

词汇 run


  • run
  • runs
  • runs
  • running
  • ran
  • run


  • ① 1跑;奔;赶;冲2(鱼)溯流而上;(植物)蔓延,爬;【空】滑翔3作小旅行,外出一下<up, down, over>
    • He ran and ran.他跑了又跑。
    • He ran upstairs.他跑上楼。
    • He ran three miles.他跑了三英里。
    • run like a rabbit [the devil]拚命地跑
    • I ran for my life.我全力奔跑;我逃命。
    • They ran on.他们继续跑。
    • run about跑来跑去
    • I ran out to meet her.我跑出去迎接她。
    • He came running toward us.他朝着我们跑过来。
    • He ran across the street.他跑过街道。
    • The dog ran at her.狗奔向她。
    • He ran to the girl's aid [to help the girl].他赶去帮助那个女孩。
    • The salmon began to run.鲑鱼开始溯流而上。
    • The vine ran over the ground [up the sides of the porch].长春藤爬满地面[沿门廊两侧攀上]。
    • run up to New York到纽约匆匆一游
    • run down to Dorsetshire到多塞特郡去一下
  • ② (人、动物)逃,逃走,逃跑
    • As soon as he saw the policeman he ran.他一看到警察就逃跑。
    • They ran before the enemy.他们在敌人追逐下逃走。
  • ③ 1参加赛跑2竞选(=【英】stand)
    • I used to run when I was young.年轻时,我常常参加赛跑。
    • His horse ran in the Derby.他的马参加英国的赛马大会。
    • He'll run in the New York Marathon.他将参加纽约马拉松赛跑。
    • The horse ran second.那匹马跑第二。
    • He is going to run for Congress [for mayor].他将竞选国会议员[市长]。
    • run in the next election在下次选举时竞选
  • ④ 1(车、马、船等)行走,行驶2(交通工具)(定期)来往
    • The bus ran along the highway.公车沿着那条公路行驶。
    • The train is running at a speed of 90 miles an hour.那列火车正以每小时九十英里的速度行驶。
    • The sailboat ran before the wind.那艘帆船顺风行驶。
    • The bus service runs every half hour.公车每半小时就有一班。
    • This bus runs between Taipei and Keelung.这一路巴士行驶台北与基隆之间。
  • ⑤ 1(水、血等)流;漏;溢;(沙漏的沙)流下2流(液体)<with>
    • My nose was running.我在流鼻涕。
    • He left the water running.他让(自来水的)水一直流。
    • Tears ran down her cheeks.眼泪流下她的面颊。
    • Tears ran from her eyes.眼泪从她的眼睛流出来。
    • The river runs through the city.那条河流经该市。
    • The river runs into the lake.该河流入该湖。
    • His blood ran cold.他感到毛骨悚然。
    • The tide ran strong.潮水高涨。
    • The stream was running full.那条河涨满了水。
    • The floors ran with water.地板上流着水。
    • Her eyes ran with tears.她的眼睛在流泪。
    • I'm completely running with sweat.我全身在流汗。
  • ⑥ 1(机器等)运转,转动;滑动2(生活、计划等)进行3(球)滚动
    • I can't make this machine run properly.我无法使这部机器适当地转动。
    • The paper mills have ceased running.那些纸厂已经停工。
    • These curtains run on metal rods.这些窗帘在金属杆上滑动。
    • A rope runs through [in] a pulley.绳子在滑车上动。
    • The plan ran smoothly.那项计划进行顺利。
  • ⑦ 1(时间)经过,推移<by, on>2继续3(戏剧、电影)连演
    • Time runs on.时光飞逝。
    • How fast the years run by!岁月过得好快!
    • Her life has only a few months to run.她的生命只剩下几个月。
    • The days ran into weeks.日子一天一天过去,已经有几个星期。
    • Her vacation runs from the middle of August to September.她的假期从八月中旬到九月。
    • The film is still running.那部视频仍在上映。
    • How long is this new play to run?这出新戏要演多久?
    • The play ran for three years.那部戏连演了三年。
  • ⑧ 1(道路等)(往某方向)伸展,延伸2(话题等)涉及<on, upon>
    • A path runs around the house.小径环绕该屋。
    • The road runs along the river.那条路沿着河流延伸。
    • A deep scar ran across his cheek.他的颊上有一道深的疤痕。
    • His talk ran on politics.他的谈话涉及政治。
  • ⑨ (心像、记忆等)浮现,出现;(感觉等)传过;(视线等)扫过
    • The thought kept running through his head.那个念头不断地浮现在他的脑海。
    • The old tune ran through [in] her head [mind] all day.那个老调子整天在她的脑中萦绕。
    • She felt pain running up her arm.她觉得疼痛传到手臂上来。
    • A cold shiver ran down his spine.一道寒栗传到他的背脊。
    • His eyes ran over the room.他的眼睛扫视那个房间。
  • ⑩ (性格、特征)盛行
    • Wanderlust runs in his blood.他有流浪癖。
  • ⑪ 成为(某种状态),变成
    • The oil well ran dry.那口油井变干涸了。
    • Prices are likely to run high.物价可能上涨。
    • Water began to run short.水开始短缺。
    • Time is running short.时间不多了。
    • He has run short of money.他缺钱。
    • We're running low on fuel.我们的燃料剩下不多了。
    • The food has run cold.食物冷掉了。
  • ⑫ 1(奶油、蜡烛等)融化而流2(染色等)扩散
    • Butter runs when it is put on a hot plate.奶油放在热盘子上时会融化而流。
    • The color of this dress will not run in washing [when washed].这件衣服洗的时候颜色不会扩散。
  • ⑬ 1(谣言等)流传,传布2(法律、契约等)通用,有效
    • (The) rumor runs that she's going to resign.听说她即将辞职。
    • The contract runs for three years [from 1998 to 2000].该契约有效期间为三年[自1998年至2000年]。
  • ⑭ 1(话、谚语等)写,说2[run as follows, run like this]书写(如下)
    • So runs the legend.传说是这么说的。
    • How does the saying [proverb] run?那句谚语怎么说?
    • The telegram runs like this.那封电报如下。
    • Her will runs as follows.她的遗言如下。
  • ⑮ 1(数量等)达(…)<to, into>2成为(…的状态)<to>3倾向<to>4陷(于…的状态)<into>
    • The story runs for nine pages.那篇故事长达九页。
    • The costs run into several million dollars.费用数百万元。
    • His autobiography will probably run to great length.他的自传可能会相当长。
    • The bill ran to $300.帐单金额为三百美元。
    • run to ruin荒废
    • Her poetry runs to sentimentality.她的诗倾向于感伤。
    • run into debt陷入债务中,负债
    • run into difficulty [trouble]陷于困难[麻烦]
  • ⑯ 1(编织物等)脱针2【美】(丝袜)抽丝(=【英】ladder)
    • Her stockings began to run.她的长袜开始抽丝。


