

词汇 rule


  • rule
  • rules
  • rules
  • ruling
  • ruled
  • ruled


  • ① 1(社会、机关团体等为维持秩序、机能须互相遵守的)规则,规定2(科学、艺术等的)法则,方式;(数学的)规则,解法(★与科学的事实有关的法则用law)
    • the rules of chess西洋棋的规则
    • the rules of the game游戏规则
    • a breach of (the) rules违反规则,犯规
    • If you break the rules, you'll be punished.如果你犯规,你会受到惩罚。
    • bend the rules变通规则
    • stretch the rules扩大规则的适用[解释],特别通融
    • Rules are made to be broken.规则的制定是要让人违反。
    • rules and regulations(琐碎繁杂的)规则与规定
    • It is against the rules to keep pets here.在这里养宠物是违反规定的。
    • In soccer there's a rule that one mustn't touch the ball with one's hands.足球有一条规则说手不能触到球。
    • the rules of grammar文法规则
  • ② 经常之事;习惯;常例,惯例
    • My rule is [It's my rule] to take a walk every morning.每天早上去散步是我的习惯。
    • He makes a rule of eating an apple a day.他按例每天吃一个苹果。
  • ③ 1控制;统治;管理<of>2[附有修饰语]统治期间
    • the rule of force武力统治
    • under military rule在军方统治下
    • during the rule of Queen Victoria在维多利亚女王的统治期间
    • The emperor's rule was harsh.那位皇帝的统治期间是严厉的。
  • ④ 尺;界尺
    • a carpenter's rule曲尺
  • ⑤ 【印刷】嵌线,行线


  • ① 1治理;统治,支配2受(感情等)摆布(★通常用被动式)
    • How long did Queen Victoria rule England?维多利亚女王统治英国多久?
    • He ruled a vast empire with severity.他严厉地统治一个庞大的帝国。
    • Don't be ruled by your feelings.不要受到感情的左右。
  • ② (法院等)判决,裁决
    • The court ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.法庭裁决该证词不可采信。
    • The court ruled the ban (to be) unconstitutional.法庭判决那项禁令违宪。
  • ③ 画线于;以线分隔;画(线)
    • rule a notebook在笔记本上画线
    • rule lines on a piece of paper=rule a piece of paper with lines在一张纸上画线


  • ① 统治;控制;支配(★+over时可用被动式)
    • This land was once ruled over by the French.这个国家从前被法国人所统治。
  • ② 裁决,判决
    • The court will rule on the matter.法庭将裁决此事。
    • The judge ruled against [in favor of] him.法官判他败诉[胜诉]。
  • ③ 【商】(价格等)保持某一程度,维持
    • Prices are ruling high [low].物价一直高[低]。
    • Higher prices ruled throughout France that year.那一年法国全国的物价偏高。


govern: 指行使权力以指导、监督大的组织体

rule: 指具有绝对或专制的权力者,比govern更直接地完全支配,并强制服从

reign: 指持有主权而不管有无实权

administer: 指行政机关管理国事


law: 为表「法律」的一般用语,指依权力所制定者,并含有必须服从之意

statute: 指由立法机构所制定的成文法

rule: 指为了维持特定的秩序或机能,或为了个人的事情等,而相互遵守的规则

regulation: 指为了管理某团体或组织等,由上面所决定的rule


  • rulern.统治者,支配者
  • rulingadj.统治的,支配的,主要的


  • as a rule
    • ① 一般来说;通常(=usually)
    • "Is he dependable?"-"Yes, as a rule."「他可靠吗?」「通常可靠。」
    • As a rule, I get up at seven.我通常七点起床。
  • by rule
    • ① 按照规定
    • It's impossible to do everything by rule.按规定来做每一件事是不可能的。
  • make it a rule to-V ...
    • ① 照例要做…;经常…
    • He makes it a rule to eat an apple every day.他照例每天要吃一个苹果。
  • rule of thumb
    • ① 用拇指计测;大体的做法;经验法
    • As a rule of thumb, you should cook it for 30 minutes.大体来说,你应该将它煮三十分钟。
    • I just do it by rule of thumb.我只是凭经验去做。
  • rule off
    • ① 画线隔开(一栏等)
  • rule out
    • ① 排除(=exclude)
    • ② 使不可能;使行不通
    • The typhoon ruled out the holiday camping.台风使得假日露营不可行。
  • the rule of three
    • ① 【数】比例的运算法则;复比例
  • work to rule
    • ① 【英】以拘泥规则变相怠工
    • ② (工会人员)依法力争


