

词汇 material


  • material
  • materials
  • material
  • more material
  • most material


  • ① 原料;材料
    • a durable material耐用的材料
    • building materials建材
  • ② (衣服等的)料子
    • There is enough material for two skirts.有足够做两件裙子的料子。
  • ③ 数据
    • We have been collecting material for this dictionary.我们一直在为这本字典收集数据。
  • ④[用复数形]用具,道具
    • writing materials(笔、墨、纸等)文具,写字用具
  • ⑤ 人材
    • He is not university material at all.他完全不是读大学的材料。


  • ①[无比较级]物质(上)的;有形的,具体的
    • a material world物质世界
    • material civilization物质文明
    • a material element要素
  • ②[无比较级]肉体上的;感官上的
    • material comforts使肉体安乐之物
  • ③ 【哲】【逻辑】实质上的(←→formal)
  • ④ 【法律】对判决有影响的,决定性的
    • material evidence重大证据
  • ⑤ 重要的;不可缺的
    • a material factor重要因素
    • The question is not material to the subject.该问题对这个题目并不重要。



material: 指由物质构成的

material damage

physical: 指五官所能辨认的,或可用科学方法测定的(力等)

physical weight [pressure]

corporeal: 指具有具体形状,触摸得到的

corporeal things


matter: 指占有空间的物体或物质

Matter may be gaseous, liquid, or solid.

material: 指可成为物品原料的物质

raw material

substance: 指与形式或外形相对而言的实质或内容

an elastic substance


  • materiallyadv.在物质上,有形地;在实质上;大大地,相当可观地


  • bodilyadj.肉体的
  • concreteadj.具体的
  • equipmentn.装备
  • factn.事实
  • figuresn.数据
  • mattern.物品
  • notesn.笔记
  • referencen.参考数据
  • significantadj.重要的
  • storesn.贮藏品
  • stuffn.材料
  • substancen.物质
  • substantialadj.具体的
  • suppliesn.补给品
  • tangibleadj.实体的
  • tooln.工具
  • vitaladj.重要的
  • accouterment
  • apparatus
  • applicable
  • apposite
  • apropos
  • big
  • consequential
  • considerable
  • corporeal
  • gear
  • germane
  • historic
  • important
  • large
  • materialistic
  • materiel
  • meaningful
  • monumental
  • objective
  • outfit
  • paraphernalia
  • pertinent
  • phenomenal
  • physical
  • relevant
  • rig
  • sensible
  • sensual
  • tackle
  • thing
  • timber
  • turnout
  • cloth
  • fabric
  • real
  • textile


  • insignificantadj.不重要的
  • unimportantadj.不重要的
  • immaterial
  • incorporeal
  • insubstantial


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • matter
  • substance
  • material
  • stuff


  • applicant
  • applier
  • artefact
  • artifact
  • equipment
  • info
  • information
  • substance


  • Aertex
  • Canton flannel
  • Velcro
  • Viyella
  • aba
  • abradant
  • abrasive
  • abrasive material
  • acrylic
  • adhesive
  • adhesive agent
  • adhesive material
  • aggregate
  • alpaca
  • ammunition
  • animal material
  • atom
  • bagging
  • baize
  • ballast
  • basket weave
  • batik
  • batiste
  • bedding
  • bedding material
  • belting
  • bimetal
  • bombazine
  • boucle
  • broadcloth
  • brocade
  • buckram
  • builder
  • bunting
  • calico
  • cambric
  • camel's hair
  • camelhair
  • camlet
  • camo
  • camouflage
  • canopy
  • canvas
  • canvass
  • cashmere
  • cerecloth
  • challis
  • chambray
  • chemical
  • chemical substance
  • chenille
  • chiffon
  • chino
  • chintz
  • coating
  • cobweb
  • color
  • coloring material
  • colour
  • colouring material
  • composite material
  • conductor
  • contaminant
  • contamination
  • copy
  • cord
  • corduroy
  • corpuscle
  • cotton
  • cotton flannel
  • crape
  • crepe
  • cretonne
  • crinoline
  • damask
  • denim
  • detergent builder
  • detritus
  • diamagnet
  • diamante
  • diaper
  • dielectric
  • dimity
  • discharge
  • doeskin
  • drapery
  • duck
  • duffel
  • duffle
  • dungaree
  • durable press
  • dust
  • earth
  • elastic
  • elastomer
  • emission
  • etamin
  • etamine
  • faille
  • felt
  • fiber
  • fibre
  • fill
  • filling
  • flannel
  • flannelette
  • fleece
  • floc
  • floccule
  • fluff
  • foam
  • foulard
  • frieze
  • fustian
  • gabardine
  • georgette
  • gingham
  • grogram
  • grosgrain
  • ground
  • hair
  • haircloth
  • herringbone
  • homespun
  • homogenate
  • hopsack
  • hopsacking
  • horsehair
  • humate
  • imitation leather
  • impregnation
  • insulator
  • jaconet
  • jacquard
  • jean
  • khaddar
  • khadi
  • khaki
  • knit
  • lace
  • lame
  • leatherette
  • linen
  • linsey-woolsey
  • lint
  • lisle
  • litter
  • macintosh
  • mackinaw
  • mackintosh
  • madras
  • marseille
  • mesh
  • meshing
  • meshwork
  • metallic
  • mineral
  • mohair
  • moire
  • molecule
  • moleskin
  • monk's cloth
  • moquette
  • moreen
  • mote
  • motley
  • mousseline de sole
  • muslin
  • nankeen
  • net
  • network
  • ninon
  • nonconductor
  • nylon
  • oilcloth
  • olive drab
  • organza
  • packaging
  • packing
  • packing material
  • paisley
  • panting
  • paper
  • particle
  • particulate
  • particulate matter
  • pepper-and-salt
  • percale
  • permanent press
  • piece of cloth
  • piece of material
  • pilot cloth
  • pina cloth
  • pinstripe
  • pique
  • plaid
  • plant material
  • plant substance
  • plush
  • polyester
  • pongee
  • poplin
  • precursor
  • print
  • quilting
  • radioactive material
  • railing
  • raw material
  • rayon
  • rehash
  • rep
  • repp
  • rind
  • rock
  • roofing
  • sackcloth
  • sacking
  • sailcloth
  • samite
  • sateen
  • satin
  • satinet
  • satinette
  • screening
  • scrim
  • sealing material
  • seersucker
  • serge
  • shag
  • shantung
  • sharkskin
  • sheeting
  • shirting
  • shirttail
  • silesia
  • silk
  • sorbate
  • sorbent
  • sorbent material
  • spandex
  • speck
  • sponge cloth
  • stammel
  • staple
  • stone
  • suede
  • suede cloth
  • suiting
  • swan's down
  • taffeta
  • tammy
  • tapa
  • tapestry
  • tapis
  • tappa
  • tartan
  • terry
  • terry cloth
  • terrycloth
  • thickener
  • thickening
  • ticking
  • toner
  • toweling
  • towelling
  • translucent substance
  • transparent substance
  • trousering
  • tweed
  • twill
  • undercut
  • upholstery material
  • velour
  • velours
  • velvet
  • velveteen
  • vernix
  • vernix caseosa
  • vicuna
  • voile
  • vulcanized fiber
  • wad
  • wadding
  • wash-and-wear
  • waste
  • waste material
  • waste matter
  • waste product
  • watered-silk
  • waterproof
  • web
  • webbing
  • whipcord
  • wincey
  • wire cloth
  • wool
  • woolen
  • woollen
  • worsted
  • yoke




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