

词汇 name


  • name
  • names
  • names
  • naming
  • named
  • named


  • ① 名,名称;名字,姓名
    • a common name俗称
    • a pet name暱称
    • He deserves the name of scholar.他配称为学者。
    • My name is Bob Dylan.我名叫巴布‧迪兰(★初见面自我介绍时,通常说 I am Bob Dylan.)。
    • What name shall I say?=What name, please?请问尊姓大名?
    • May I have your name please?请告诉我名字好吗?(★询问对方名字时用What is your name? 有时是不礼貌的)
    • Tolerance is another name for indifference.容忍是漠不关心的别名。
    • What's in a name?名字算什么?(★出自 Shakespeare的「罗密欧与朱丽叶」)
  • ② 1[a name, one's name]名声,名誉<for, as>2[通常附有big, great, famous等修饰语]【口】知名之士,名人(=celebrity)
    • a good [bad] name好[坏]名声
    • She made her name as a writer.她以作家知名。
    • The carpenter has a name for reliability.那名木匠以可靠著名。
    • I have to protect my good name.我必须保护我的好名声。
    • He's a name in show business.他是演艺界的名人。
    • the great names in science科学界的名人
  • ③ 辱骂之语
  • ④ 名义;虚名,空名
  • ⑤[用单数形;通常作the name]【圣】(上帝、基督之)名


  • ① 命名
    • name a newborn child给新生儿命名
    • They named the baby Alice.他们给婴儿取名为爱丽丝(★被动式为: The baby was named Alice.婴儿被命名为爱丽丝)。
    • What did they name her?他们给她取什么名字?
    • Let's name the dog Little Black.我们把这条狗命名为小黑吧。
  • ② 1提名,指名;任命2指定(日期、价格等)
    • He has been named as the new chairman.他被指名为新主席。
    • He was named (to be) dean of the Law School.他被任命为法学院院长。
    • Who was named for the new chairman?谁被任命为新主席?
    • They have named the date for the wedding.他们已决定婚礼的日期。
    • Name your price.开出你的价格吧。
  • ③ (正确地)说出…的名称
    • Can you name the capital of Hungary?你能说出匈牙利首都的名称吗?
  • ④ 提及
    • He named several reasons.他提出几个理由。
    • Don't name the book to me.别跟我提起那本书。


  • ① 【美】有名的,一流的
    • a name hotel一流旅馆
    • a name actor名演员
  • ② 记名用的
    • a name tag姓名签条,名牌


最普通的形式为first name--middle name--


last name,



Christian [baptismal] name通常为选自圣经的名字; 与姓Stevenson相对的Robert Louis称为first [personal] names;如Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill之middle name为复数时, 则称为middle names.