  • administerv.管理
  • commandn.支配
  • commandv.支配
  • concludev.下结论
  • customn.习俗
  • decidev.决定
  • determinev.决定
  • dominionn.治理
  • findv.裁决
  • judgev.判决
  • lawn.法律
  • managev.管理
  • maximn.箴言
  • ordern.命令
  • pass sentence onv.判决
  • practicen.习惯
  • principlen.原则
  • regimen.治理
  • regulatev.规范
  • regulationn.规定
  • reignn.统治
  • resolvev.决断
  • routinen.常规
  • runv.经营
  • settlev.决定
  • sovereigntyn.统治
  • adjudge
  • adjudicate
  • administration
  • arbitrate
  • avert
  • bar
  • boss
  • canon
  • commonplace
  • control
  • count out
  • debar
  • decree
  • dictate
  • direct
  • direction
  • dominance
  • dominate
  • domination
  • domineer
  • edict
  • eliminate
  • except
  • exclude
  • forestall
  • forfend
  • govern
  • governance
  • government
  • institute
  • keep out
  • mastery
  • norm
  • obviate
  • ordinance
  • ordinary
  • precept
  • preclude
  • predominate
  • preponderate
  • prescript
  • prescription
  • prevail
  • prevent
  • referee
  • rubric
  • shut out
  • stave off
  • sway
  • tyrannize
  • umpire
  • usual
  • ward
  • convention
  • formula
  • harness
  • linguistic rule
  • normal
  • pattern
  • rein
  • ruler


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • content
  • cognitive content
  • mental object
  • idea
  • thought
  • concept
  • conception
  • construct
  • rule
  • regulation


  • ascendance
  • ascendancy
  • ascendence
  • ascendency
  • concept
  • conception
  • construct
  • continuance
  • control
  • direction
  • dominance
  • duration
  • generalisation
  • generality
  • generalization
  • instruction
  • law
  • law of nature
  • measure
  • measuring rod
  • measuring stick
  • practice
  • procedure
  • process


  • GIGO
  • Gestalt law of organization
  • Gestalt principle of organization
  • Gresham's Law
  • Huygens' principle of superposition
  • Le Chatelier's law
  • Le Chatelier's principle
  • Le Chatelier-Braun principle
  • Le Chatelier principle
  • Miranda rule
  • Naegele's rule
  • Occam's Razor
  • Ockham's Razor
  • algorithm
  • algorithmic program
  • algorithmic rule
  • bylaw
  • canon
  • carpenter's rule
  • code of behavior
  • code of conduct
  • communications protocol
  • cy pres
  • cy pres doctrine
  • dictate
  • etiquette
  • feng shui
  • foot rule
  • golden rule
  • grammatical rule
  • ground rule
  • guideline
  • guidepost
  • heuristic
  • heuristic program
  • heuristic rule
  • law of parsimony
  • limitation
  • linguistic universal
  • localisation
  • localisation of function
  • localisation principle
  • localization
  • localization of function
  • localization principle
  • mass-action principle
  • mass-energy equivalence
  • mass action
  • metarule
  • meterstick
  • metrestick
  • mores
  • morphological rule
  • order
  • ordinance
  • paramountcy
  • parliamentary law
  • parliamentary procedure
  • pillar
  • precept
  • principle
  • principle of equivalence
  • principle of liquid displacement
  • principle of parsimony
  • principle of superposition
  • protocol
  • raj
  • recursion
  • regency
  • regulation
  • reign
  • restriction
  • rubric
  • rule of cy pres
  • rule of evidence
  • rule of grammar
  • rule of morphology
  • rule of thumb
  • rules of order
  • sovereignty
  • superposition
  • superposition principle
  • suzerainty
  • universal
  • working principle
  • working rule
  • yang
  • yard measure
  • yardstick
  • yin




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