

词汇 oil


  • oil
  • oils
  • oils
  • oiling
  • oiled
  • oiled


  • ① 1[指种类时为[C]]油2石油
    • cooking oil烹饪用的油
    • olive oil橄榄油
    • various oils种种油
  • ②[用复数形]油画颜料;油画
    • I like to paint in oils.我喜欢作油画。
  • ③[用复数形](上下连套的)油布衣,防水衣


  • ① 油的;石油的;采自油的
  • ② 用油为燃料的
    • an oil furnace油炉
    • an oil heater石油暖炉


  • ① 涂以油;上油于
    • oil a bicycle给自行车上油
  • ② 浸以油
  • ③ 溶化(脂肪等)


  • ① (脂肪、奶油等)溶化


  • burn the midnight oil
    • ① 熬夜工作,挑灯夜读,开夜车
  • oil a person's palm
    • ① 贿赂某人,向某人行贿
  • pour [throw] oil on troubled waters
    • ① 把油泼在汹涌的水面上(使波浪平静);平息风波,调解争端
  • pour oil on the flame
    • ① 火上加油;煽动
  • smell of the oil
    • ① 有用功的迹象
  • strike oil
    • ① 掘得油矿;找到发财机会;找到所想要的人[物]


  • greasevt.涂以油
  • lubricatevt.上油
  • adulation
  • blandishment
  • blarney
  • flattery
  • incense
  • slaver
  • soft soap
  • anele
  • anoint
  • crude
  • crude oil
  • embrocate
  • fossil oil
  • inunct
  • oil color
  • oil colour
  • petroleum
  • rock oil
  • vegetable oil


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • thing
  • unit
  • building block
  • molecule
  • macromolecule
  • supermolecule
  • lipid
  • lipide
  • lipoid
  • oil


  • edible fat
  • fossil fuel
  • lipid
  • lipide
  • lipoid
  • oil
  • oil paint


  • Chinese wood oil
  • almond oil
  • animal oil
  • babacu oil
  • babassu oil
  • calamus oil
  • camphor oil
  • canola
  • canola oil
  • chaulmoogra oil
  • coconut oil
  • cohune-nut oil
  • cohune fat
  • cohune oil
  • colza oil
  • cooking oil
  • copra oil
  • corn oil
  • cottonseed oil
  • croton oil
  • crude
  • crude oil
  • drying oil
  • essential oil
  • expressed almond oil
  • fatty oil
  • fixed oil
  • flaxseed oil
  • fossil oil
  • fuel oil
  • fusel oil
  • grease
  • groundnut oil
  • heating oil
  • hedeoma oil
  • hydnocarpus oil
  • hyssop oil
  • lemon grass
  • lemongrass
  • lemongrass oil
  • linseed oil
  • lubricating oil
  • madia oil
  • mineral oil
  • motor oil
  • mustard oil
  • neroli oil
  • oil
  • olive oil
  • palm oil
  • peanut oil
  • pennyroyal oil
  • petroleum
  • rape oil
  • rapeseed oil
  • resid
  • residual oil
  • rock oil
  • safflower oil
  • salad oil
  • sassafras oil
  • sesame oil
  • shale oil
  • soyabean oil
  • soybean oil
  • spike lavender oil
  • spike oil
  • stand oil
  • sunflower-seed oil
  • sunflower oil
  • sweet almond oil
  • sweet oil
  • tall oil
  • tung oil
  • volatile oil
  • walnut oil




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