  • ① 1使奔跑;驱使;驾驶;使(汽船等)来往行驶2奔跑于3使跑到(某种状态)
    • Extra trains are run on weekends [during the summer season].周末[夏季]加开火车班次。
    • Electricity is necessary to run various machines.要开动各种机器,电是必要的东西。
    • He ran his horse up the hill.他跑马上山。
    • She ran the car into the garage.她把车子开进车库。
    • run a train开火车
    • He runs a new Benz.他开一部新的奔驰牌汽车。
    • Don't permit your children to run the streets.不要让你的孩子们在街上奔跑。
    • He ran the horse to death.他把那匹马跑死了。
    • He ran himself out of breath.他跑得喘不过气来。
    • He ran her breathless.他使她跑得气都喘不过来。
  • ② 用车送
    • I will run you to the station.我会用车送你到火车站。
    • I'll run you home (in my car).我会开车送你回家。
  • ③ 追,追赶
    • run a fox [deer, hare]追狐狸[鹿、兔子]
    • run a scent追踪臭迹
    • Run that rumor back to its source.追查那项谣言的来源。
  • ④ 使参加赛马;使竞选
    • run a horse in the Derby使马参加英国赛马大会
    • run a candidate in an election推举候选人竞选
    • We'll run him for the Senate.我们将使他竞选参议员。
  • ⑤ 使刺入;使穿过;使碰撞
    • He ran the ship ashore [aground].他使船搁浅。
    • run a knife into a person以刀子戳某人
    • run a sword through (a person)使剑贯穿(某人的身体)
    • He ran his head into [against] a wall.他使头到墙壁。
    • He ran his hand [a comb] through his hair.他用手[一把梳子]去弄头发。
    • run thread through the eye of a needle使线穿过针眼
    • He began to run his fingers over the keyboard.他开始用手指去摸弄键盘。
  • ⑥ 1流(血、泪等)2放水于(浴缸等)3使(液体)流入<into>
    • run tears [blood]流泪[血]
    • Have you run the bath?浴缸放进水了吗?
    • She's running me a warm bath [a warm bath for me].她正在为我把温水放进浴缸。
    • He ran some water into the bucket.他把一些水倒进桶里。
  • ⑦ 使(眼睛)浏览<over, through>
    • She ran her eyes over the letter.她浏览了那封信。
  • ⑧ 1奔走完成2跑着通过;经过
    • run an errand (for ...)(替…)跑腿,(受…)差遗
    • The two boys decided to run a race.那两个男孩决定来一次赛跑。
    • run a street跑过街道
    • Let things run their course.让事情自然发展吧。
  • ⑨ 与…赛跑
    • I'll run you to the park.我要跟你赛跑,看谁先到公园。
  • ⑩ 经营;管理;指挥;支配
    • run a business [a store]经营事业[商店]
    • They run a restaurant in New York.他们在纽约经营一家餐馆。
    • run politics搞政治
    • The hotel is well run.这家旅馆经营得很好。
    • He's run by his wife.他由太太支配。
  • ⑪ 冒(险);使遭受
    • He ran the danger of being killed.他冒着被杀的危险。
  • ⑫ 偷运,走私<across, into>
    • run drugs (into the U.S.)走私毒品(到美国)
    • They ran guns across the border into Mexico.他们跨过边界走私枪械进入墨西哥。
  • ⑬ 1逃离(某处),逃亡2冲过;穿过
    • run the [one's] country亡命国外
  • ⑭ 1镕化(金属);铸造2将(镕化的金属)注入(模型)<into>
    • run bullets铸造子弹
    • run lead into molds将镕铅注入模型中
  • ⑮ 写,说
    • The proverb runs, "Time is money."谚语说「时间即金钱。」
  • ⑯ 【美】(在报上)刊登
    • All the papers ran the story.所有的报纸都刊登那项报导。
    • Please run this ad in your paper for three days.这则广告请在贵报刊登三天。


