

词汇 trouble


  • trouble
  • troubles
  • troubles
  • troubling
  • troubled
  • troubled


  • ① 忧虑,苦恼;痛苦;困难;灾难,不幸
    • financial troubles财务困难
    • family trouble(s)家庭的烦恼
    • Don't make any more trouble for your parents.不要再给你的父母带来麻烦。
    • He has been through a lot of trouble(s).他经历过很多苦难。
    • His troubles are over.他的苦恼已结束(常指死人而言)。
    • Their troubles are not over yet.他们的苦恼还没有结束。
    • My teeth are giving me trouble.我的牙齿使我痛苦。
    • I am having trouble with my back.我因背痛而苦恼。
    • Troubles never come singly.【谚】祸不单行。
  • ②[通常用单数形]1苦恼的原因,使烦恼的人;麻烦的事情2困难的事;问题,毛病<with>
    • He is a (great) trouble to his teacher.他是使他老师头痛的孩子。
    • I found it a great trouble to wash my own clothes.我发现自己洗衣服非常辛苦。
    • It will be no trouble to ask him to go with us.要他跟我们一道去并不费事。
    • The trouble is (that) he's too lazy.问题是他太懒(★【口】省略that,亦有用逗点者,或作Trouble is ...)。
    • What's the trouble?怎么啦?什么地方不对?
    • What is the trouble with you?你怎么啦?哪里不舒服?
    • That's your trouble.那是你的毛病[缺点]。
  • ③ 1[指个别之物时为[C]][通常附有修饰语]疾病2(机器等的)故障
    • heart [mental] trouble心脏[精神]病
    • children's troubles小儿病
    • suffer from stomach trouble患胃病
    • He had no medical history of liver trouble.他没有肝病的病历。
    • engine trouble in a car车子的引擎故障
  • ④[或作a trouble]不方便,麻烦,烦劳,难辨
    • I'm sorry to give you [put you to] so much trouble.我很抱歉给你增添了许多麻烦。
    • This will save us a lot of trouble.这可以给我们省掉很多麻烦。
    • It's no trouble (at all).这不费事。
    • It wouldn't be any trouble.不会麻烦。
    • No trouble (at all).哪儿的话。
    • He took all the trouble possible to find a solution.他尽可能地去找出一个解决办法。
  • ⑤ 1辛苦,费心2[the trouble]费心(去做…)3费力,劳苦<in>
    • without any trouble轻松地,毫不困难地
    • He took the trouble to pay her a visit in the country.他不辞劳苦到乡下去拜访她。
    • Did you have much trouble in locating it?你是不是很费力才找到它的位置?(★【口】时常把in省略,而V-ing视为现在分词)
    • She had no trouble finding a job.她不费事地找到一份工作。
    • He had trouble parking.他停车有了困难(找不到停车位)。
  • ⑥ 纷争,争执,纠纷,纷扰
    • labor trouble(s)劳工纷争
    • There is political trouble in the country now.那个国家现在正有政治纷争。
    • He has trouble with his employees.他跟他的员工有纠纷。
    • He is having money troubles.他有涉及金钱上的纷争。


  • ① 1使烦恼,使苦恼,使忧虑(★常以过去分词当形容词用→troubled)2[trouble oneself](为…)操心[烦恼]<about, over>3(疾病等)使(人)痛苦(★常以过去分词当形容词用→troubled)
    • What's troubling you?什么事使你烦恼?
    • What troubles me is that we don't have enough money.我忧虑的是我们没有足够的钱。
    • She no longer troubled herself over domestic affairs.她不再为家事操心。
    • His back troubled him.他的背部使他痛苦。
  • ② 烦扰,烦劳,麻烦;(不顾别人的麻烦而)请求
    • I'm sorry to trouble you, but would you mind answering one more question?麻烦你实感抱歉,但可否请你再回答一个问题?(★亦可说成I hate to trouble you, but ...)
    • She often troubles me about trifles.她常以一些芝麻小事来烦扰我。
    • May [Can, Could] I trouble you for the time?可否麻烦你告诉我时间?
    • May I trouble you to shut the door?可否麻烦你关门?
    • I must [I'll] trouble you to watch your manners.麻烦你注意你的礼貌。


  • ① 忧虑;辛苦;费力费神<about>
    • Don't trouble, thank you.别麻烦了,谢谢你。
    • Don't trouble about it.不要为那件事忧虑。
    • Don't trouble to see me off.不要劳驾来为我送行。
    • Why should I trouble to explain it to him?为什么我要费事去跟他解释呢?


