

词汇 price


  • price
  • prices
  • prices
  • pricing
  • priced
  • priced


  • ① 价格,价钱;物价
    • The price of vegetables has risen steeply.蔬菜的价格猛涨。
    • Gold will continue to drop in price.金价将继续下跌(★in price无冠词)。
    • a fixed [set] price固定价格
    • This painting will fetch a high price.这幅画将卖得高价。
    • get a good price for ...将…卖得好价钱
    • give [quote] a price报价
    • He bought the house at the price asked.他照所开的价钱买下那栋房子。
    • Prices are rising [increasing, going up].物价正在上升。
    • Prices have fallen [gone down] a bit recently.物价最近降了一点儿。
    • What's the price of this hat?这顶帽子价钱多少?(★How much is the price of this hat?是错误的说法)
    • The price of this suit is high [low].这套衣服的价格高[低]。
  • ②[用单数形]代价;牺牲
    • Perseverance is the price of success.坚忍是成功的代价。
  • ③ 1悬赏2收买金
    • have a price on one's head被悬赏缉捕
    • Every man has his price.【谚】任何人都可用某种东西去买通;人人都可利诱。
  • ④ 赌金的比例
    • the starting price赛马即将起跑时赌业者所开的最后的赌金比例


  • ① 定以价格,标以价格(★常用被动式)
    • Some goods at that store are priced higher.那家商店的货品价钱有些定得比较高。
    • The least expensive will be priced at$1,000.最便宜的将定价为一千美元。
  • ② 【口】问…的价钱(★不可用被动式)


price: 指出售商品的价格,尤其是卖主所定的

the price of a camera

charge: 指所索取的费用,尤其是通信、公用事业等的费用

the charge for admission [telephone call]

fare: 主要指搭乘交通工具所付的费用

a taxi fare

cost: 指付给货物或服务、劳力等的金额

the cost of the new building


  • at a price
    • ① 以相当高的价格;以很高的代价
  • at any price
    • ① 不惜任何代价
    • ②[用于否定句]无论如何都(不…),绝(不…)
    • We must carry out this plan at any price.我们必须不惜任何代价实行这项计划。
    • Not at any price will I go there again.我绝不再到那里去。
  • at the price of ...
    • ① 牺牲…;以…为代价
  • beyond price
    • ① 无价的,非常珍重的(=priceless)
    • This old painting is beyond price.这幅古画是无价的。
  • price oneself [one's goods] out of the market
    • ① 定价过高以致销路减少或滞销
  • put [set] a price on a person's head
    • ① 悬赏缉拿或杀死某人
  • put a price on ...
    • ① 给…定价
    • You can't put a price on friendship.你不能给友谊定价。
  • What price ...?
    • ① 【英口】你以为怎么样?有什么用?
    • What price going to the movies tonight?今晚去看电影如何?
    • What price working hard?努力工作有什么用?


  • costn.代价
  • valuen.价值
  • worthn.价值
  • charge
  • expense
  • sacrifice
  • tab
  • toll
  • Leontyne Price
  • Mary Leontyne Price
  • Price
  • damage
  • monetary value
  • terms


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • quality
  • worth
  • value
  • monetary value
  • price
  • cost


  • cost
  • reward
  • value
  • worth


  • asking price
  • assessment
  • average cost
  • bid price
  • cash price
  • closing price
  • death toll
  • differential cost
  • expensiveness
  • factory price
  • highway robbery
  • incremental cost
  • inexpensiveness
  • marginal cost
  • purchase price
  • selling price
  • spot price
  • support level
  • valuation




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