  • ① 1跑,跑步2[a run]匆匆的旅行,(到近处的)出游3【口】跑力;逃跑的力量4(飞机的)滑行;(雪橇的)滑降
    • a ten-minute run before breakfast早餐前跑十分钟
    • have a good run充分地跑
    • I go for a run every morning.我每天早上去跑一跑。
    • He made a sudden run for the gate.他突然向大门跑去。
    • take a run to town到镇上走一走
    • There's no more run left in her.她没有力气再跑。
    • a landing run着陆滑行
    • ski a long run down a mountain以雪橇沿山做长距离滑降
  • ② 1赛跑;赛马2[a run](尤指交通工具等的)行走时间[距离];路程;行程;航程3[the run](火车、公共汽车、船等的)行驶;航行
    • a mile run一英里赛跑
    • Taichung is a 3-hour run from Taipei by train.由台北搭火车到台中是三小时的路程。
    • an express train on the run between Taipei and Kaohsiung在台北与高雄之间行驶的急行列车
    • the evening run from Taipei to New York台北到纽约的夜间飞行班次
  • ③ 1(尤指产卵期的鱼的)溯流而上;洄游2洄游的鱼群<of>
    • a run of salmon回游的鲑鱼群
  • ④[the run]方向,走向;趋向;趋势;进行;经过<of>
    • the run of a mountain range山脉的走向
    • the normal run of events事件的正常经过
  • ⑤ 1流;流出;流量2【美】小河,细流
  • ⑥[a run]1连续,连接;(电影、戏剧等的)长期放映[演出]2大需求,畅销<on>3(银行的)挤兑<on>
    • The play had a run of six months.该剧连演了六个月。
    • a long run on Broadway在百老汇的长期演出
    • a (long) run of office(长久的)在职期间
    • a run of fine [wet] weather连绵不断的晴[雨]天
    • a run of good [bad] luck一连串的好[坏]运
    • a run of success [failure]一连串的成功[失败]
    • a great run on beer对于啤酒的大需求
    • a run on the bank对银行的挤兑
  • ⑦ 1(家畜、家禽的)饲养场,(动物的)围场2(鹿等的)常走的小径
    • a fowl [chicken] run养鸡场
  • ⑧[通常作the run](人、物的)普通的种类;平常
    • the common run of people普通的人,常人
  • ⑨[用单数形](工厂的)运转,作业(时间);产量
    • the eight-hour run of a factory工厂的八小时作业
  • ⑩[the run]进出或使用的自由<of>
    • She allowed her guests the run of the house.她让客人自由使用她的家。
    • have the run of a person's house有进出某家人的自由
    • give a person the run of the pool给某人使用游泳池的自由
  • ⑪ 【乐】急奏(装饰音)(=roulade)
  • ⑫ [【棒球】【板球】等]得分;一分
    • They have beaten Japan by seventeen runs.他们以十七分击败日本。
    • a three-run homer得三分的全垒打
  • ⑬ 【美】(袜子的)抽丝(=【英】ladder)
    • a run in a stocking长袜的一处抽丝
  • ⑭ (运动用的)斜道
    • a ski [bobsleigh] run滑雪[连橇]斜道
  • ⑮ 【纸牌】同种连续的一组牌
  • ⑯[the runs]【口】腹泻(=diarrhea)
    • I seem to have [get] the runs.我好像患腹泻。


