

词汇 regard


  • regard
  • regards
  • regards
  • regarding
  • regarded
  • regarded


  • ① 认为,视为
    • I have always regarded him as a friend.我一向把他看做朋友。
    • I regard his behavior as childish.我认为他的行为是幼稚的。
    • He regarded the task as having been completed.他认为那件工作已完成。
    • He has always regarded himself simply as an actor.他一向只把自己看做一名演员。
  • ②[附有表感情的副词,或与其相当的带有with的副词词组]1(以某种感情)看2【文】注视
    • He regarded the dog with suspicion [suspiciously].他以怀疑的眼光看着那条狗。
    • She was regarding me curiously [with curiosity].她正好奇地注视着我。
  • ③[通常用于否定句]顾及;注意
    • He never regards my wishes [advice].他从不顾及我的愿望[忠告]。
    • Nobody regarded what he did.没人注意他所做的事。


  • ① 注意;关心;顾虑<for, to>
    • She has no regard for the feelings of others.她不关心别人的感情。
    • You should pay more regard to your little sister's safety.你应该更注意你妹妹的安全。
  • ②[或作a regard]尊敬,尊重,器重<for>
    • Her regard for him grew day by day.她对他的尊敬与日俱增。
    • I have (a) great regard for him [his ability].我非常看重他[他的能力]。
    • We hold him in high [low] regard.我们很尊敬[藐视]他。
  • ③[用复数形](信函等的)问候
    • With best [kind] regards.谨此致候(信尾的问候语)。
    • Give them my (best) regards.请代我向他们问候。
    • Give my (kind) regards to your mother.请代问候令堂。
    • She sent you her regards.她向你问好。
  • ④ (应考虑之)点(★通常用于词组in this [that] regard)
  • ⑤ 【文】注视,(目不转睛的)视线(=look)


respect: 指认为某人或某物具有很高的价值,而对其表示相当的敬意或重视

respect a philanthropist

esteem: 指对于很好的或重要的人或物持有很高的评价及好感

He is one of the most esteemed novelists of today.

admire: 指认定卓越的人或物的价值,其意味比esteem更强,或是由衷地怀有爱慕之情

a hero admired by every countryman

regard: 指认为某人或某物值得考虑[评价],而对其持有好意的、同情的关怀

Macbeth is a play highly regarded by critics.


  • as regards ...
    • ① 【文】关于,至于
    • As regards money, I have enough.至于钱,我有的是。
  • in this [that] regard
    • ① 关于这[那]一点
  • with [in] regard to ...
    • ① 关于…
    • With [in] regard to the scandal I have no comment.关于那件丑闻,我无可奉告。
  • without regard to [for] ...
    • ① 不顾,不管
    • without regard to etiquette [for one's safety]不顾礼节[自身的安全]


  • acceptvt.接受
  • considervt.认为
  • esteemvt.尊重
  • followvt.遵循
  • gaze atvt.注视
  • holdvt.认为
  • look uponvt.视为
  • mindvt.注意
  • respectvt.尊重
  • valuevt.珍视
  • viewvt.
  • account
  • admiration
  • admire
  • angle
  • appreciation
  • aspect
  • attention
  • attentiveness
  • best
  • care
  • carefulness
  • caution
  • cognizance
  • concern
  • concernment
  • consideration
  • contemplation
  • deem
  • espial
  • estimation
  • eye
  • facet
  • favor
  • frame of reference
  • gingerliness
  • hand
  • heed
  • heedfulness
  • honor
  • interest
  • interestedness
  • light
  • look
  • mark
  • mindfulness
  • note
  • notice
  • observance
  • observation
  • observe
  • phase
  • reckon
  • remark
  • scrutinize
  • see
  • side
  • sight
  • solicitude
  • survey
  • thoughtfulness
  • watch
  • affect
  • compliments
  • gaze
  • involve
  • paying attention
  • wish


  • despisevt.看轻
  • disregardvt.不重视
  • ignorevt.忽视
  • rejectvt.拒绝
  • scornvt.蔑视
  • disesteem
  • disrespect
  • inattentiveness


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • information
  • fact
  • detail
  • item
  • point
  • respect
  • regard


  • affection
  • affectionateness
  • attending
  • attention
  • attitude
  • detail
  • fondness
  • greeting
  • heart
  • honor
  • honour
  • item
  • laurels
  • mental attitude
  • philia
  • point
  • salutation
  • stare
  • tenderness
  • warmheartedness
  • warmness


  • advertence
  • advertency
  • estimate
  • estimation
  • stature




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