

词汇 point


  • point
  • points
  • points
  • pointing
  • pointed
  • pointed


  • ① 1尖头<of>2尖端<of>3[常作Point当地名用]突入水中之地;岬4(鹿角的)叉5【军】尖兵
    • a pen point笔尖
    • the point of a needle [knife]针[刀]尖
    • the points of the fingers指尖
    • the point of the jaw腭端
    • a point of land jutting into the bay突入海湾的陆岬
  • ② 1(小)点2(小数的)小数点(=decimal point)3句点(=period; full stop)4【乐】附点,断音符号5(点字法的)点
    • We see stars as points of light in a dark sky.在黑暗的天空中,我们把星星看成许多光点。
    • three point five3.5
    • point three0.3
    • three point one four3.14
  • ③ 1(空间的)点;地点;场所(=spot)2【口】停车场;停留处3(时间的)点;(决定性的)瞬间4【数】点5[通常用单数形]问题(点),论点;问题
    • a point on a map地图上的一点
    • a starting point出发点
    • the point where two streets cross那两条街的交叉处
    • At that point I told him that he was wrong.在那当儿,我告诉他,他错了。
    • when it comes to the point到了紧要关头;说要到点时
    • a point of contact接点
    • a point of intersection交点
    • a point of conscience良心的问题
    • the point at issue争论点
    • a debatable point可争论的一点
    • You've got a point there.你言之有理。
  • ④ 1【天】点;(远近法的)点;【赛马】标点;分数2(猎狗)指示猎物方向的姿势3【美】(学科的)学分;【美军】从军点数;(配给的)点数
    • Our team won by six points.我队以六分获胜。
  • ⑤ 1[the point]要点,主旨;问题2特点,特质3目的;必要;用处;意义4适切;效果5暗示,提示<on>
    • keep [stick] to the point扣住要点
    • What are the main points of the story?这篇故事的要点是什么?
    • The point is that we are short of capital.问题是我们缺乏资本。
    • There are noble points in his character.他的性格有些高贵的特点。
    • His strong points are his speed and accuracy.他的优点是快速和准确。
    • He has some good [weak] points.他有一些优[弱]点。
    • There's no point [not much point] in arguing with him.跟他争辩没有[没多大]用处。
    • a speech that lacks point不适切的演说
  • ⑥ 1(比赛的)快点,积分2【海】方位(罗盘周围32刻度之一,相连二刻度所成的角度,即11°15')3(温度的)点,度4[常附有基数]【印刷】磅因活字
    • (the) freezing point冰点
    • (the) boiling point沸点
    • (the) melting point熔点
    • The temperature has gone up two points.温度升高了两度。
    • in 8 point以八磅因活字,八磅因的
  • ⑦[用复数形]【英】[铁路]转辙器(=【美】switch)
  • ⑧ 【板球】1三柱门(wicket)右方前面的防守位置2该位置的防守人
  • ⑨[用复数形][舞蹈]趾尖
    • dance on points以趾尖跳舞
  • ⑩ 【电】1接点2【英】插座(=【美】outlet)


  • ① 使尖;使锐利;削尖
    • point a pencil削铅笔(★一般的说法为sharpen a pencil)
  • ② 1加标点于2给(数字)打小数点3【乐】加以附点或断音符号
  • ③ 强调(忠告、教训等);增加…的力量
  • ④ 1指向<at, to, toward>2指点;给(某人)指出<to>
    • I pointed my gun at the rabbit.我把枪对准那只兔子。
    • He pointed his finger at them.他指着他们(★以手指指人为失礼之事,含有「指责…」之意)。
    • She pointed him to a chair, signaling for him to sit.她给他指出一把椅子,示意要他坐下。
  • ⑤ (猎狗)指示(猎物所在处)
  • ⑥[泥水工](用水泥)涂抹(砖等的)接缝
  • ⑦ (舞者等)踮起(趾尖)


