

词汇 allow


  • allows
  • allowing
  • allowed
  • allowed


  • ① 允许,许可(=permit)
    • He jumped up and said, "Allow me."他跳起来说:「让我来(开门等)」
    • I cannot allow such behavior.我不能准许这种行为。
    • Smoking is not allowed here.此地禁止吸烟。
    • Passengers are not allowed to smoke.旅客不准吸烟。
    • I can't allow you to be absent.我不能允许你缺席。
    • Allow me to introduce myself.让我来自我介绍吧。
    • The class was not allowed to leave until the bell rang.班上学生等待钟声响了才准离开。
    • The doorman allowed me in.司阍准许我进去。
    • We are allowed into the room.我们获准进入那个房间。
    • He allowed his imagination full play.他让自己的想像力尽量发挥。
  • ② 给予(时间、金钱);同意给予
    • He allows his son NT$2,000 a month.=He allows NT$2,000 a month to his son.他每个月给儿子新台币二千元。
  • ③ 承认(要求、议论等),同意…为正当(★作此义解时,通常用admit)
    • The judge allowed my claim.法官同意我的要求。
    • We must allow it to be true.我们必须承认那是真的。
    • He allowed that even Einstein could make mistakes.他承认就连爱因斯坦也可能犯错。
    • It isn't very good, I allow.我承认那并不很好。
  • ④ 酌留(若干额、量、时间等)
    • allow NT$5,000 for expenses酌留新台币五千元做为经费
    • allow an hour for lunch酌留一小时作为午餐时间
    • We must allow half an hour for changing trains.我们必须酌留半小时来换火车。
  • ⑤ 使可能
    • The scholarship allowed him to go abroad.那笔奖学金使他可以出国。


  • ① 考虑,顾虑;体谅;斟酌;算在内(★可用被动式)
    • The journey usually takes three weeks, but you should allow for delays caused by bad weather.这趟旅行通常需时三周,但是你应该顾虑到恶劣天气所造成的延误。
    • His inexperience should be allowed for.他的无经验必须被考虑在内。
    • We must allow for him [his] being disobedient.我们必须考虑到他不服从之事。
  • ② 容许(★没有被动式)
    • This premise allows of only one conclusion.这个前提只容许有一个结论。
    • These rules allow of several interpretations.这些规则可有几种解释。
    • The situation allows of no delay.这情况不容许耽误。


let: 为口语所用的字,除指积极地给与同意或许可外,也常用以指不反对、不禁止、或不妨害之意;有时亦指由于疏忽或怠惰而致使某事发生

I let the grass grow.

allow, permit: 均指具有权限[权力]的人给与同意或许可,但allow表不禁止或默许之意,大致与let同义。permit则指积极而明确地给与正式的许可

Father allowed me to climb a mountain.

We were permitted to use the room.


  • allowancen.(定期支付的)津贴;[美]零用钱


  • leavevt.听任
  • letvt.允许
  • permitvt.准许
  • suffervt.容许
  • OK
  • acknowledge
  • admeasure
  • admit
  • allocate
  • allot
  • apportion
  • approbate
  • approve
  • assign
  • authorize
  • avow
  • concede
  • confess
  • consent
  • endorse
  • fess up
  • give
  • grant
  • have
  • lot
  • measure out
  • mete
  • own
  • sanction
  • tolerate
  • allow for
  • appropriate
  • countenance
  • earmark
  • give up
  • provide
  • reserve
  • set aside
  • take into account


  • denyvt.拒绝
  • forbidvt.禁止
  • prohibitvt.禁止
  • disallow
  • prevent




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