

词汇 sad


  • sad
  • sadder
  • saddest


  • ① (人、心、表情等)悲伤的,悲哀的(←→glad)
    • a sad face悲伤的面孔
    • a sad man伤心的人
    • sad looks哀容
    • She looked sad.她看起来悲伤。
    • He felt sad because a close friend had moved away.他感到悲伤,因为一位挚友搬走了。
    • What makes her so sad?什么使得她如此悲伤?
    • It is sad to think that he has to go away.想到他不得不走就叫人悲伤。
    • It makes me sad to hear (that) she is ill again.听到她又病了就令我悲伤。
    • She was sad at the news.她对那消息感到悲伤。
    • They all felt sad about her death.对她的死亡,他们都感到伤心。
    • He was sad to see her go.看到她走,他感到伤心。
  • ② (事物等)令人悲伤的,可悲的;凄惨的
    • a sad event惨事
    • sad news噩耗
    • a sad song悲歌,哀歌
    • It is sad that he has to move away.可憾的是他不得不搬走。
  • ③ (颜色)黯淡的,阴郁的
  • ④ 【口】糟糕的;可耻的;可叹的(★通常用于【谑】或【轻蔑】)
    • a sad coward可耻的懦夫
    • a sad mistake无可救药的错误
    • They left the park in a sad state.他们把公园搞得一团糟。


sad: 为表「悲伤的」之意的最普通用语

Mary is sad because her pet died.

dejected: 指因期望落空而颓丧悲哀

His failure made him feel dejected.

depressed: 指由于身心疲惫或空虚而感到沮丧

She felt depressed after she had read the novel.

sorrowful: 指因失望、生离死别所引起的悲伤

The death of her friend made her sorrowful.


  • saddenv.使悲伤
  • sadlyadv.悲哀地,悲伤地
  • sadnessn.悲伤


  • in sad earnest
    • ① 【古】极认真地
  • sad to say
    • ①[通常置于句首]说来可悲;不幸的是(=unfortunately)
    • Sad to say, he has failed again.说来可悲,他又失败了。
  • sadder but wiser
    • ① 备尝忧患而更老成练达


  • cheerlessadj.不快乐的
  • dejectedadj.灰心的
  • depressedadj.沮丧的
  • dismaladj.悲惨的
  • joylessadj.没有快乐的
  • melancholyadj.忧郁的
  • patheticadj.可怜的
  • pitifuladj.令人同情的
  • blue
  • deplorable
  • depressing
  • desolate
  • dispirited
  • dispiriting
  • doleful
  • dolorous
  • down
  • downcast
  • downhearted
  • dull
  • dysphoric
  • gloomy
  • grievous
  • heavy-hearted
  • lamentable
  • low
  • lugubrious
  • melancholic
  • mournful
  • plaintive
  • regrettable
  • rueful
  • sorrowful
  • spiritless
  • tristful
  • unhappy
  • wistful
  • woebegone
  • woeful
  • distressing
  • sorry


  • amusingadj.有趣的
  • cheerfuladj.快乐的
  • gladadj.高兴的
  • happyadj.快乐的
  • joyfuladj.欢乐的
  • pleasedadj.高兴的




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