  • runnern.跑者,赛跑者


  • at a run
    • ① 用跑步(=running)
    • He started off at a run.他用跑步出发。
  • be run off one's feet
    • ① 【口】非常忙碌,忙得不可开交
  • by the run
    • ① 突然,忽然
  • have [get] a run for one's money
    • ① 得到付出代价后的报偿
    • ② 作激烈的竞争
  • in the long run
    • ① 到后来;终究;结果;终久;到末了
    • We found in the long run that the prophecy had been right.我们后来发现那项预言是正确的。
  • in the short run
    • ① 以目前来说;暂且
    • This bed will do in the short run.这张床暂且可以将就一下。
  • keep the run of ...
    • ① 【美】和…并肩而走;不落…之后
  • on the run
    • ① 在跑,在奔跑;匆忙地(=in a hurry)
    • ② 忙碌着;到处奔波
    • ③ 在逃亡;(尤指为了逃避警察而)在躲藏
    • He has been on the run (from the police) for two years.他(为了躲避警察)已逃亡两年。
    • Our troops had [kept] the enemy on the run.我们的部队使敌人逃窜。
  • run across ...
    • ① 偶然遇见(★可用被动式)
    • I ran across Alice in the village today.我今天在村子里偶然遇到爱丽丝。
  • run after ...
    • ① (★不可用被动式)追;追逐
    • ② (★不可用被动式)【口】追求
    • ③ 【口】侍候(某人)
  • run against ...
    • ① 碰撞;撞上
    • ② 偶然遇见
    • ③ 与…对抗[竞选]
    • Dole ran against Clinton for President in 1996.杜尔在一九九六年与柯林顿竞选总统。
  • run along
    • ①[向孩子说,用祈使法]离开;出去
    • Run along now.现在去吧。
  • run around
    • ① 【美口】交游;结交;与…来往<with, together>
    • Stop running around with them.不要再跟他们来往。
  • run away
    • ① 逃跑,逃走;逃避;离家出走
    • Don't run away-I need your help.别跑掉一我需要你的帮助。
    • You can't run away forever.你不能永远逃避。
    • She's run away from school.她逃学了。
    • She ran away from home at the age of fourteen.她十四岁离家出走。
  • run away with ...
    • ① 挟…而逃;偷走;拐走;跟…私奔(=elope with)
    • ② (马、车等)失去控制而狂奔;(感情等)驱使(人)
    • ③ 耗尽,用完(金钱等)
    • ④[通常用于否定句]匆匆接受;随便相信
    • ⑤ 以压倒性比数获胜;囊括(奖品等);(演技等)遥遥领先
    • He ran away with all the prizes.他囊括了所有的奖。
  • run back
    • ① 倒(带等)
    • ② 跑回去
    • ③ 回想<over>
    • ④ (股票价格)下跌
  • run down
    • ① 跑下来;流下来
    • ② (钟表等因发条松懈而)停止;(电池等)耗尽
    • ③ (开汽车从都市)到乡下访问;下乡
    • ④ 追赶(人或动物);打猎;追捕;搜出;【棒球】夹杀(跑垒者)
    • ⑤ (汽车)撞倒(人等);撞沉(船只)
    • ⑥ 降低(…的价值);减低(…的效率等)
    • ⑦ 使(人)衰弱;使(健康)衰退(★通常用被动式;→run-down)
