释义 |
scale¹/skeɪl//skeɪl/ ★★★★★n. - scales
- scaling
- scaled
- scaled
n- ① 1刻度2(附有刻度的)尺
- the scale of a thermometer温度计的刻度
- the scale on a ruler尺上的刻度
- This ruler has one scale in inches and another in centimeters.这支尺一边有英寸的刻度,另一边有公分的刻度。
- a ruler with a metric scale有公尺刻度的尺
- ② 1(与实物相对的模型、地图、制图等的)比例;缩小[放大]比;(尤指)缩尺2(图表、地图等所加的)缩尺线
- a map on [with] a scale of 1:10,000缩尺一万分之一的地图(★读做one to ten thousand)
- The scale of this map is one inch to 10 miles.这幅地图缩尺为一英寸等于十英里。
- ③ 规模
- The scale of change is enormous.变化的规模很庞大。
- on a large [gigantic, vast] scale大规模地
- on a small scale小规模地
- The plan was very grand in scale.那项计划规模非常宏大。
- Our company's operations are large in scale.我们公司的作业规模很大。
- ⑤ 1阶级;等级2(费用、租金、课税等的)率;等级表;租金表
- He's high [low] on the social scale.他的社会阶级高[低]。
- Our company has a scale of salaries that begins at $9,000 a year and goes up to $60,000.我们公司的薪资表由一年九千美元起始,而上升到六万美元。
- a scale of charges费用[年金、课税]率
- ⑥ 【乐】音阶
- a major [minor] scale长[短]音阶
- She's practicing scales on the piano.她正在钢琴上练习音阶。
vt- ③ (配合…)调整<to>
- We must scale our production plan to actual demand.我们必须按实际需求订我们的生产计划。
短语- out of scale
- scale down [up]
- ① 按比例减少[增加];递减[增];按比例缩小[扩大]
- Their wages were scaled up by 3 percent.他们的工资按百分之三递增。
- to scale
- The plan of the building is not drawn to scale.该建筑物的设计图未按比例绘制。
- a model of an airplane made to scale按比例缩制的飞机模型
同义词- ascendv.攀登
- climbv.攀登
- mountv.登上
scale²/skeɪl//skeɪl/ ★★★★★n. - scales
- scaling
- scaled
- scaled
n- ②[常用复数形]秤
- He placed the meat on the scales.他把肉放在秤上。
- a beam scale秆秤
- a baby scale婴儿秤(用以量婴儿体重者)
- bathroom scales浴室用的体重计
- kitchen scales厨房用的秤(用以秤食物)
- ③[the Scales]【天】天平座;天平宫(=Libra)
vi- ① 有(多少)重量
- He scales 120 pounds.他体重120磅。
短语- hold the scales even
- turn [tip] the scale
- ① 【口】称得(多少)重量(=weigh)<at>
- ② 扭转局势;成为决定性
scale³/skeɪl//skeɪl/ ★★★★★n. - scales
- scaling
- scaled
- scaled
n- ① 1(鱼类、爬虫类等的)鳞2(蝶翅等的)鳞粉
- scrape the scales off [from] a fish刮去鱼鳞
- ⑤ 1【昆】介壳虫(=scale insect)2介壳虫病害
vt- ① 1刮鳞;剥皮;去壳2刮掉(油漆等)
- scale a fish刮鱼鳞
- He scaled off the paint (from the wall).他(由墙上)刮掉油漆。
- ② (由牙齿)清除(齿石)<from>
- scale tartar (from the teeth)(由牙齿)清除齿垢
- ③ 使生水垢(★通常以过去分词当形容词用)
- a heavily scaled water pipes生了厚厚水垢的水管
vi- ① 剥落;脱落
- The paint is scaling off.油漆正在脱落。
短语- remove the scales from a person's eyes
- The scales fall from one's eyes.
- ① 觉悟自己的错误,迷途知返(★出自圣经「使徒行传」)。