

词汇 once




  • ① 一次,一回;一倍
    • once a week一周一次
    • I've been there once.我到过那里一次。
    • I met him only once.我只遇见过他一次。
  • ②[用于否定句]一次也(不…)
    • I haven't met him once.我一次也没遇见过他。
  • ③[用于条件或表时间的副词子句]一旦;只要;曾经
    • when [if] once he agrees一旦他同意
    • Once bit [bitten], twice shy.【谚】一回上当二回乖;上一次当,学一次乖。
  • ④[通常与过去式的动词同用]昔日,从前(★发音时不强调)
    • Once there lived a fisherman.从前那住着一个渔夫。
    • She was once very poor.她从前很穷。
    • There was once a dwarf.从前有一个侏儒。
    • a once-famous singer一位从前很有名的歌手


  • ① 一旦,一经;一…就…
    • Once the sun had set, he went home.太阳一下山,他就回家。
    • Once inside her apartment, she locked the door.她一进到她的公寓就锁门。


  • ① 从前的,以前的
    • my once enemy我以前的敌人


  • ① 一次,一回
    • Once is enough.一次就够了。


  • all at once
    • ① 突然,忽然(=suddenly)
    • ② 同时,一同
    • They spoke all at once.他们都同时说话。
  • at once
    • ① 马上,立刻
    • ② 同时
    • I can't do two things at once.我不能同时做两件事。
  • at once ... and ...
    • ① 既…又…
    • Their teacher is at once strict and kind.他们的老师既严格又仁慈。
  • for once
    • ① 至少一次
    • I wish for once in my life to visit Paris.我盼望一生中至少有一次去访问巴黎。
  • for this [that] once
    • ① 只这[那]一次,就这[那]一回
    • I'll forgive you for this once.我只这一次原谅你。
  • more than once
    • ① 不只一次地,再三地
    • I have warned him more than once.我已再三警告他。
  • once again [more]
    • ① 再一遍
    • Please sing it once again [more].请再唱一遍。
  • once and again
    • ① 一而再
    • He has missed the 6:30 train once and again.他好几次都没有赶上六点半的火车。
  • once for all
    • ① 限此一次,断然地
    • He decided to give up gambling once for all.他决定断然戒赌。
  • once in a while [way]
    • ① 偶尔,有时
    • I go to the movies once in a while.我偶尔去看电影。
  • once or twice
    • ① 一两次,几次
    • I have read the novel once or twice.这本小说我读了几遍了。
  • once upon a time
    • ①[用于童话的开头]从前
    • Once upon a time there was a giant.从前有一个巨人。


  • formerlyadv.一度
  • aforetime
  • already
  • before
  • beforetime
  • earlier
  • erstwhile
  • former
  • late
  • old
  • onetime
  • past
  • previous
  • previously
  • quondam
  • sometime
  • whilom
  • at one time
  • erst
  • in one case
  • one time




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