    • ⑧ 【口】诋毁,诽谤
    • He was always running down his English teacher.他经常讲他英文老师的坏话。
  • run for it
    • ① 【口】(从危险中)逃出,逃走
  • run in
    • ① 跑进去;扭成一团;【橄榄球】带球冲进球门
    • ② 【口】作非正式访问,顺道访问一下<to>
    • ③ 边开(新车等)边调整;开惯(新车等)
    • ④ 【口】逮捕;拘留
    • ⑤ 【印刷】(在原稿中等)插入,添写或补写
  • run into
    • ① 冲入;(使)撞到
    • ② 【口】偶然遇到
    • ③ (针等)刺入
    • ④ (水、血等)流;漏;溢;(沙漏的沙)流下
    • ⑤ (数量等)达(…)
    • ⑥ 陷(于…的状态)
  • run it fine
    • ① 尽量节省(时间、金钱等)
  • run off
    • ① 逃跑,逃走
    • ② 私奔<together>
    • ③ 流出
    • ④ 【加】(冰、雪)融化
    • ⑤ 流(水),使流出
    • ⑥ 印行
    • ⑦ 举行决赛
    • The race will be run off on Tuesday.星期二举行赛跑的决赛。
  • run off with ...
    • ① 挟…而逃;偷走
    • ② 与…私奔
    • She ran off with a sailor.她跟一名水手私奔了。
  • run on
    • ① 继续跑
    • ② (病情等)进展
    • ③ (时间)经过,推移
    • ④ 滔滔不绝地说
    • ⑤ (文章等)不分行或不分段地接下去
    • ⑥ (说话、思想等)涉及,关于,集中于
    • The boy's mind continually ran on spaceships.那个男孩的脑子不断地想着太空船。
  • run out
    • ① 跑出去
    • ② 流出
    • ③ (潮水)退
    • ④ (存货、补给等)耗尽,用光;(人)变得一文不名
    • ⑤ (期限)到期,期满
    • ⑥ 【海】(绳子)抽出
    • ⑦ 将(赛跑等)比赛到底
    • ⑧ 赶出(某人)
    • ⑨ 【海】拉出(绳子)
    • ⑩ 【板球】【棒球】使(跑者、打者)出局
  • run out of ...
    • ① 用光;缺(货)
    • ② 把(某人)赶出(某地)
    • run a person out of town把某人赶出城去
  • run out on ...
    • ① 【口】遗弃(朋友、妻子等)(★可用被动式)
  • run over
    • ① (车)辗过,压过
    • ② (容器、液体)溢出
    • ③ 跑过去<to>
    • He ran over to her home.他跑到她家去。
  • run through
    • ① 急速通过;冲过;刺穿
    • ② (喃喃声等)传遍
    • ③ 略一过目,浏览(★可用被动式)
    • ④ 挥霍(财产等);浪费;耗尽(★可用被动式)
    • ⑤ 画线将(写出的文本等)删掉
  • run to ...
    • ① 跑;奔;赶;冲
    • ② (数量等)达(…)
    • ③ 成为(…的状态)
    • ④ 倾向
    • ⑤ 跑去向…求助
    • ⑥ (人)有(支付、购买)的财力
    • ⑦ (钱)足以…
    • My money won't run to a tour round Europe.我的钱将不够周游欧洲。
  • run up
    • ① 跑上去;急急进入城市
    • ② 迅速成长;(价格)上涨,涨(价);(费用、借款等)增加;(拍卖时)抬高(价格),迫使(对方)出高价
    • ③ 升(旗等)
    • ④ 【口】赶造;匆匆地缝
    • ⑤ 合计(数字)
  • run up against ...
    • ① 撞到(★可用被动式)
    • ② 【口】偶然遇到(某人)
    • ③ 遭遇(困难等)
  • run up to ...
    • ① 跑到…
    • ② 达到,数达
    • ③ 作小旅行,外出一下


