

词汇 model


  • model
  • models
  • models
  • modeling/modelling
  • modeled/modelled
  • modeled/modelled


  • ① 1模型,雏型,原型;设计图2[通常用单数形]【英】酷似的人[物]<of>
    • a model of an airplane飞机模型
    • a clay [wax] model for a statue雕像的黏土[蜡制]模型
  • ② 模范,范例<of>
    • He is a model of diligence.他是勤勉的榜样。
  • ③ 1(艺术家、文学作品等的)模特儿2时装模特儿;穿衣向顾客展示或示化粧品用法的模特儿
    • She was one of Rossetti's favorite models.她是罗塞蒂的得意模特儿之一。
    • She's a former fashion model.她从前是位时装模特儿。
  • ④ 【英】(像模特儿所穿的)衣服,服装
  • ⑤[附有修饰语](服装、汽车等)…型
    • a new model新型,新款式
    • My car is last year's model.我的车子是去年的款式。


  • ① 1作成模型2塑造,赋与形体<in>3作成…形(★常以过去分词当形容词用)
    • They were modeling teapots in clay.他们用黏土塑制茶壶。
    • a beautifully modeled figure构造美丽的身裁
  • ② (照某型)制作,倣制,倣效<on, upon, after>
    • He modeled the design of the building on classical Greek forms.他倣照古典希腊的形式制作那栋建筑物的设计。
    • I tried to model myself on [upon] the governor.我努力效法州长。
    • The garden was modeled after a Chinese garden.那座花园是以一座中国花园为模型而设计的。
  • ③ 穿(衣服)展示
    • She modeled evening gowns.她穿晚礼服展示。


  • ① 模型的
    • a model car [train]模型汽车[火车]
  • ② 模范的,典型的
    • a model citizen模范公民
    • a model school(教学法等的)模范学校
    • a model student模范生
    • a model home(宣传用公开展示的)模范之家
    • a model mother模范母亲


  • ① (以黏土等)制作模型[雏型]<in>
    • model in clay用黏土制作模型
  • ② 当模特儿
    • She modeled for a living.她以当模特儿维生。
    • She models for an illustrator.她为一位插图画家当模特儿。


model: 指人或物因为优秀而被认为有加以模倣的价值[必要]者

a model of letter-writing

example: 指不论好坏,可作为某人的榜样或警告的人、行为或事物

a good [bad] example to the children

pattern: 指值得完全模倣或追随的优良典型的蓝本或作法等

Our constitution is a pattern for peaceful nations.

ideal: 指成为努力目标的理想的人或物;尤指仅存于心中的理想形象

an ideal of chivalry


  • after [on] the model of ...
    • ① 以…为模范


  • buildv.建造
  • castv.铸造
  • copyn.拷贝品
  • displayv.展示
  • fashionv.使成形状
  • formv.形成
  • idealn.理想
  • miniaturen.缩小型
  • mirrorn.借镜
  • moldv.塑造
  • representationn.雕像
  • shapev.塑造
  • showv.展示
  • standardn.标准
  • typen.
  • archetypal
  • archetypic
  • archetypical
  • beau ideal
  • classic
  • classical
  • emulate
  • example
  • exemplar
  • exemplary
  • follow
  • imitate
  • paradigm
  • paradigmatic
  • pattern
  • perfect
  • prototypal
  • prototypic
  • prototypical
  • quintessential
  • representative
  • supreme
  • typic
  • typical
  • fashion model
  • framework
  • good example
  • manakin
  • manikin
  • mannequin
  • mannikin
  • mock up
  • modeling
  • modelling
  • mould
  • pose
  • poser
  • posture
  • role model
  • simulate
  • simulation
  • sit
  • theoretical account


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • content
  • cognitive content
  • mental object
  • idea
  • thought
  • concept
  • conception
  • construct
  • hypothesis
  • possibility
  • theory
  • model
  • theoretical account
  • framework


  • assistant
  • form
  • help
  • helper
  • hypothesis
  • ideal
  • internal representation
  • kind
  • leader
  • mental representation
  • possibility
  • representation
  • sort
  • supporter
  • theory
  • variety


  • Copernican system
  • M-theory
  • Ptolemaic system
  • apotheosis
  • archetype
  • artist's model
  • beaut
  • beauty
  • computer simulation
  • dressmaker's model
  • epitome
  • fashion arbiter
  • figure
  • globe
  • guide
  • holotype
  • ideal
  • image
  • loadstar
  • lodestar
  • mean sun
  • microcosm
  • mock-up
  • nonesuch
  • nonpareil
  • nonsuch
  • original
  • pacemaker
  • pacesetter
  • paradigm
  • paragon
  • pattern
  • photographer's model
  • pilot
  • planetarium
  • prefiguration
  • prodigy
  • prototype
  • restoration
  • roughcast
  • saint
  • simulation
  • sitter
  • stochastic process
  • string theory
  • supermodel
  • taste-maker
  • template
  • templet
  • trend-setter
  • type specimen




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