

词汇 on




  • ①[表支持、接触、附属]在…上,盖着,属于
    • I have no money on me.我身上没有带钱。
    • There's a letter on the desk.桌上有一封信。
    • There are boats on the river.河上有一些船。
    • He worked on a farm.他在一个农场工作。
    • I met her on the street.我在街上遇到她。
    • crawl on hands and knees [on all fours]匍匐而行
    • My dog is on a chain.我的狗拴着链子。
    • There's a fly on the ceiling.天花板上有一只苍蝇。
    • He put a bell on the cat.他把铃系在猫身上。
  • ②[表动作的方向]1向…;朝着…2[表不利]对…
    • He hit me on the head.他打我的头。
    • march on Paris向巴黎前进
    • go [start, set out] on a trip出发旅行
    • turn one's back on ...背向…;背弃…
    • leave a card on a person留名片给某人
    • trespass on a person's kindness叨扰某人
    • The storm was on them.他们碰上了暴风雨。
    • Once again Christmas is on us.圣诞节又接近了。
    • The joke was on him.那个玩笑是对着他开的。
    • The light went out on us.使我们感到困扰的是电灯熄灭了。
    • She hung up on him.她冲着他挂断电话。
    • Tom walked out on his wife.汤姆离弃了太太。
  • ③[表关系、从事、影响]关于…;影响到…;从事…
    • Write a critical essay on Hemingway.写一篇有关海明威的评论文。
    • a book on geography地理书
    • keen on ...热心于…
    • take notes on a lecture给演讲做笔记
    • He is on the committee.他是委员会的一员。
    • The police are on a murder case.警方在办一件谋杀案。
    • go on an errand出差,跑差事
    • on business因商务,有事
    • on one's [the] way home [to school]在回家[上学]的途中
    • I congratulate you on your victory.我恭喜你胜利。
    • You have no compassion on me.你对我没有怜悯之意。
    • The heat told on her.她中了暑。
  • ④[表接近、方向]接近;沿…,向…
    • a house on the lake湖畔的房子
    • the countries on the Pacific太平洋沿岸的国家
    • On my left was a pond.在我左边是一个池塘。
  • ⑤[表基础、原因、理由等]依据…,照…,靠…,由于…
    • act on a plan照计划行动
    • Sheep live [feed] on grass.羊以草为食。
    • The movie is based on the novel.那部电影是根据那本小说(拍)的。
    • on equal terms以平等的条件
    • on condition that ...条件为…
    • On what ground ...?凭什么理由…?
  • ⑥[表日、时]在…;和…同时;一…就
    • on Sunday在星期日
    • on July 4=on the 4th of July在七月四日
    • on and after the 10th在十号以后
    • on the morning of July 4在七月四日早上
    • on that evening在那个晚上
    • on a rainy day在一个下雨的日子
    • on arrival在到达的时候
    • On arriving in Taipei, I called him up on the phone.到了台北,我就打电话给他。
  • ⑦[表方法、状态]
    • His car runs on electricity.他的车子以电推动。
    • They completed the project on budget.他们按预算完成那项计划。
    • on the quiet秘密地,偷偷地
    • on fire燃烧着,着火
    • on strike在罢工中
    • on the move动着,在进展
    • a bird on the wing飞行中的鸟
  • ⑧[表手段、器具]藉…,由…,从…
    • She cut her finger on a knife.她的手指受了刀伤。
    • drunk on wine喝醉
    • She played a piece of music on the piano.她以钢琴弹奏了一首曲子。
    • I heard the news on the radio.我在收音机上听到那消息。
    • I saw him on television.我在电视上看到他。
  • ⑨[表累积、添加]加上
    • millions on millions (of stars)千百万(的星星)
    • loss on loss一再的损失
  • ⑩ 【口】由…支付,归…负担
    • Dinner is on me.餐费由我付。
    • The drinks were always on him.酒钱总是由他付。
  • ⑪ 1接受(药物治疗等)2常用(麻醉药等)
    • She's on medication.她在接受药物治疗。
    • go on a diet开始作饮食疗法;开始节食
    • She's on drugs.她吸毒[她有毒瘾]。
    • She's on pills of various kinds.她常服用各种药丸。


  • ①[表接触、覆盖]在上,附着
    • Please sew the buttons on.请把那些扣子缝上去。
    • cling [hang, hold] on依附,攀住,握住
    • keep one's hat on戴着帽子
    • She put her raincoat [shoes] on.她穿上她的雨衣[鞋子]。
    • put [try] on a coat穿上[试穿]上衣(★受词为代名词时的词序为: put [have] it on)
    • He had his overcoat on.他穿着大衣。
    • She had on too much make-up.她涂了太浓的化妆品。
    • On with your hat!把帽子戴上!
  • ②[表动作的方向、继续、进行、预定]向前;向着;进行着;继续着;【棒球】在垒上
    • farther on再向前
    • later on后来,过些时
    • from that day on从那天以后
    • bring on带来
    • come on来临,接近
    • go on进行
    • He went on talking.他继续谈话。
    • Go on with your story.继续说你的故事。
    • work on继续工作
    • She read on.她继续阅读。
    • put the clock on将时钟拨前
    • There was a man standing near and looking on with interest.有一个人站在附近津津有味地旁观。
    • I have nothing on tomorrow.我明天没事儿。
    • The play is on.那出戏正在上演。
    • What's on?发生了什么事?在上演什么?
    • The war was on then.那时战争正在进行。
  • ③[表流通]通着,流着,使用中
    • Is the gas on or off?瓦斯开着还是关着?
    • turn on the water打开自来水
    • The television is on.电视机开着。
  • ④ 【口】赞成;乐意参加
    • I'm on!我赞成


  • ① 【板球】(打者的)左前方(←→off)



(1)大体上on多用于口语中;一般来说, upon带有较重的语气,尤其是与动词连用而落于句尾时,往往用upon:

a chair to sit upon


(2)在某些情况,有时可以看出on较强调状态, upon则较强调动作:

A large dictionary lay on the floor and the little cat jumped upon it.



  • and so on
    • ① 等等
    • We discussed religion, philosophy, history, and so forth [on].我们讨论了宗教、哲学、历史等。
  • it is not on
    • ① 那是不可能的
  • off and on
    • ① 不时地,断断续续地(=on and off)
  • on and off
    • ① 不时地,断断续续地
    • He worked on and off.他断断续续地工作。
  • on and on
    • ① 不停地,继续地
    • They talked on and on.他们不停地谈。
  • on to ...
    • ① 到…之上(参照onto)
    • ② 【美口】精通(某事等),熟悉,知晓


  • along


  • offn.(打者的)右前方




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