  • dashv.急奔
  • flockvi.奔跑
  • gallopvi.
  • handlevt.经营
  • jogv.
  • managev.经营
  • overseevt.经营
  • plungev.
  • plyv.来往行驶
  • rulev.经营
  • scramblev.
  • spillvt./vi.
  • trotvi.
  • abscond
  • absquatulate
  • abstract
  • actuate
  • administer
  • administrate
  • aggrandize
  • aggregate
  • alight on
  • amount
  • amplify
  • apply
  • apprehend
  • arrest
  • associate
  • augment
  • babble
  • barrel
  • beef up
  • belittle
  • blabber
  • blow
  • bolt
  • boost
  • bootleg
  • branch
  • break out
  • brook
  • browse
  • bucket
  • build
  • build up
  • bump into
  • burgeon
  • burn out
  • bust
  • bustle
  • call
  • carry
  • carry on
  • chain
  • chance on
  • chase
  • chatter
  • chitchat
  • circulate
  • clack
  • clear out
  • collar
  • come across
  • come by
  • come in
  • come on
  • come over
  • conduct
  • confront
  • consecution
  • consort
  • consume
  • course
  • creek
  • cut out
  • dart
  • decamp
  • decry
  • deliquesce
  • denigrate
  • depart
  • deplete
  • deprecate
  • depreciate
  • derogate
  • desiccate
  • detract
  • dig
  • dip into
  • direct
  • discount
  • disparage
  • dissolve
  • downgrade
  • drain
  • draw down
  • drive
  • drop by
  • drop in
  • dry up
  • eat up
  • encounter
  • enlarge
  • epitomize
  • escalate
  • escape
  • exhaust
  • exit
  • expand
  • expend
  • expire
  • extend
  • face
  • fail
  • festinate
  • find
  • finish
  • flash
  • flee
  • fleet
  • flip through
  • flit
  • flow
  • flux
  • fly
  • fraternize
  • function
  • fuse
  • gab
  • gas
  • get
  • get away
  • get off
  • get out
  • give out
  • glance at
  • go
  • go away
  • go on
  • go over
  • govern
  • grow
  • gush
  • hang around
  • hang out
  • happen on
  • haste
  • hasten
  • head
  • herd
  • highball
  • hightail
  • hobnob
  • hotfoot
  • hunt
  • hunt down
  • hurry
  • hustle
  • impel
  • increase
  • jabber
  • jaw
  • kill
  • lam
  • lapse
  • lead
  • leaf
  • leave
  • light on
  • liquefy
  • look in
  • look up
  • magnify
  • meet
  • melt
  • minimize
  • mobilize
  • mount
  • move
  • multiply
  • nab
  • nip
  • nose out
  • number
  • operate
  • order
  • palaver
  • pelt
  • pick up
  • pinch
  • place
  • play
  • play out
  • polish off
  • poop out
  • pop in
  • pour
  • prate
  • prattle
  • procession
  • progression
  • proliferate
  • propel
  • pull out
  • pursue
  • push off
  • quit
  • race
  • ram
  • range
  • rattle
  • reach
  • recap
  • recapitulate
  • refer
  • rend
  • rent
  • repair
  • resort
  • retire
  • review
  • ride
  • riffle
  • rip
  • rise
  • rive
  • rocket
  • round
  • run across
  • run down
  • run into
  • run through
  • rush
  • sail
  • scamper
  • scan
  • scoot
  • scour
  • scram
  • scurry
  • see
  • seize
  • sequence
  • series
  • shoot
  • shove off
  • show
  • sink
  • skedaddle
  • skim
  • skip
  • slight
  • smuggle
  • snowball
  • soar
  • speed
  • spend
  • spiel
  • spin
  • split
  • sprint
  • stab
  • stalk
  • steer
  • stick
  • stop
  • streak
  • stream
  • stretch
  • string
  • stumble on
  • succession
  • suite
  • sum up
  • summarize
  • superintend
  • supervise
  • surge
  • swell
  • synopsize
  • take
  • take off
  • talk down
  • tear
  • thaw
  • thrust
  • thumb
  • total
  • trace
  • track down
  • train
  • troop
  • tumble on
  • turn
  • upsurge
  • use
  • use up
  • vamoose
  • vary
  • visit
  • wax
  • well
  • whirl
  • whisk
  • whiz
  • wing
  • withdraw
  • work
  • wrap up
  • yak
  • zip
  • zoom
  • be given
  • black market
  • bleed
  • break away
  • bunk
  • campaign
  • die hard
  • discharge
  • draw
  • endure
  • execute
  • feed
  • fly the coop
  • foot race
  • footrace
  • guide
  • head for the hills
  • hightail it
  • incline
  • ladder
  • lean
  • melt down
  • outpouring
  • pass
  • persist
  • political campaign
  • prevail
  • ravel
  • rill
  • rivulet
  • run away
  • run for
  • runnel
  • running
  • running game
  • running play
  • scarper
  • scat
  • streamlet
  • take to the woods
  • tally
  • tend
  • test
  • trial
  • turn tail
  • unravel


