

词汇 nothing


  • nothing
  • nothings


  • ① 1没什么,无物[事]2[nothing of]毫无,全非
    • There is nothing to worry about.没什么好担心的。
    • Nothing gives me more pleasure than listening to music.没有比听音乐更使我快乐的了。
    • I have heard nothing from her yet.我还没有接到她的任何音频。
    • This is nothing new to me.这对我来说不是什么新鲜事(★修饰 nothing的形容词要置于其后)。
    • Nothing venture, nothing gain [have, win].【谚】不入虎穴,焉有虎子。
    • He is nothing of a poet.他根本称不上是个诗人。
    • He has nothing of the poet in him.他毫无诗人的素质。
  • ② 无价值,无意义<to>


  • ① 无;空;【数】零
    • Nothing comes from [of] nothing.无不会生有。
  • ② 1无足轻重的人;琐事;不重要的东西2[通常用复数形]琐碎的话
    • a mere nothing芝麻小事
    • the little nothings of life人生的琐事
    • His wife is a nothing.他的妻子是个无能的人。
    • He whispered sweet nothings in the girl's ears.他向那个女孩子的耳朵里低声诉爱。
    • He murmured some soft nothings.他喃喃地说了一些温柔的琐碎话。


  • ① 毫不,绝不(=not ... at all)
    • nothing daunted【文】毫不畏缩
    • He cared nothing about her.他毫不关心她。
    • care nothing for ...毫不喜欢…;毫不在乎
    • It is nothing less than madness.那简直疯狂。
    • This is nothing like [near] as [so] good as that.这个远不及那个好。
  • ②[置于名词之后,强调其否定]【口】绝不是
    • "Is it diamond?"-"Diamond nothing; it's glass!"「那是钻石吗?」「绝不是钻石;是玻璃!」


(1)当pron.用的nothing作为主词时,与其述语动语之间如介有"but [except]+复数名词",其动词常用单数形:

Nothing but roses delights my eyes.


Nothing except his constant complaints is a hindrance to his success in the world.



I found nothing interesting in the book.



  • be nothing to ...
    • ① 对…不算什么;与…毫无关系;不能和…相比
    • She is nothing to me.她跟我毫无关系,我对她毫无意思。
    • Your problems are nothing to hers.你的问题与她的相比算不了什么。
  • come to nothing
    • ① 成为泡影,失败,无结果
    • His ambition came to nothing.他的雄心终成泡影。
  • do nothing but ...
    • ① 只是…
    • She did nothing but cry [laugh].她只是哭[笑]。
  • for nothing
    • ① 徒劳地,白白地(=futilely)
    • ② 无缘无故地
    • ③ 免费地(=free)
    • She gave me the book for nothing.她免费送我那本书。
    • I got these magazines for nothing.我免费得到这些杂志。
  • good for nothing
    • ① 无价值的,毫无用处的
  • have nothing to do but [except] V
    • ① 除…外毫无办法,只得,只好
    • They had nothing to do but wait.他们只得等待。
  • have nothing to do with ...
    • ① 与…毫无关系;不跟…来往
    • I have nothing to do with it.我跟它毫无关系。
    • I want you to have nothing to do with him.我不要你跟他交往。
  • in nothing flat
    • ① 【口】尽快地
    • He changed his clothes in nothing flat.他尽快地换了衣服。
    • I'll be there in nothing flat.我将尽快地到达那里。
  • like nothing on earth
    • ① 异常奇怪、丑陋、悲惨(等)
    • She looks like nothing on earth.她看起来异常奇怪。
  • make nothing of ...
    • ①[与can [could]连用]不能了解…;无法利用…
    • ② 轻视;对…毫不在乎,不把…放在眼里
    • He makes nothing of the danger.他对那危险毫不在乎。
    • He makes nothing of spending$5,000 a day.他认为一天花五千美元不算什么。
  • mean nothing to ...
    • ① 对…无关重要(=be nothing to ...)
    • ② 为…所无法了解
  • next to nothing
    • ① 几乎免费
    • The secondhand typewriter cost next to nothing.那台二手的打字机几乎等于奉送。
  • no nothing
    • ①[用于枚举的否定语之后]【口】完全没有,什么都没有
    • There is no bread, no butter, no milk--no nothing.没有面包,没有奶油,没有牛奶,什么都没有。
  • nothing but ...
    • ① 只,不过(=only)
    • Nothing but a miracle can save the child now.现在只有奇迹能拯救那个孩子。
    • It is nothing but a joke.那只是个玩笑罢了。
    • She could see nothing but fog.她只能看到浓雾。
  • nothing doing
    • ①[Nothing doing!]【口】不行!我才不干!(★拒绝时用)
    • ② 【口】没有机会;没有活动(等)
    • I tried to have a word with her but there was nothing doing.我试图跟她说句话,但是没有机会。
  • nothing if not ...
    • ①[置于形容词之前]非常地,格外地
    • ②[置于名词之前]彻头彻尾的,典型的
    • He is nothing if not a businessman.他是个彻头彻尾的商人。
  • nothing other than ...
    • ① 只,不过(=only)
  • There is nothing for it but [except] to-V.
    • ① (除…外)别无办法,只得。
    • There was nothing for it but [except] to wait.除等待外别无办法。
  • There is nothing in ...
    • ① 完全是假话
    • ② …根本没道理
    • ③ …没有困难
  • There is nothing to it.
    • ① 【口】这很容易;这算不了什么。


  • joken.无意义
  • aught
  • cipher
  • drossy
  • good-for-nothing
  • inutile
  • nebbish
  • nihility
  • nil
  • nix
  • no-account
  • no-good
  • nobody
  • nonentity
  • nonexistence
  • nothingness
  • null
  • pip-squeak
  • shrimp
  • valueless
  • worthless
  • zero
  • zilch
  • cypher
  • goose egg
  • nada
  • naught
  • zip
  • zippo


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • measure
  • quantity
  • amount
  • relative quantity
  • nothing
  • nil
  • nix
  • nada
  • null
  • aught
  • cipher
  • cypher
  • goose egg
  • naught
  • zero
  • zilch
  • zip
  • zippo


  • relative quantity


  • Fanny Adams
  • bugger all
  • fuck all
  • nihil
  • sweet Fanny Adams




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