

词汇 child


  • child
  • children


  • ① 1[常作my child,当称呼用]婴儿;小孩;儿童;孩子2无经验的人,幼稚的人
    • The child is (the) father of [to] the man.【谚】从小看大;江山易改本性难移(喻儿时的性格到成年后都不会变)。
    • the eldest [youngest] child长[幼]子
    • an only child独生子[女]
    • His wife gave birth to their first child yesterday.他的太太昨天生下了他们的头一个孩子。
    • He had no children.他没有孩子。
    • My children are all married.我的子女都结婚了。
    • When it comes to money matters, he is still a child.谈到金钱的事,他仍然没有经验。(★有关此字后接的人称代名词用法→baby)
  • ② (远祖的)后裔
    • a child of Abraham亚伯拉罕的后裔,犹太人
  • ③ 弟子,信徒
    • a child of God神的信徒(善男信女)
    • a child of the Devil魔鬼的门徒(恶人)
  • ④ 受某种特殊环境影响而定型的人
    • He is a child of fortune.他是命运的宠儿。
    • a child of nature天真无邪的人
    • a child of sin罪之子,人类
    • a child of the Revolution革命之子
  • ⑤ (某种思想的)产物,结果<of>
    • Electronic music is a child of the 20th century.电辅音乐是二十世纪的产物。


  • ① 儿童的
    • child labor童工
    • child welfare儿童福利
  • ② 身为儿童的
    • a child wife童妻


  • as a child
    • ① 儿时,小时候
    • As a child she wanted to be a singer.小时候她想当歌星。
  • from a child
    • ① 【英】从儿时起,自幼
  • with child
    • ① 怀孕(=pregnant)
    • She is with child again.她又怀孕了。
    • She is great [big] with child.她大腹便便。


  • infantn.孩子
  • juvenilen.孩子
  • babe
  • bairn
  • bud
  • descendant
  • ingnue
  • innocent
  • kid
  • minor
  • moppet
  • naive
  • offspring
  • progeny
  • scion
  • tot
  • youngster
  • baby
  • fry
  • nestling
  • nipper
  • shaver
  • small fry
  • tiddler
  • tike
  • tyke


  • parent


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • causal agent
  • cause
  • causal agency
  • person
  • individual
  • someone
  • somebody
  • mortal
  • soul
  • juvenile
  • juvenile person
  • child
  • kid
  • youngster
  • minor
  • shaver
  • nipper
  • small fry
  • tiddler
  • tike
  • tyke
  • fry
  • nestling


  • descendant
  • descendent
  • individual
  • issue
  • juvenile
  • juvenile person
  • mortal
  • offspring
  • person
  • progeny
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul


  • army brat
  • babe
  • baby
  • bairn
  • bambino
  • buster
  • changeling
  • child prodigy
  • female offspring
  • foster-child
  • foster child
  • fosterling
  • imp
  • infant
  • infant prodigy
  • kiddy
  • kindergartener
  • kindergartner
  • male offspring
  • man-child
  • monkey
  • orphan
  • peanut
  • picaninny
  • piccaninny
  • pickaninny
  • poster child
  • preschooler
  • rapscallion
  • rascal
  • scalawag
  • scallywag
  • scamp
  • silly
  • sprog
  • stepchild
  • street child
  • toddler
  • tot
  • urchin
  • waif
  • wonder child
  • yearling




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