  • ① 指;指示<at, to, toward>
    • It's rude to point.指指点点是不礼貌的。
    • He pointed to the island on the horizon.他指着水平在线的那个岛。
    • The hands of the clock pointed to 8:10.时钟的指针指着八点十分。
    • A compass needle points to the north.磁针指向北方。
    • All the evidence points to her guilt.所有的证据都指示她有罪。
    • She pointed at him.她指着他。
  • ② 指向(某一方)
    • The sign pointed west [pointed to the west].指针指向西方。
  • ③ (猎狗)站住以鼻指向猎物的位置


  • pointlessadj.无意义的,不相干的,无益的


  • at all points
    • ① 在各方面;完全地;彻头彻尾地
  • at the point of ...
    • ① 即将,就要,濒于
    • The patient was at the point of death.那个病人濒临死亡。
    • She was at the point of going abroad.她即将出国。
  • away from the point
    • ① (话等)离题;不相干
  • beside the point
    • ① 离题的,不相干的
  • carry [gain] one's point
    • ① 达到目的;说服别人同意自己的意见[主张]
  • come [get] to the point
    • ① 到达要点,说到要点
    • Will you get [come] to the point?请你说到要点好吗?
  • from point to point
    • ① 逐点;详细地
  • gain [score, win] a point
    • ① 得一分
  • give a person points
    • ① (比赛时)让某人几分;比某人强
    • He can give me points at tennis.他网球打得比我好。
  • give points to a person
    • ① (比赛时)让某人几分;比某人强
  • in point
    • ① 适当的;切题的
    • a case in point一个适当的例子
  • in point of ...
    • ① 【文】就…而论;说到…
  • in point of fact
    • ① 就事实而论;事实上
    • In point of fact he's a good man.就事实而论,他是个好人。
  • make [come to] a point
    • ① (猎狗)站住以鼻指猎物的方向
  • make a point of ...
    • ①[与动名词连用]经常;照例;必定
    • ②[常与动名词连用]主张;坚持;强调,重视
    • Our teacher made a great point of our coming to school on time.我们的老师一定要我们准时到校。
  • make it a point to-V
    • ① 照例;必定
    • I make it a point to do (my) exercises every morning.我每天早上必定运动。
  • make one's point
    • ① (在辩论等)证明自己的主张;充分说明自己的论点
  • make points with ...
    • ① 【口】讨好,巴结
    • He always makes points with his boss.他总是讨好他的老板。
  • not to put too fine a point on it
    • ① 毫无忌惮地说;坦白地说
  • off the point
    • ① 离题的,不对题的
  • on the point of ...
    • ①[通常与动名词连用]正要,刚要
    • ② 濒临
    • The old man was on the point of death.那位老人濒临死亡。
  • on this [that] point
    • ① 关于这[那]点
  • point by point
    • ① 逐一,一一
  • point for point
    • ① 逐一[一一]比较起来
  • point of view
    • ① 观点,见解,看法
    • ② (小说等的)叙事观点
  • point off
    • ① 以小数点分开(数字)
  • point out
    • ① 指出;提醒
    • They pointed out our advantages.他们指出我们的有利之点。
    • I pointed out the mistake to him.我给他指出那个错误。
    • I pointed out that the plan was unwise.我指出那项计划是不明智的。
    • He pointed out how important it is to do exercises regularly.他指出规律地运动有多重要。
  • point up
    • ① 强调(话、感情等)
  • score points [a point] off a person
    • ① (在辩论中等)击败某人,驳倒某人
  • stretch [strain] a point
    • ① 特别通融
    • As it's your birthday, we'll stretch a point and let you go to bed late.因为是你的生日,我们会特别通融,让你晚睡。
  • the point of no return
    • ① 【空】不能回航点;极限点(过此点则所剩油料不足以返回原地)
    • ② 不能回头的地步
  • the points of the compass
    • ① 罗盘的32方位
  • to the point
    • ① 中肯,扼要,切题
    • His speech was short and to the point.他的演讲简短而扼要。
  • to the point of ...
    • ① 到可以说…的程度
    • He's outspoken to the point of rudeness.他直言无讳到了粗鲁的程度。


