

词汇 party


  • party
  • parties
  • parties
  • partying
  • partied
  • partied


  • ① (政治上的)党,党派,政党
  • ② (社交性的)会,集会,聚会,派对
    • a birthday party生日聚会
    • a Christmas party耶诞节聚会
    • They gave a farewell party for him.他们为他举行欢送会。
    • give [have, hold,【口】throw] a party举办聚会,宴客
    • go to a party参加聚会
  • ③[集合用法]1一行人,团,队2(负有特别任务的)队;分遣队;部队
    • a sightseeing party=a party of tourists=a party of sightseers观光团
    • Mr. Brown and his party=Mr. Brown's party布郎先生(及其)一行人
    • The whole party was [were] tired and hungry.全队人都疲乏而饥饿。
    • a rescue party后援队
    • a search party搜索队
  • ④ 1关系人,当事人2(电话的)对方3【法律】当事人,一方
    • the parties concerned有关的各方
    • an interested party利害关系者
    • a third party第三者
    • be [become] a party to ...与…发生关系,参与(坏事等)
    • Go ahead. Your party's on the line.请通话,对方已接通了(★电话接线生的用语)。
    • the guilty party犯罪的一方,犯人
  • ⑤ 【口】人(=person)
    • an amusing party有趣的人


  • ① 聚会(用)的
    • a party dress宴会服装
  • ② 政党的,党派的;派阀的
    • the party system政党组织
    • the party leader党魁


  • ① 【口】开宴会招待;参加宴会


company: 为最普通的用语,指为各种目的而聚结的一群人

troop: 系由一群人组成而一体的单位

band: 是为某共同目标或某特殊工作而聚集一起,人数较少的company

party: 乃是为某共同目标暂时相聚的一小群人

circle: 为同好或同道的集团


  • alliancen.同盟
  • bandn.
  • celebrationn.庆祝会
  • factionn.党派
  • forcen.
  • gangn.
  • gatheringn.聚会
  • get-togethern.聚会
  • groupn.团体
  • leaguen.联盟
  • participantn.参加者
  • teamn.
  • actor
  • affair
  • array
  • bash
  • batch
  • being
  • bevy
  • bloc
  • body
  • bunch
  • bundle
  • cartel
  • clump
  • cluster
  • clutch
  • coalition
  • collection
  • combination
  • combine
  • company
  • corps
  • creature
  • do
  • festivity
  • fete
  • function
  • gala
  • homo
  • human
  • human being
  • individual
  • knot
  • life
  • lot
  • man
  • mortal
  • occasion
  • person
  • personage
  • player
  • ring
  • set
  • soiree
  • soul
  • troop
  • troupe
  • political party


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • social group
  • organization
  • organisation
  • party
  • political party


  • affair
  • band
  • circle
  • function
  • individual
  • lot
  • mortal
  • occasion
  • organisation
  • organization
  • person
  • set
  • social affair
  • social function
  • social gathering
  • social occasion
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul


  • American Federalist Party
  • American Labor Party
  • American Party
  • Anti-Masonic Party
  • Black Panthers
  • Bull Moose Party
  • Communist Party
  • Conservative Party
  • Constitutional Union Party
  • Democratic-Republican Party
  • Democratic Party
  • Dixiecrats
  • Farmer-Labor Party
  • Federal Party
  • Federalist Party
  • Free Soil Party
  • GOP
  • Gironde
  • Green Party
  • Greenback Party
  • Guomindang
  • Jane Doe
  • John Doe
  • Know-Nothing Party
  • Kuomintang
  • Liberal Democrat Party
  • Liberal Party
  • Liberty Party
  • Militant Tendency
  • National Socialist German Workers' Party
  • Nazi Party
  • Opposition
  • People's Party
  • Populist Party
  • Progressive Party
  • Prohibition Party
  • Republican Party
  • Richard Roe
  • Social Democratic Party
  • Socialist Labor Party
  • Socialist Party
  • States' Rights Democratic Party
  • Whig Party
  • assignee
  • assignor
  • bash
  • birthday party
  • brawl
  • bun-fight
  • bunfight
  • ceilidh
  • cocktail party
  • contractor
  • dance
  • dinner
  • dinner party
  • do
  • fatigue party
  • feast
  • fete
  • fete champetre
  • fiesta
  • garden party
  • hen party
  • house party
  • housewarming
  • intervenor
  • jolly
  • labor party
  • labour party
  • landing party
  • lawn party
  • litigant
  • litigator
  • mask
  • masque
  • masquerade
  • masquerade party
  • mixer
  • open house
  • party to the action
  • party to the transaction
  • reception
  • rescue party
  • reunion
  • reversioner
  • search party
  • shindig
  • shindy
  • shower
  • slumber party
  • smoker
  • sociable
  • social
  • soiree
  • stag party
  • stretcher party
  • tea party
  • third party
  • tort-feasor
  • tortfeasor
  • vouchee
  • war party
  • wedding
  • wedding party
  • whist drive




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