  • ask for trouble
    • ① 【口】自找麻烦,自讨苦吃
    • It is asking for trouble to offend him.得罪他是自找麻烦。
  • be in trouble
    • ① 处于困难中;有了问题,受牵连;险被检举;会挨骂或受罚;(与人)争执<with>;(未婚妇女)怀孕
    • If you don't get back by ten o'clock you'll be in trouble.如果你在十点以前不回来,你会挨骂[受罚]。
    • She's still in trouble over money.她仍困于金钱的问题。
    • The old man was in great trouble.那位老人处于很大的困难之中。
    • He was in trouble with the police for burglary.他因窃盗罪受到警方的调查。
  • borrow trouble
    • ① 【美口】杞人忧天,自找烦恼,自找麻烦
    • Do not get involved with politics. That's borrowing trouble.不要参与政治,那是自找麻烦。
  • get a person into trouble
    • ① 拖累某人;使某人陷入困境
    • ② 【口】使(未婚女子)怀孕
  • get into trouble
    • ① (与…)起纠纷;挨骂;被警察传讯;被处罚
    • He is always getting into trouble.他总是惹上麻烦。
  • look for trouble
    • ① 【口】自找麻烦,自讨苦吃
  • take trouble
    • ① 吃苦,不辞劳苦
    • He is incapable of taking trouble.他是不能吃苦的人[不肯努力]。
    • She took much trouble over the dress.她在那件衣服上费了很大的心。
  • trouble oneself to-V
    • ① 费神去做…
    • Don't trouble yourself to make tea just for me.不要费神只为了我去泡茶。


  • agitationn.纷乱
  • ailv.使烦恼,使困扰
  • breakdownn.故障
  • disabilityn.故障
  • disordern.骚乱
  • disturbancen.骚扰
  • Dutch
  • bind
  • box
  • care
  • cark
  • concern
  • corner
  • deep water
  • difficulty
  • dilemma
  • discomfort
  • discommode
  • distress
  • effort
  • elbow grease
  • endeavor
  • exertion
  • exigence
  • exigency
  • fix
  • haunt
  • hole
  • hot spot
  • hot water
  • incommode
  • incommodiousness
  • incommodity
  • inconvenience
  • jam
  • obsess
  • pain
  • pickle
  • plight
  • predicament
  • put out
  • quagmire
  • scrape
  • soup
  • spot
  • strain
  • striving
  • struggle
  • torment
  • weigh on
  • while
  • worry
  • bother
  • disoblige
  • disquiet
  • distract
  • disturb
  • fuss
  • hassle
  • inconvenience oneself
  • perturb
  • problem
  • trouble oneself
  • unhinge
  • upset


  • calmv.使平静
  • delightv.使高兴
  • easev.缓和
  • pleasev.使高兴
  • relievev.使轻松


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • cognitive factor
  • difficulty
  • trouble
  • problem


  • anxiety
  • difficulty
  • disturbance
  • effort
  • elbow grease
  • exertion
  • gestation
  • happening
  • maternity
  • natural event
  • occurrence
  • occurrent
  • perturbation
  • pregnancy
  • sweat
  • travail


  • affliction
  • bad luck
  • blaze
  • can of worms
  • convulsion
  • deep water
  • disturbance
  • embarrassment
  • growing pains
  • hell
  • hydra
  • interference
  • matter
  • misfortune
  • noise
  • onslaught
  • outrage
  • pressure point
  • scandal
  • the devil
  • tsuris




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