

词汇 well


  • well
  • better
  • best


  • ① 很好地,圆满地,令人满意地(←→ill; badly)
    • Did you sleep well last night?你昨晚睡得好吗?
    • She dresses well.她穿得很好。
    • He handled it well.他把那件事情处理得很好。
    • Everything is going well.事情很顺利。
  • ② (在能力方面)很可以地,很好地(←→badly)
    • She speaks French well.她法说得很好。
    • I can't do it well.我不能把它做得很好。
  • ③ 适当地,适切地,妥当地,正好地
    • That's well said.说得好,正是如此。
    • Well done!做得很对[恰当]!
    • Well met!相遇得正好!
  • ④[不比较]1充分地,完全地,好好地2[置于副词(词组)之前]相当地,颇,甚
    • Listen well!注意听!
    • Shake well before using.使用前要好好地摇一摇。
    • a man well over fifty [well into his fifties, well on in his fifties]五十好几岁(将近六十岁)的人
    • a man well up in English literature对英国文学很有造诣的人
  • ⑤[置于主动词之前]1当然地,有理由地;容易地2很可能
    • You may well say so.你很有理由这么说。
    • We might well take a holiday once in a while.偶尔过一个假期也说得过去。
    • You can well do it.你大可以那样做。
    • I can't well do it.我不好那样做。
    • I can't [couldn't] very well refuse.我不好拒绝。
    • It may well be true.那很可能是真的。


  • ① 1健康的,安好的(★作此义解时,用最高级者为【罕】)2[无比较级]【美】健康的
    • I don't feel well.我觉得身体不舒服。
    • She looks quite well.她看起来十分健康。
    • Are you well?你安好吧?
    • "How are you?"-"I'm much better now, thank you."「你好吗?」「我现在好得多了,谢谢你。」
    • He's not a well man.他不是个健康的人。
  • ②[不比较]适当的,适宜的,妥当的
    • It would be well to go home at once.最好马上回家。
  • ③[不比较]令人满意的,圆满的
    • I hope all is well with you.我希望你一切都很好。
    • He's quite well where he is.他非常满足于现在的地位[状况]。
    • It was well you came with me.幸好你跟我一起来。


  • ① 1[表惊讶、怀疑等]2[表放心]
    • Well, who'd have thought it?唉,谁会想得到呢?
    • Well, well!真是!真是!
    • Well, here we are at last!好啦,我们终于[总算]到啦!
  • ② 1[表同意、承诺]2[用于接下去说或改变话题时]3[表让步]4[表预期]5[表放弃]
    • Well, maybe.嗯,大概是。
    • Well, as I was saying ....唔[呃],当时我说到…。
    • Well, but what about the debt?好吧,但债务(的问题)怎样呢?
    • Well, then?那么,然后呢?
    • Well, it can't be helped.算了,这是没办法的事。


在A as well as B结构的名词组中,意义上比较重视A,因此以此种名词组为主词的述语动词,在文法上、形式上应与A一致:

William, as well as his friends, was invited.



healthy: 指精神、肉体上健康,且能经常保持健康状态

He is quite healthy although he has a slight cold at present.

sound: 比healthy更进一步,指完全没有疾病或缺陷而身心健康

well: 指在某特定时间中没有疾病,并未特别指明身体是否强壮

I hope you are quite well.

