

词汇 rest


  • rest
  • rests
  • rests
  • resting
  • rested
  • rested


  • ① 休息;睡眠
    • have [take] a rest休息一下
    • She had a good night's rest.她获得一夜的充分休息[得到一夜的安眠]。
    • Sunday is the day of rest.星期天是个安息日。
    • an hour for rest(一小时的)休息时间
    • You must have [take] a rest from your work.你必须放下工作休息一下。
  • ②[或作a rest]1安静;安心2静止,停止
    • This pill will give you some rest.这药丸会使你镇静。
  • ③[常用于复合语](承物的)台,架
    • a rest for a billiard cue撞球杆的支架
  • ④ 【乐】休止(符)


  • ① 1休息(★作此义解时,口语用have [take] a rest)2躺;睡觉3【婉言】安葬(于…),安息,长眠
    • I always rest for an hour after lunch.午餐后,我总是休息一小时。
    • Let's rest from our work.我们放下工作休息吧。
    • She is resting now.她现在正在休息[睡觉]。
    • rest in the grave [churchyard]在墓[墓园]中长眠
    • May his soul rest in peace!愿他的灵魂安息!
  • ② 静止;停止,停顿→at rest
    • The waves never rest.波浪永不静止。
    • You cannot let the matter rest there.你不能让事情就这样搁下。
  • ③[用于否定据]感到心安,放心
    • I cannot rest until she comes home.到她回家为止我无法安心。
  • ④ 笼罩;(眼睛、视线等)停留<on, upon>
    • I saw a doubt rest on her face.我看到一个疑虑笼罩在她的脸上。
  • ⑤ 搁,摆,放<on, against>
    • Her hands rested on his shoulder.她的双手搁在他的肩膀上。
    • The roof rests on four columns.屋顶由四根圆柱支撑。
    • His eyes rested on her hands.他的眼睛望着她的双手。
    • His back rested against the wall.他背靠着墙。
  • ⑥ 1根据;信赖;依靠<on, upon>2(权利、义务等)在(于某人);为(某人的)责任<with>(★不可用被动式)
    • My hopes rest on you alone.我的希望单靠你一个人。
    • Shakespeare's fame rests upon his tragedies more than upon his comedies.莎士比亚的声誉,有赖于他的悲剧者多过于喜剧。
    • It rests with the chairperson to decide.决定权在于主席。
    • The decision rests with him.决定权操在他的手里。
  • ⑦ (农地)在休耕中
  • ⑧ 【法律】停止举证


  • ① 1使休息;使休养;使平静2[rest oneself]休息(★或以过去分词当形容词用)
    • I stopped to rest my horse.我停下来让马休息。
    • (May) God rest her soul!愿上帝使她的灵魂安息
    • I rested myself for an hour.我休息了一个钟头。
  • ② 安放;放置;倚靠<on, against>
    • He rested his left elbow on the mantelpiece.他把左肘搁在壁炉架上。
    • Give me something to rest this paper on.给我可以摆上这张纸的东西。
    • He rested his gun against the wall.他把枪靠在墙上。
  • ③ 寄托(希望等于某人)<on, in>
    • I rest my hope [trust] on him.我把希望[信任]寄托在他身上。
  • ④ 使(眼睛、视线)停留;使朝向<on>
    • She rested her eyes on him.她拿眼睛望着他。
  • ⑤ 使(农地)休耕
    • We must rest the field for a year.我们必须让这田地休耕一年。
  • ⑥ 【法律】停止提出(案件的)证据


  • restfuladj.平静的,安静的
  • restlessadj.坐立不安的,浮躁的


  • at rest
    • ① 安静的;放心的,安心的
    • ② 静止的,停止的
    • ③ (在地下)安眠的,长眠的
  • come to rest
    • ① 停止;停稳
    • The car came to rest right at my feet.那辆汽车正好停在我的脚边。
  • lay ... to rest
    • ① 埋葬(某人、某人的遗骨)
    • ② 使(事情等)平息;忘却
  • rest up
    • ① 【美】获得充分休息;休息而恢复精力


  • basen.基座
  • breakn.休息
  • easen.安适
  • holdern.架子
  • pausen.暂停
  • peacen.宁静
  • platformn.平台
  • quietn.安静
  • recessn.休息
  • relaxationn.轻松
  • sleepn.睡眠
  • standn.架子


  • rests
  • resting
  • rested
  • rested


  • ① 剩余,残余<of>
    • He lived here with his wife for the rest of his life.他跟他太太在这里度过他的余生。
  • ②[集合用法]其余的人[东西]
    • The rest (of us) are to do overtime.(我们当中)其余的人都要加班。


  • ① 依然是,仍旧,继续
    • rest content [satisfied]仍旧满意


  • among the rest
    • ① 其中(之一)
    • Ten have passed, myself among the rest.十个人及格,而我是其中之一。
  • and the rest
    • ① 其他等等,以及其他一切
  • as to the rest
    • ① 说到其他方面
  • for the rest
    • ① 至于其他
    • As for the rest, it is all right.至于其他的,都没有问题。
  • rest assured
    • ① 放心(★通常作Rest [You may [can] rest] assured that ...)
    • Rest [You may rest] assured that I will do my utmost to help you.(你)放心好了,我会尽力帮助你的。


  • remaindern.剩余
  • remainsn.剩余
  • remnantn.剩余
  • the othersn.其余的人[物]




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