

词汇 salt


/sɔːlt], [sɒlt//sɔːlt/
  • salt
  • salts
  • salts
  • salting
  • salted
  • salted


  • ① 1盐,食盐2盐罐,盐瓶(=saltcellar)
    • sea salt海盐
    • preserve vegetables in salt以盐腌藏蔬菜
    • There is too much salt in the soup.这汤含有太多的盐。
    • Pass (me) the salt please.=Please pass the salt.请把盐递过来(餐桌用语)。
  • ②[用复数形]1嗅盐(=smelling salts)(以碳酸铵为主要成分,用作提神药)2药用盐类(缓泻剂、防腐剂)
    • take a dose of salts吃一服泻药
  • ③ 【化】盐,盐类
  • ④ 提神物;刺激;趣味;机智
    • conversation full of salt富有机智的谈话
    • Dancing is the salt of life to him.对他来说,跳舞是生活的刺激。
  • ⑤[常作old salt]【口】老练的水手


  • ① 1加盐调味;撒以盐2撒盐于(冰冻的马路等)(使冰融化)3给(家畜)盐吃
    • She salted the potatoes lightly.她给那些马铃薯撒了一点点盐。
  • ② 腌制(鱼、肉等)<down, away>
    • salt (down) meat腌制肉类
  • ③ 使(话等)有风趣[趣味]<with>(★通常用被动式)
    • Today's movies are often salted with sex and violence.今天的电影常以性和暴力增添风味。
  • ④ 1虚报(价钱),浮报(帐款等)2把良质矿石[石油]放在矿山[油井]里(以便高价出售矿山或油井)
    • salt prices开虚价,浮报价钱


  • ① 有盐分的,有盐味的,含盐的,咸的
  • ② 盐腌的
    • salt vegetables [pork]腌蔬菜[猪肉]
  • ③ (土地等)浸入海水的;咸水的
    • a salt marsh(海岸的)潮间带沼泽地
    • a salt lake咸水湖


  • above [below] the salt
    • ① 在上[末]席(★昔日餐桌中央摆一个大盐罐(saltcellar),贵宾及长辈就坐上席,陪客及晚辈等分坐末席)
  • eat salt with a person
    • ① 在某人家作客;做某人的食客
  • like a dose of salts
    • ① 【口】(效果像泻药一般)迅速地,很有效率地
  • rub salt in [into] the [a person's] wound
    • ① 加深(某人的)耻辱[悲伤、痛苦(等)]
  • salt away
    • ① 用盐腌藏(★亦作salt down)
    • ② 【口】积蓄(钱财等)
    • He salted away most of his earnings.他把他的收入大部分都积蓄起来。
    • We have some money salted away.我们储蓄了一些钱。
  • take ... with a grain [pinch] of salt
    • ① 对…持保留或怀疑的态度;打着折扣听…
    • She took the report with a grain of salt.她对那项报告持怀疑的态度。
  • the salt of the earth
    • ① 世上的盐,(防止世界腐败的)健全分子,社会的中坚,社会楷模(★出自圣经「马太福音」)
    • You can trust them, for they are the salt of the earth.你可以信赖他们,因为他们是社会的中坚。
  • worth one's salt
    • ①[常用于否定句]称职的,胜任的;值得付薪水的
    • I couldn't find a secretary worth her salt.我找不到一名称职的(女)秘书。


  • bank
  • deposit
  • gob
  • jack
  • jack-tar
  • keep
  • lay aside
  • lay away
  • lay by
  • lay in
  • lay up
  • mariner
  • navigator
  • put by
  • sailor
  • save
  • sea dog
  • seafarer
  • seaman
  • set by
  • sock away
  • tar
  • SALT
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
  • common salt
  • salinity
  • saltiness
  • table salt


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • matter
  • substance
  • material
  • stuff
  • chemical
  • chemical substance
  • compound
  • chemical compound
  • salt


  • chemical compound
  • compound
  • flavorer
  • flavoring
  • flavourer
  • flavouring
  • gustatory perception
  • gustatory sensation
  • seasoner
  • seasoning
  • taste
  • taste perception
  • taste sensation


  • Glauber's salt
  • Glauber's salts
  • acetate
  • acrylate
  • alkali
  • ammonium chloride
  • arsenate
  • benzoate
  • bichromate
  • bile salt
  • borate
  • borosilicate
  • calcium chloride
  • calcium lactate
  • calcium octadecanoate
  • calcium stearate
  • calcium sulfate
  • calcium sulphate
  • carbamate
  • carbonate
  • chlorate
  • chromate
  • chrome alum
  • citrate
  • cream of tartar
  • cyanide
  • dibasic salt
  • dichromate
  • double salt
  • ethanoate
  • ferricyanide
  • ferrocyanide
  • fluoroboride
  • fluosilicate
  • fulminate
  • glutamate
  • halide
  • hypochlorite
  • inorganic phosphate
  • isocyanate
  • lactate
  • manganate
  • microcosmic salt
  • orthophosphate
  • oxalacetate
  • oxalate
  • oxaloacetate
  • perchlorate
  • permanganate
  • phosphate
  • polyphosphate
  • potassium bitartrate
  • potassium bromide
  • potassium chlorate
  • potassium dichromate
  • potassium hydrogen tartrate
  • propenoate
  • pyrophosphate
  • sal ammoniac
  • sal soda
  • salicylate
  • silicate
  • soda
  • soda ash
  • sodium bichromate
  • sodium carbonate
  • sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
  • sodium chlorate
  • sodium dichromate
  • sodium fluoride
  • sulfate
  • sulfonate
  • sulphate
  • tartar
  • tartrate
  • thiocyanate
  • tungstate
  • urate
  • vanadate
  • washing soda
  • xanthate




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