  • idle
  • malfunction


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • action
  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • attainment
  • success
  • score
  • run
  • tally


  • attempt
  • chronological sequence
  • chronological succession
  • damage
  • effort
  • endeavor
  • endeavour
  • flow
  • flowing
  • football play
  • harm
  • impairment
  • indefinite quantity
  • liberty
  • locomotion
  • period
  • period of time
  • race
  • score
  • sequence
  • stream
  • succession
  • successiveness
  • time period
  • travel
  • trip
  • try
  • watercourse


  • MOT
  • MOT test
  • Ministry of Transportation test
  • Snellen test
  • assay
  • audition
  • campaign for governor
  • clinical test
  • clinical trial
  • dash
  • double blind
  • draw
  • draw play
  • earned run
  • end run
  • escape
  • field trial
  • fitting
  • fun run
  • funrun
  • governor's race
  • jet
  • leak
  • leakage
  • losing streak
  • marathon
  • obstacle race
  • outflow
  • pilot program
  • pilot project
  • preclinical phase
  • preclinical test
  • preclinical trial
  • press run
  • print run
  • rbi
  • return
  • reverse
  • run-time
  • run batted in
  • rush
  • rushing
  • senate campaign
  • senate race
  • spirt
  • sprint
  • spurt
  • squirt
  • steeplechase
  • sweep
  • track event
  • try-on
  • trying on
  • tryout
  • unearned run
  • winning streak




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