

词汇 decide


  • decides
  • deciding
  • decided
  • decided


  • ① 决定,决心,决意
    • He decided to get married.他决定结婚。
    • She decided not to go abroad.她决定不出国。
    • He decided that he'd leave.他决心离开。
    • It has been decided that the meeting shall be held next week.已经决定下周举行会议。
    • He has decided where he should go [what he will do].他已决定他应该去哪里[要做什么]。
    • He could not decide which way to go.他无法决定走哪一条路好。
  • ② 使(某人)决定,使决心
    • What finally decided him to go?是什么终于使我下定决心?(★后面省略了不定词)
    • What decided him against buying that house?是什么使他决定不买那栋房子?
  • ③ 解决(论点等);判定(胜负);【法律】判决
    • It's for you to decide the issue.=The issue is for you to decide.这个问题要由你来解决。
    • The battle decided the war.那场战役决定了战争的胜负。
    • The case is to be decided by the Supreme Court.那个案件要由最高法院来判决。
    • The judge decided the case for [against] the defendant.法官对该案做了有利[不利]于被告的判决。


  • ① 决定,决心,决意
    • Finally she decided on what dress to wear.她终于决定要穿哪件衣服。
    • I've decided on buying a new computer.我已决定买一部新电脑(★比I've decided to buy a new computer.的说法语意更强)。
    • We decided against a vacation in Thailand.我们决定不去泰国度假。
    • He decided not to help her.他决定不帮助她。
    • It is difficult to decide between the two careers.在这两个事业之间很难抉择。
    • He hasn't decided about the date of departure.他还没有决定出发的日期。
  • ② 判决
    • The judge decided against [for, in favor of] the plaintiff.法官判决原告败诉[胜诉]。


decide: 暗示对于引起怀疑、踌躇、辩论或争执的事情先考虑过,才达成结论或决定今后行动的路线

determine: 暗示明确地把decide过的事情的形式、性质、用法、范围等详细决定,并且一旦决定就不再变更

Our college decided on a series of lectures but the speakers and the dates are not yet determined.

settle: 暗示经由仲裁或调停达成最后的结论,或指疑惑与纷争终于获得解决

The United Nations settled the dispute between the two nations.

conclude: 指经过慎重的调查或推理之后才决定或提出结论

The police concluded that he was murdered.

resolve: 指明白表示有坚强的决心去实行或戒除

He resolved to give up smoking.


  • decidedadj.显然的,明确的
  • decisionn.决心,决定
  • decisiveadj.决定性的


  • adjudicatevt./vi.判决
  • clinchvt.决定
  • determinevt.决定
  • fixv.决定
  • judgev.决定
  • resolvev.决定
  • rulev.决定
  • settlevt./vi.决定
  • adjudge
  • arbitrate
  • conclude
  • decree
  • referee
  • umpire
  • make up one's mind


  • debate
  • deliberate




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