

词汇 gun


  • gun
  • guns
  • guns
  • gunning
  • gunned
  • gunned


  • ① 1砲;大砲2枪(来福枪、骑兵枪、步枪等)3猎枪4手枪
    • a gun battle枪战
  • ② 大砲的发射(礼砲、号砲等)
    • a salute of 21 guns二十一响礼砲
  • ③ (杀虫剂、药品等的)喷雾器
  • ④[通常用复数形]【英】狩猎队员
    • a party of six guns六名的枪猎队
  • ⑤ 使用手枪的杀手
    • He was a hired gun.他是一名被雇用的枪手。


  • ① 开枪射击(某人)<down>
    • He was gunned down by the robbers.他被那些强盗开枪击倒。
  • ② 【口】开…的节流瓣(throttle)以加快速度
    • He gunned the car up the steep grade.他加快车速上陡坡。


  • ① 放枪;开砲;用枪打猎
    • go gunning去打猎


  • blow guns
    • ① 【口】(风)狂吹,猛吹;刮大风
    • The wind blew great guns.风刮得很猛。
  • bring up [out] one's big guns
    • ① 引介主要的理由或人物,以支持自己的立场
  • give it the gun
    • ① 【口】加快车子(等)的速度
  • go great guns
    • ①[通常用进行式]【口】奋力而成功地进行
  • gun for ...
    • ①[通常用进行式]用枪猎取;追赶(敌人等);搜索
    • ②[通常用进行式]努力求得(地位等)
  • jump the gun
    • ① 【竞赛】赛跑时不等鸣枪而抢先
    • ② 过早行动;过早起步
    • The strike was called for Wednesday, but many steelworkers jumped the gun and did not report for work on Tuesday.罢工定在星期三开始,但是许多钢铁工人提前行动,星期二就不上班了。
  • son of a gun
    • ①[或作you son,当称呼用]【口】老兄(★表亲密)
    • ②[表惊讶、失望等]妈呀;糟了
    • ③ 【俚】混蛋,家伙(现在表轻微的轻蔑或亲密)
    • When is that son of a gun John going to come to visit us? He's neglecting his friends!约翰那混蛋什么时候要来看我?他不要朋友了!
  • spike a person's guns
    • ① 阻止某人攻击;消除对手的力量;使某人无能为力;挫败某人
  • stick to one's guns
    • ① 坚守立场,坚持自己的主张,不屈服
    • I'll stick to my guns on this matter. I'm sure I'm right.在这件事上我绝不让步,我自信我是对的。
  • under the gun
    • ① 在压力之下;受到(…的)压力<with>


  • firearmn.
  • pick off
  • plug
  • shoot
  • accelerator
  • accelerator pedal
  • artillery
  • gas
  • gas pedal
  • grease-gun
  • gun for hire
  • gunman
  • gunslinger
  • heavy weapon
  • hired gun
  • hit man
  • hitman
  • ordnance
  • shooter
  • throttle
  • torpedo
  • triggerman


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • artifact
  • artefact
  • instrumentality
  • instrumentation
  • device
  • instrument
  • weapon
  • arm
  • weapon system
  • gun


  • arm
  • armament
  • discharge
  • firing
  • firing off
  • foot lever
  • foot pedal
  • liquidator
  • manslayer
  • murderer
  • pedal
  • pump
  • shooter
  • shot
  • treadle
  • weapon
  • weapon system


  • Quaker gun
  • ack-ack
  • ack-ack gun
  • air gun
  • air rifle
  • airgun
  • antiaircraft
  • antiaircraft gun
  • breechloader
  • cannon
  • field artillery
  • field gun
  • firearm
  • flack
  • flak
  • four-pounder
  • gas gun
  • minute gun
  • piece
  • pom-pom
  • set gun
  • small-arm
  • spring gun
  • whaling gun




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