wholesome, healthful: 均指有助于增进身心健康的


  • as well
    • ① 一样好;另外地(=too; besides)(参照as well as)
    • ② 恐怕应该…,恐怕最好…
    • It may be as well to apologize.恐怕最好道歉。
    • It would be just as well for you to tell her the truth.你恐怕最好告诉她真相。
  • as well as ...
    • ① 与…同样好
    • ② …也同样地;不但…并且
    • He has money as well as fame.他不但有名,而且有钱。
  • be well out of ...
    • ① 得免于…,幸好未(受损失、失败、患病等),安然脱免
    • He is well out of the trouble.他幸好未惹上麻烦。
    • I'm glad to be well out of the job.我很高兴能从这工作脱身。
  • come off well
    • ① (人)过得很好;(事情)顺利
  • do oneself well
    • ① 丰衣足食,生活优裕
  • do well by a person
    • ① 受某人礼遇
    • She has been done well by us.她受到我们的礼遇。
  • do well to-V ...
    • ① 比较好,以…为宜
    • You would do well to remember who is the boss.你最好记住谁是老板。
    • You would do well to buy a computer.你最好买一部电脑。
  • It is all very well, but ...
    • ① 固然可以,但…(★拟表不满、不赞成时的引语)
    • It's all very well (for you) to say that it isn't your business, but you will find it is.你说这与你无关固然可以,但你会发现其实与你有关。
  • may as well V ...
    • ① 不妨…(★语气比had better为弱而委婉)
    • You may (just) as well go home.你不妨回家去。
    • You may just as well tell her the truth.你还是跟她说实话好。
    • One may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.【谚】偷小羊也受绞刑,不如偷大羊;一不做,二不休。
  • may well V ...
    • ① 很有理由…,大可…
    • She may well think so.她很有理由这样想。
  • might as well V ...
    • ① 不妨…,不也可以
    • You might just as well talk to your parents.你不妨跟你父母谈谈(★比You may just as well talk ...更为客气)。
    • You might as well buy me a toy.你买玩具给我,不也可以吗?(小孩的央求语气)。
  • might as well V ... as ...
    • ① 与其…还不如…
    • We might as well pack up and go home as stay here.与其留在这里,我们倒不如打包回家。
    • You might as well stay at home as not [rather than not].你恐怕留在家里比较好。
  • pretty well
    • ① 相当地;颇;十分;很
    • ② 几乎(=almost)
    • ③ (病人等)变得很好[康复];(工作等)顺利
    • "How's he doing?"-"Oh, he's doing pretty well."「他情形怎样?」「喔,相当好。」
  • speak [think] well of ...
    • ① 把…说[想]得很好;称赞;尊重
    • He's spoken well of [well spoken of] by everybody.每个人都称赞他。
  • well and good
    • ① 好,照准,好吧(表接受的情势或决定等)
  • well to do
    • ① 富裕的


  • flowv.
  • fountainn.喷泉
  • fundn.贮存
  • gushv.涌出
  • issuev.冒出
  • minen.丰富的资源
  • pooln.水池
  • pourv.流,泻
  • risev.上升
  • sourcen.来源
  • springn.泉水
  • storen.储积
  • streamv.流出
  • treasuren.宝藏


  • well
  • wells
  • wells
  • welling
  • welled
  • welled


  • ① 水井;(油井等的)井
    • The farmers get their water from a well.那些农民从一口井得到水。
    • an oil well油井
    • sink [bore, dig, drive, drill] a well凿井
  • ② (感情、知识等的)泉源,渊源
    • a well of information知识之泉
  • ③ 井状之洞;漥处;(建筑物的)井孔,楼梯井;(安装电梯的)纵孔
  • ④ (渔船的)养鱼槽
  • ⑤ (钢笔的)筒[蓄水管]
  • ⑥ 【英】(法庭的)律师席


  • ① (液体)流出,涌出<out; from, out of>
    • Blood was welling (out) from the wound.血从伤口涌出来。
  • ② 1涌上来<up>2(液体)溢出<over>
    • Tears welled up in Mary's eyes.玛丽泪如泉涌。


  • goodadj.令人满意的
  • healthyadj.健康的
  • soundadj.健康的
  • strongadj.强壮的


  • feebleadj.孱弱的
  • frailadj.脆弱的
  • illadj.生病的
  • sickadj.生病的
  • unfortunateadj.不幸的
  • weakadj.体弱的
  • wrongadj.有毛病的




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