

词汇 make out

make out


  • ① 起草,写出
    • make out a list of the guests开出一份宾客名单
    • He made a check out [made out a check] for $2,000.他开出一张两千美元的支票。
    • Did you make out a receipt?你有没有开收据?
  • ② (设法)凑成,完成(★make up比较常用)
  • ③[通常与can, could合用](好不容易地)分辨出来,读出来,认出来
    • He could barely make out the number plate of the car.他隐约看出那部汽车的牌照。
  • ④ 了解,懂得
    • I can't make him out.我不了解他的想法。
    • I can't make out what he wants.我不懂他要什么。
  • ⑤ 说成…样子;说是;企图证明,证实
    • You can't make out a case for this point of view.你无法为这种观点立证。
    • He made out that he was a millionaire.他把他自己说成是个百万富翁。
    • He makes himself out (to be) cleverer than he really is.他想证明他比实际上更聪明。
  • ⑥ 【口】进展;结果为
    • Our company is making out very well.我们的公司生意兴隆。
    • How are you making out in your new job?你的新工作进展情形如何?
  • ⑦ 【美】(与某人)相处<with>
    • How are you making out with Alice?你跟爱丽丝相处得怎么样?
  • ⑧ 【美口】爱抚,卿卿我我<with>
    • He started making out with the girl.他开始爱抚那个女子。


  • make




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