

词汇 want


  • want
  • wants
  • wants
  • wanting
  • wanted
  • wanted


  • ① 1希望有…;要,欲得;欲购2想见(某人),找3想(做…),拟4希望(某人做…),要(某人做…)5[用于否定句]希望(某人不要…),要(某人不做…)(★此处的V-ing为现在分词)6希望(事物被…)7希望(…是…)
    • They want a bigger house.他们希望有一栋更大的房子。
    • I badly want a new watch.我非常希望有新手表(★强调want时,常用badly)。
    • She is always wanting something new.她老是要新的东西。
    • Tell Tom the teacher wants him.告诉汤姆老师要找他。
    • You are wanted on the phone.有人找你听电话。
    • He was wanted by the police for kidnapping.他涉嫌绑票而被通缉(★作此义解时,通常用被动式)。
    • I want to go to Germany.我想去德国。
    • He was asked to resign, but he didn't want to.他被要求辞职,但他不想辞职(★为避免重复to resign,只要用to即可)。
    • She wants me to go with her.她要我陪她去。
    • What do you want me to do?你要我做什么?
    • I can go to the post office, if you want (me to).你要我到邮局去的话,我可以去(★为避免重复,只要保留to而将以下省略;有时可将want以后的部分省略)。
    • I don't want other people watching me all the time.我不要别人一直看着我。
    • I want the work done as quickly as possible.我要那件工作尽快被做好。
    • I want my shirts ironed out.我希望我的衬衫给烫好(★暗示希望比I want my shirts to be ironed out.更迅速的动作)。
    • I want my tea hot, please.请给我热茶。
    • I want everything (to be) ready as soon as possible.我希望尽快把一切准备就绪。
  • ② 1【英】需要…,有…的必要2【口】应该(做…);最好…
    • Your shoes want a good cleaning.你的鞋子需要好好擦一擦。
    • This door wants painting.这门需要油漆。
    • These flowers want watering every day.这些花需要每天浇水(★want的后面接动名词时含有被动之意)。
    • You want to be more careful.你应该更加小心。
    • You don't want to be lazy.你不可懒惰。
  • ③ 1缺少,不足(参照wanting)2(比…)差[不足](…)<of>3[以it为主词](时间)还差(…),还有(…)<to, of, till, until>;(长度)不足(…)<of>
    • He wants common sense.他缺乏常识。
    • The fund wants but a hundred dollars of the sum needed.资金比必要额只差一百美元。
    • It still wants five minutes to nine o'clock.还差五分钟九点。
    • It still wants an hour until [till] noon.到中午还有一小时。
  • ④ 苦于缺乏
    • The refugees want food and shelter.那些难民苦于缺乏食物与住所。


  • ① 想要;希望
    • You may go if you want.你想去的话,可以去。
  • ② 【美口】【苏格】想(进来)<in>;想(出去)<out>
    • The cat wants in [out].那只猫想进来[出去](★此句型为The cat wants to come in [go out].的短缩形)。
  • ③ 缺少,短少,匮乏<for, in>
    • He would never allow his parents to want.他绝不会让父母匮乏。
    • As long as I live, she will never want for anything [she'll want for nothing].只要我活着,她不会缺任何东西。


  • ①[或作a want]缺乏,不足,短缺<of>
    • The plants are dying from want of rain.那些植物因缺雨而逐渐枯萎。
    • Her behavior shows a complete want of common sense.她的行为显示出完全缺乏常识。
  • ② 必要,需要(★通常作in want of ...)
    • She's in want of money.她需要钱。
    • This house is in want of repair.这栋房子需要整修。
  • ③ 贫穷,贫困
    • He lives in want.他生活困苦[三餐不继]。
    • be reduced to want陷于贫困
  • ④[通常用复数形]欲望,所要的事物,所需;(人的)缺点
    • He has only one want-a quiet life.他只有一个欲望-宁静的生活。
    • My wants are few.我的欲望不多。
    • He's a man of few wants.他是个寡欲的人。
    • These will satisfy [supply] our wants.这些可以满足我们的需求。


want: 为表「想要」、「希望」之意的字中,最平常的口语,带有直率的意味

I want money.

desire: 是与want大致同义的正式用语;暗达成目的而努力

He desires a higher post.

wish: 表怀有愿望,用于未来时,不问此愿望是否能够实现,而用于现在或过去时,表未能如愿而感到遗憾

I wish you were her.


poverty: 指从缺乏生活必需品,一直到无法获得娱乐品等种种不同的状态,为表示贫穷或缺乏的意义最广的用语

want, destitution: 均指缺乏食物或住家等最基本生活必需品的极端贫困


  • for want of ...
    • ① 由于缺少…
    • For want of anything better to do, she continued to sleep.因为没有更好的事情可做,她就继续睡觉。
    • The tree died for want of water.那棵树因缺水而死。


  • cravev.渴求
  • destitutionn.贫困
  • lackv.缺少
  • absence
  • ache
  • beggary
  • choose
  • covet
  • dearth
  • demand
  • desire
  • exigence
  • exigency
  • hanker
  • hone
  • impecuniosity
  • impecuniousness
  • impoverishment
  • indigence
  • like
  • long
  • need
  • neediness
  • pant
  • pennilessness
  • penuriousness
  • penury
  • pine
  • please
  • poverty
  • privation
  • require
  • will
  • wish
  • yearn
  • deficiency
  • deprivation
  • wishing


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • condition
  • status
  • financial condition
  • poverty
  • poorness
  • impoverishment
  • privation
  • want
  • deprivation
  • neediness


  • demand
  • desire
  • essential
  • impoverishment
  • necessary
  • necessity
  • need
  • poorness
  • poverty
  • requirement
  • requisite


  • absence
  • dearth
  • deficit
  • famine
  • mineral deficiency
  • shortage
  • shortness
  • stringency
  • tightness
  • velleity




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