

词汇 pain


  • pain
  • pains
  • pains
  • paining
  • pained
  • pained


  • ① 1(肉体或精神的)痛苦;苦恼;悲痛2局部的疼痛
    • Do you feel any pain?你感到有什么痛苦吗?
    • She was in great pain.她深感痛苦。
    • The news caused [gave] him much [a great deal of] pain.那消息使他大为痛苦。
    • This medicine will relieve pain.此药会减轻疼痛。
    • After she took the pill, the pain wore off.在她服用那颗药丸之后,痛苦逐渐消失了。
    • a back pain背痛
    • I have a severe [sharp] pain in the stomach.我有剧烈的胃痛。
  • ②[用复数形]费力;劳苦(=trouble)
    • He did not take great pains.他没有下多大功夫。
    • You should take greater pains with your work.你对你的工作应该多加努力。
    • No pains, no gains.【谚】不劳则无获。
    • He took great pains to repair the engine.他煞费苦心地去修理引擎。
  • ③[用复数形]阵痛,产痛(=labor pains)
  • ④[a pain]【俚】不愉快的感觉;令人厌烦的人或事物(=a pain in the neck)


  • ① 使痛(=hurt)(★不可用被动式)
    • My foot pains [is paining] me.我的脚痛。
  • ② 使(人)痛心,使悲痛(★或以过去分词当形容词用)
    • His sarcasm pained her.他的嘲讽使她痛苦。
    • It pains me to say that you have failed the test.我要痛心地说你没通过测验。


pain: 是包括从身体某一部分突然的疼痛,到全身长时间剧烈的痛苦在内的一般用语,亦可指内心的痛苦或悲痛

ache: 指持续的、一般的钝痛

agony: 指继续的、无法忍受的、全身的剧痛

pang: 指剧烈的、突然的、一时的痛苦,尤指伴有痉挛者


  • a pain in the ass
    • ① 【美俚】不愉快的感觉
    • ② 【美俚】令人厌烦的人或事物
  • a pain in the neck
    • ① 【口】不愉快的感觉
    • ② 【口】令人厌烦的人或事物
    • He's a pain in the neck.他讨人厌。
  • at pains
    • ① 辛苦(去做)
    • He was at great pains to please her.他煞费苦心地讨好她。
  • feel no pain
    • ① 【美俚】大醉
  • for one's pains
    • ① 作为劳苦的报酬;【反语】费力反而…
    • She was well rewarded for her pains.她的劳苦得到了很好的报酬。
    • He got a scolding for his pains.他费力反而受到责骂。
  • on [under] pain of ...
    • ① 【文】违反则必受…的惩罚
    • It was forbidden on pain of death.违反该禁令者处死。
  • spare no pains
    • ① 不辞劳苦(去做)
    • No pains have been spared to protect these animals.不辞劳苦以保护那些动物。


  • achen.痛苦
  • achev.使痛
  • agonyn.痛苦
  • annoyv.触怒
  • distressv.使悲惨
  • disturbv.使不安
  • effortn.努力
  • grievev.使伤心
  • hurtn.疼痛
  • miseryn.悲惨
  • nuisancen.令人讨厌的事
  • sorrown.悲痛
  • tormentv.折磨
  • torturen.折磨
  • troublen.麻烦
  • worryv.使焦虑
  • affliction
  • aggrieve
  • anguish
  • care
  • carefulness
  • elbow grease
  • endeavor
  • exertion
  • fastidiousness
  • injure
  • meticulousness
  • painstaking
  • pang
  • prick
  • prickle
  • punctiliousness
  • scrupulousness
  • smart
  • soreness
  • stab
  • sting
  • stitch
  • strain
  • striving
  • struggle
  • thorn
  • thoroughness
  • throe
  • trial
  • twinge
  • while
  • woe
  • wound
  • wretchedness
  • ail
  • annoyance
  • bother
  • botheration
  • hurting
  • infliction
  • pain in the ass
  • pain in the neck
  • pain sensation
  • painful sensation
  • painfulness


  • comfortn.舒服
  • delightn.愉快
  • joyn.欢乐
  • pleasuren.乐趣
  • reliefn.慰藉
  • comfortv.使舒适
  • delightv.使愉悦
  • easev.缓和
  • pleasev.使高兴
  • relievev.缓和


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • information
  • evidence
  • grounds
  • symptom
  • pain
  • hurting


  • disagreeable person
  • feeling
  • negative stimulus
  • somaesthesia
  • somatesthesia
  • somatic sensation
  • somesthesia
  • symptom
  • unpleasant person


  • ache
  • aching
  • agony
  • arthralgia
  • burn
  • burning
  • causalgia
  • chest pain
  • chiralgia
  • colic
  • costalgia
  • distress
  • dysmenorrhea
  • excruciation
  • glossalgia
  • glossodynia
  • gripes
  • griping
  • growing pains
  • haemorrhoid
  • hemorrhoid
  • hurt
  • intestinal colic
  • irritant
  • keratalgia
  • labor pain
  • mastalgia
  • melagra
  • mental anguish
  • meralgia
  • metralgia
  • mittelschmerz
  • myalgia
  • myodynia
  • nephralgia
  • neuralgia
  • neuralgy
  • nuisance
  • odynophagia
  • orchidalgia
  • pang
  • phantom limb pain
  • photalgia
  • photophobia
  • piles
  • plague
  • pleuralgia
  • pleurodynia
  • podalgia
  • proctalgia
  • rawness
  • referred pain
  • renal colic
  • smart
  • smarting
  • smartness
  • soreness
  • sting
  • stinging
  • stitch
  • suffering
  • tenderness
  • thermalgesia
  • thorn
  • throb
  • torment
  • torture
  • twinge
  • ulalgia
  • unpleasantness
  • urodynia




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