

词汇 lot


  • lot
  • lots
  • lots
  • lotting
  • lotted
  • lotted


  • ① 1签2抽签,抽选
    • cast [draw] lots抽签(决定某事)
    • The lot fell on [to, upon] her.她抽中了签。
    • choose a person by lot以抽签选一个人
  • ② 份儿
    • receive one's lot of an inheritance获得遗产的份儿
  • ③ 运气;命运;身分;处境
    • I'm not happy with my lot.我对我的命运感到不满意。
    • a hard lot恶劣的处境
  • ④ 【美】土地的一块;地皮;用地;电影摄影场
    • a parking lot【美】停车场
    • a building lot建筑用地
  • ⑤ (货物的)一批,一堆;(人)群
    • a tough lot of people不屈不挠的一群人
  • ⑥[a lot;常作lots]1【口】很多(★可用于数或量;但通常在疑问句或否定句中不用此字,而以 many 或 much 代之)2[当副词用]很多,很大
    • There are a lot of [lots of] people in the park.公园里有很多人。
    • She has a lot of money.她有很多钱。
    • Sometimes we have very little rain, but sometimes we have a lot.这儿有时仅下一点点雨,但有时下很多。
    • What a lot!好多啊!
    • I got lots of books from my father.我从父亲那里获得很多书。
    • I have a lot [lots] more.我还有更多更多。
    • You've changed a lot.你变了很多。
  • ⑦ 【口】家伙;东西;玩意
    • a bad lot坏人[东西]
  • ⑧ (商品、拍卖品的)品目编号
    • Lot 359 fetched $2,500.品目编号359号的商品售得2,500美元。


  • ① 将(土地等)划分;分堆;分类<out>
  • ② 分摊;分配


  • lotteryn.彩票,奖券(游戏)


  • all the lot
    • ① 【口】统统,全部<of>
  • by [in] lots
    • ① 分开来,分堆,分批
  • cast in one's lot with ...
    • ① 与…同生共死,与同甘苦
  • the lot
    • ① 【口】统统,全部<of>
    • That's the lot.那就是全部。
  • throw in one's lot with ...
    • ① 与…同生共死,与同甘苦
    • He decided to throw in his lot with them.他决定与他们同甘苦。


  • destinyn.命运
  • doomn.劫数
  • piece of groundn.一块地
  • plotn.一块地
  • sharen.一份
  • tractn.地段
  • abundance
  • admeasure
  • allocate
  • allocation
  • allot
  • allotment
  • allow
  • allowance
  • apportion
  • array
  • assign
  • band
  • barrel
  • batch
  • bevy
  • body
  • breed
  • bunch
  • bundle
  • bushel
  • cast
  • clump
  • cluster
  • clutch
  • collection
  • cut
  • deal
  • description
  • divvy
  • dole
  • fate
  • feather
  • fortune
  • give
  • gob
  • group
  • heap
  • ilk
  • jillion
  • kind
  • kismet
  • knot
  • load
  • manner
  • mass
  • measure
  • measure out
  • mete
  • million
  • mold
  • mountain
  • much
  • multiplicity
  • nature
  • oodles
  • order
  • pack
  • parcel
  • part
  • party
  • passel
  • peck
  • persuasion
  • pile
  • plenty
  • portion
  • power
  • predestination
  • profusion
  • quantity
  • quantum
  • quota
  • ration
  • ream
  • scad
  • set
  • sight
  • slew
  • sort
  • species
  • split
  • stamp
  • stripe
  • trillion
  • type
  • variety
  • wad
  • wealth
  • world
  • zillion
  • Lot
  • administer
  • caboodle
  • circle
  • circumstances
  • deal out
  • dish out
  • dispense
  • distribute
  • dole out
  • draw
  • flock
  • good deal
  • great deal
  • hatful
  • luck
  • mess
  • mete out
  • mickle
  • mint
  • muckle
  • parcel out
  • pot
  • quite a little
  • raft
  • shell out
  • spate
  • stack
  • tidy sum


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • measure
  • quantity
  • amount
  • indefinite quantity
  • large indefinite quantity
  • large indefinite amount
  • batch
  • deal
  • flock
  • good deal
  • great deal
  • hatful
  • heap
  • lot
  • mass
  • mess
  • mickle
  • mint
  • mountain
  • muckle
  • passel
  • peck
  • pile
  • plenty
  • pot
  • quite a little
  • raft
  • sight
  • slew
  • spate
  • stack
  • tidy sum
  • wad


  • accumulation
  • aggregation
  • assemblage
  • collection
  • condition
  • large indefinite amount
  • large indefinite quantity
  • object
  • parcel
  • parcel of land
  • physical object
  • piece of ground
  • piece of land
  • social group
  • tract


  • Four Hundred
  • bad luck
  • building site
  • camp
  • car park
  • car pool
  • clique
  • cohort
  • company
  • confederacy
  • conspiracy
  • coterie
  • deluge
  • failure
  • flood
  • good fortune
  • good luck
  • haymow
  • horsey set
  • horsy set
  • ill luck
  • ingroup
  • inner circle
  • inundation
  • jet set
  • luckiness
  • misfortune
  • pack
  • park
  • parking area
  • parking lot
  • party
  • providence
  • torrent
  • tough luck
  • vacant lot




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