

词汇 not




  • ①[直接与助动词构成否定形; be动词与have动词可直接或用do构成否定形;一般动词用do构成否定形](★常缩写为n't)
    • This is not [isn't] a good pen.这不是一枝好笔。
    • Don't be ridiculous!别荒唐啦!
    • He will not [won't] come.他不愿意来。
    • I haven't [I don't have] a car of my own.我没有自己的汽车(★【美】一般用do)。
    • You don't have to go.你不必去。
    • I don't think he will agree.我不认为他会同意;我想他不会同意(★这种说法比 I think he will not agree. 常用)。
  • ② 1[述语动词或句子以外的字、词组的否定](★通常为强调)2[放在不定词、分词、动名词之前加以否定]
    • He is my brother, (and) not my cousin.他是我的哥哥[弟弟],不是表[堂]哥[弟](★可改为: He is not my cousin but my brother.)。
    • I begged him not to be late.我求他不要迟到。
    • I got up early so as [in order] not to be late for school.我早起以免上学迟到。
    • Not knowing, I cannot tell you.我不知道,所以不能告诉你。
    • He reproached me for (my) not having told him the truth.他责备我没告诉他真相。
  • ③[用于间接肯定法及纡曲说法]
    • not a few不少
    • not a little不少
    • not once or [nor] twice不只一两次,好几次,再三
    • not seldom常常
    • in the not too distant future在不太遥远的将来,不久
    • not unknown并非不知道
    • not too good不太好;相当坏
    • not without reason不无理由
  • ④[与all, both, every, always等同用,以表部分否定]
    • Not every one agrees with him.并不是每一个人都同意他的说法。
    • I don't like both.我并不两者都喜欢(只喜欢其中之一)。
    • Not all the students have read the book.并不是所有的学生都读过那本书。
    • It is not altogether bad.它并不完全不好。
    • She is not always punctual for appointments.她没有每次约会都准时。
  • ⑤[当作否定的句子、动词、子句等的省略代用语]
    • "Is he angry?"-"Not at all (=He is not at all angry)."「他生气了吗?」「一点儿也没生气。」
    • "Is she coming?"-"Perhaps not (=Perhaps she is not coming)."「她来吗?」「也许不来。」(★除 perhaps外, probably, certainly, absolutely, of course等也可用于同样的结构)
    • "Is he angry?"-"I think not (=I think he is not angry)."「他生气了吗?」「我想没有。」(★一般用I don't think so.)(★除think 外, suppose, believe, hope, trust, expect, am afraid等也可用于同样的结构)


  • not ... but ...
    • ① 不…而…
    • He is not my son, but my nephew.他不是我的儿子,而是我的姪儿。
    • The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part.在国际奥林匹克运动会中,最重要的事情不是获胜,而是参加。
    • She wept, not because she was sad but because she was ashamed.她哭泣,不是因为她伤心,而是因为她感到惭愧。
  • not a
    • ① 一个人[东西]也没有…(★no的强调语; not a single则更为强调)
    • Not a student came to see me.一个学生也没有来看我。
  • not only [merely, simply] ... but ...
    • ① 不但…而且…
    • It is not only delicious but (also) nutritious.它不但美味可口,而且有营养。
    • Alice not only plays the piano but she sings too.爱丽丝不但弹钢琴,而且她也唱歌。
    • Not only did he hear it, but he saw it as well.他不但听到了,而且也看到了。
    • Not only you but (also) he is right.不但你对,他也对(★原则上动词与后面的主词配合)。
    • Not only did he hear it. He saw it as well.他不但听到了。他也看到了(★句点或分号可取代but)。
    • Molière not only wrote his own plays, he also acted in them.莫里哀不但写自己的剧本,也在其中演出(★亦有省略but者)。
  • not that ...
    • ① 【口】并不是说…
    • Tom hasn't written to me yet - not that he ever said he would.汤姆还没写信给我-并不是说他曾说过他要写信来。
    • Where is she now? Not that I care.她现在在哪里?并不是说我在乎。
  • not that ... but that ...
    • ① 不是…而是…
    • Not that I dislike golf, but that I have no time.不是我不喜欢高尔夫球,而是我没有时间(★that 有because 的意味)。
    • It was not that I overslept but that the bus was late.不是我睡过头,而是公车晚来。


  • non




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