  • by [of, under] the name of ...
    • ① 名叫…的;以…名义
    • I met a man by the name of Carter.我遇到一个名叫卡特的人。
    • He cheated me under the name of friendship.他以友谊的名义欺骗我。
    • go [pass] by [under] the name of ...俗称为…;通称…
  • by name
    • ① 指名;名叫;以…名字
    • He mentioned [called] each boy by name.他指名提到[叫]每一个男孩。
    • I asked for her by name.我指名要见她。
    • He is Bob by name.=He is by name Bob.他名叫巴布。
    • "Do you know her?"-"Only [Just] by name."「你认识她吗?」「只知道她的名字而已。」
  • by the name of ...
    • ① 名叫…的;以…名义
    • I met a man by the name of Carter.我遇到一个名叫卡特的人。
    • go [pass] by [under] the name of ...俗称为…;通称…
  • call a person names
    • ① 辱骂某人
    • He often called me names.他时常辱骂我。
  • get oneself a name
    • ① 扬名,成名
  • in God's name
    • ① 对上帝发誓;请不要
    • ②[强调疑问句]【口】到底,究竟
    • What in God's name are you doing?你到底在干什么?
  • in name
    • ① 名义上(参照in reality)
    • We are free in reality and in name.我们是名副其实地自由。
  • in name only
    • ① 仅在名义上
    • He is a king in name only.他是一个有名无实的国王。
  • in one's name
    • ① 以自己的名义,独立地
    • He started a publishing house in his own name.他以自己的名义[独立]创立一家出版社。
    • Apply in your own name.以你自己的名义申请吧。
  • in the name of
    • ① 凭…的名,对(神)发誓
    • ② 代表;代替;为
    • ③ 以…的名义
    • ④[强调疑问句]【口】到底,究竟
    • What in the name of God [heaven] did you do?你到底做了什么?
  • make [win] a name
    • ① 得到名声,扬名
    • Cho-Liang Lin has made a name for himself as a violinist.林昭亮已以小提琴家扬名。
  • name after [for] ...
    • ① 以…的名字命名
    • England was named after [【美】for] the Angles.英格兰是以盎格鲁族之名命名的。
    • The baby was named Harold after [【美】for] his grandfather.婴儿以祖父之名命名为哈罗德。
  • name the day
    • ① 决定日期;(尤指女人)择定结婚日期
  • of [of no] name
    • ① 有名[无名]的
  • of the name of ...
    • ① 名叫…的;以…名义
  • put a person's name down for ...
    • ① 登记为…的候选人;为(入学、入会、应征)而把名字记下来
  • put one's name to ...
    • ① 署名于(文档等)
  • take the [a person's] name in vain
    • ① 滥用(尤指神圣的)名字
  • the name of the game
    • ① 最重要的事
    • In this business honesty is the name of the game.在这一行,诚信是最重要的事。
  • to one's name
    • ①[通常用于否定句]【口】(尤指金钱等)属于自己的
    • He doesn't have a penny to his name.他一文不名。
  • under the name of ...
    • ① 名叫…的;以…名义
    • He cheated me under the name of friendship.他以友谊的名义欺骗我。
    • She wrote under the name of George Sand.她以乔治桑之名写作。


  • callv.称呼
  • charactern.名人
  • choosev.选择
  • christenv.命名
  • delegatev.任命
  • designatev.指名
  • designationn.指名
  • titlen.头衔
  • appellation
  • appellative
  • appoint
  • baptize
  • big name
  • celebrity
  • characterize
  • cite
  • cognomen
  • denominate
  • denomination
  • dub
  • entitle
  • epithet
  • handle
  • hero
  • instance
  • label
  • lion
  • luminary
  • make
  • mention
  • moniker
  • nickname
  • nominate
  • notable
  • personage
  • personality
  • rep
  • report
  • reputation
  • repute
  • specify
  • style
  • tag
  • tap
  • term
  • advert
  • bring up
  • constitute
  • describe
  • diagnose
  • discover
  • distinguish
  • figure
  • gens
  • identify
  • key
  • key out
  • list
  • public figure
  • refer


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • relation
  • part
  • portion
  • component part
  • component
  • constituent
  • language unit
  • linguistic unit
  • name


  • calumniation
  • calumny
  • defamation
  • family
  • family line
  • folk
  • hatchet job
  • important person
  • influential person
  • kinfolk
  • kinsfolk
  • language unit
  • linguistic unit
  • obloquy
  • personage
  • phratry
  • reputation
  • repute
  • sanction
  • sept
  • traducement


  • DBA
  • Doing Business As
  • agnomen
  • alias
  • anonym
  • appellation
  • appellative
  • assumed name
  • author's name
  • brand
  • brand name
  • cognomen
  • company name
  • computer file name
  • computer filename
  • denomination
  • designation
  • domain name
  • eponym
  • false name
  • family name
  • fictitious name
  • file name
  • filename
  • first name
  • forename
  • given name
  • hypocorism
  • last name
  • marque
  • matronymic
  • metronymic
  • middle name
  • misnomer
  • nickname
  • nom de guerre
  • patronym
  • patronymic
  • pet name
  • place name
  • pseudonym
  • signature
  • smear word
  • street name
  • surname
  • title
  • toponym
  • trade name
  • writer's name


  • assort
  • class
  • classify
  • separate
  • sort
  • sort out




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