历史等之研究所得的knowledge

a man of learning

wisdom: 是根据渊博的知识与经验所获致的卓越判断力与理解力

science: 是有系统的理论性的learning,通常是根据所收集的事实进而推论出一般性的真理;着重正确与确实性

Weather forecast is not a guesswork but a science.


  • factsn.事实
  • materialn.数据
  • reportn.报告
  • data
  • fact
  • intelligence
  • knowledge
  • lore
  • wisdom
  • entropy
  • info
  • selective information


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • message
  • content
  • subject matter
  • substance
  • information
  • info


  • accumulation
  • accusal
  • accusation
  • aggregation
  • assemblage
  • cognition
  • collection
  • content
  • information measure
  • knowledge
  • message
  • noesis
  • subject matter
  • substance


  • accounting data
  • acquaintance
  • ammunition
  • arcanum
  • background
  • background knowledge
  • circumstance
  • condition
  • confirmation
  • consideration
  • conversance
  • conversancy
  • course of study
  • curriculum
  • data format
  • data formatting
  • data point
  • database
  • datum
  • descriptor
  • details
  • evidence
  • example
  • fact
  • factoid
  • familiarity
  • format
  • formatting
  • gen
  • grounds
  • illustration
  • input
  • inside information
  • insider information
  • instance
  • intelligence
  • intelligence information
  • material
  • metadata
  • misinformation
  • news
  • nuts and bolts
  • predictor
  • program
  • programme
  • propaganda
  • raw data
  • read-out
  • readout
  • report
  • report card
  • representative
  • secret
  • skinny
  • stimulant
  • stimulation
  • stimulus
  • stuff
  • syllabus
  • tabular matter
  • tabulation
  • tidings
  • tip-off
  • word




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