

词汇 mean


  • means
  • meaning
  • meant
  • meant


  • ① 有…的意义,代表,意味,表示…的意思;用意
    • What does "chauvinism" mean?「沙文主义」是什么意思?
    • Those clouds mean rain.那些云是雨的前兆。
    • Anyone can be a writer. And I do mean anyone.任何人都可以当作家,而我的确指任何人。
    • Missing the train means waiting for an hour.赶不上火车就表示得等一个小时。
    • I mean what I say.=I mean it.我这话是当真的(不是说着玩儿的)。
    • I know what you mean.我知道你的意思。
    • What did your silence mean?你沉默是什么意思?
    • What did he mean by "gentleman"?他所谓「绅士」是什么意思?
    • She meant it for [as] a joke.她只是开了一个玩笑。
    • this sign means that the road is blocked.这标识表示此路不通。
    • I don't mean that you are a hypocrite.我并不是说你是个伪君子。
  • ② 对…意义(重大、不大等),对…(很有或没有)重要性
    • Money means nothing [everything] to me.钱对我而言毫无意义[非常重要]。
    • Your sympathy will mean a great deal to him.你的同情对他来说非常重要。
  • ③ 打算(做);预定,计划;意欲;拟(将…用于某种用途)
    • mean mischief居心叵测
    • She meant you no harm.=She meant no harm to you.她对你并无恶意。
    • I meant this picture for him.我这幅画画的是[想送给]他。
    • He was meant for [to be] a doctor.他是注定做医生的。
    • I certainly mean them to send it back to me.我当然是要他们把它送还给我。
    • Is this figure meant to be a 9 or a 7?这数字是算是9还是7?
    • We admire the ambition of one who means to be a great man.对有志于做伟人者我们佩服其抱负。
    • You don't mean to say so!你不是存心要这么说的吧!


  • ① 意欲,怀意
    • I'm sure he means well.我确信他是善意的。
    • I know he meant ill in doing so.我知道他这么做是怀有恶意的。
    • She meant well by [to, toward] you.她对你怀好意。


intend: 指做或说某件事的意愿

I intend to call on her.




mean: 没有intend那种强烈的意图,指心中想要,为一般的用语

He always means to be kind to the old people.

plan: 指思考计划等

He planned a trip to America.

design: 尤指细心计划,有慎重行事之意

The test was designed to get new data.

propose: 指公开表明意图;为征求他人意见或承认,而表示有明确的意图

They proposed to fight to the last.


当「表示、意味」之意的 mean 作【+V-ing】,当「打算」之意的 mean 作【+-V】或【+受+to-V】:

That means risking your life.


I mean to wait for him.


I didn't mean you to do it.


最后一句中不可加 for 而说成I didn't mean for you to do it.


  • have in mindvt.企图
  • implyvt.暗示
  • planvt.计划
  • signifyvt.有…的意义
  • stand forvt.代表
  • suggestvt.提示
  • symbolizevt.象征
  • wantvt.想要
  • wishvt.希望


  • mean
  • meaner
  • meanest


  • ① (才能等)平庸的,普通的
    • a person of mean intelligence才智平庸的人
  • ② 卑贱的;寒微的
  • ③ 卑劣的,低俗的,卑鄙的;小气的,贪利的
    • a mean man卑劣的男人
    • a mean motive卑鄙的动机
    • It was mean of you to eat all the food.=You were mean to eat all the food.把全部的食物都吃掉真是卑鄙。
    • It was mean of him not to give the waiter a tip.=He was mean not to give the waiter a tip.他没给侍者小费真是小气[吝啬]。
    • He's very mean about [over, with] money.他对金钱很吝啬。
    • He was mean to his children.他对子女很恶劣。
  • ④ (环境、衣着等)龌龊的,鄙陋的,脏乱的
    • a mean slum area脏乱的贫民区
  • ⑤ 不怀好意的;(狗、马等)难控制的
    • Don't be so mean to your little brother.不要对你弟弟这么不怀好意。
  • ⑥ 【美口】惭愧的,不好意思的;心情不好的
    • feel mean觉得惭愧[不好意思];心情不好
  • ⑦ 【美俚】困难的
    • a mean problem to solve难以解决的问题
  • ⑧ 【美俚】有技巧的,高明的,美妙的
    • She played a mean game of bridge.她打桥牌打得很高明。


mean: 指小器,卑劣而品行可鄙的

a mean attempt to cheat him

low: 指下流粗野或堕落卑劣的,意味比mean强

low taste [talk]

base: 指只顾自己而卑怯、缺乏道德的;意味比ignoble强

a base motive to betray one's friend

ignoble: 指卑鄙的,缺乏品性或知性的

an ignoble purpose

abject: 严格而言,指低贱而不知自尊的

an abject liar

vile: 指邪恶[卑劣]令人作呕的

a vile thought


  • meanlyadv.贫乏地;寒酸地;下流地;卑劣地;吝啬地
  • meannessn.贫乏;下流;卑劣;吝啬


  • have a mean opinion of ...
    • ① 轻视,轻蔑
    • He has a mean opinion of himself.他很自卑。
  • no mean
    • ① 不差的
    • He is no mean musician.他是个不凡的音乐家。
    • The task requires no mean courage.那件事需要相当的勇气。


  • abjectadj.卑微的
  • ignobleadj.卑鄙的


  • compassionateadj.充满怜悯的
  • excellentadj.优良的
  • generousadj.慷慨的
  • gentleadj.温柔的
  • goodadj.好心的
  • highadj.高级的
  • kindadj.仁慈的
  • liberaladj.大方的
  • splendidadj.绝佳的
  • superbadj.极佳的
  • superioradj.优等的
  • sweetadj.甜美的
  • sympatheticadj.同情的


  • mean
  • means


  • ①[用复数形]→means
  • ② 1(两端的)中央;中等2中庸
    • Eight hours is a happy mean between too much sleep and too little.八小时睡眠恰到好处,既不太多,也不太少。
    • There is a mean in all things.凡事都有中庸之道。
  • ③ 【数】平均;平均值
    • The mean of 3, 5 and 7 is 5.三、五、七的平均数是五。
  • ④[逻辑]中名辞,媒辞
  • ⑤ 【乐】中音部(alto或tenor)


  • ① (时间)介乎中间的
  • ② 中庸的;平庸的
  • ③ 平均的
    • the mean temperature平均温[高]度


  • in the mean time [while]
    • ① 于其时,于此际;另一方面




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