  • aspectn.观点
  • considerationn.要点
  • dotn.
  • emphasisn.重点
  • essencen.要素
  • goaln.分数
  • itemn.要点
  • leveln.指向
  • lightn.观点
  • messagen.要点
  • phasen.观点
  • pitchn.点,度
  • purposen.目的
  • respectn.
  • spotn.场所
  • themen.重点
  • tipn.尖端
  • trainv.指向
  • accent
  • accentuate
  • acicula
  • acumination
  • advert
  • aim
  • ambition
  • apex
  • argue
  • argument
  • article
  • attest
  • bespeak
  • betoken
  • borderline
  • bring up
  • brink
  • case
  • cast
  • cusp
  • dash
  • degree
  • denote
  • design
  • designate
  • detail
  • direct
  • edge
  • element
  • emphasize
  • end
  • feature
  • fleck
  • grade
  • head
  • highlight
  • idea
  • imply
  • import
  • indicate
  • instant
  • intent
  • intention
  • italicize
  • juncture
  • lay
  • location
  • locus
  • mark
  • matter
  • meaning
  • mention
  • moment
  • mucro
  • mucronation
  • notch
  • object
  • objective
  • particular
  • peg
  • pinpoint
  • place
  • play up
  • point out
  • punctuate
  • purport
  • refer
  • rung
  • set
  • show
  • significance
  • significancy
  • specify
  • speck
  • stage
  • step
  • stress
  • subject
  • subject matter
  • suggest
  • target
  • testify
  • text
  • threshold
  • topic
  • touch
  • turn
  • underline
  • underscore
  • verge
  • view
  • why
  • witness
  • zero in
  • breaker point
  • channelise
  • channelize
  • charge
  • compass point
  • decimal point
  • distributor point
  • full point
  • full stop
  • guide
  • gunpoint
  • luff
  • maneuver
  • manoeuver
  • manoeuvre
  • orient
  • peak
  • percentage point
  • period
  • point in time
  • pointedness
  • power point
  • repoint
  • sharpen
  • signal
  • steer
  • stop
  • taper


  • unpointedness


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • content
  • cognitive content
  • mental object
  • idea
  • thought
  • concept
  • conception
  • construct
  • part
  • section
  • division
  • component
  • constituent
  • element
  • factor
  • ingredient
  • point


  • aim
  • amount
  • characteristic
  • component
  • component part
  • constituent
  • contact
  • convex shape
  • convexity
  • direction
  • disc
  • disk
  • electric outlet
  • electric receptacle
  • electrical outlet
  • element
  • end
  • fact
  • factor
  • foreland
  • gun muzzle
  • head
  • headland
  • import
  • ingredient
  • linear measure
  • linear unit
  • loan
  • location
  • mark
  • mathematical notation
  • meaning
  • measure
  • muzzle
  • object
  • objective
  • outlet
  • part
  • portion
  • promontory
  • punctuation
  • punctuation mark
  • quantity
  • relevance
  • relevancy
  • saucer
  • significance
  • signification
  • state
  • tangency
  • taper
  • target
  • terminal
  • unit
  • unit of measurement
  • wall plug
  • wall socket


  • ENE
  • ESE
  • EbN
  • EbS
  • McBurney's point
  • NE
  • NEbE
  • NEbN
  • NNE
  • NNW
  • NW
  • NWbN
  • NWbW
  • NbE
  • NbW
  • SE
  • SEbE
  • SEbS
  • SSE
  • SSW
  • SW
  • SWbS
  • SWbW
  • SbE
  • SbW
  • WNW
  • WSW
  • WbN
  • WbS
  • abutment
  • acme
  • advantage
  • agenda item
  • antinode
  • arrival time
  • arrowhead
  • attracter
  • attractor
  • barb
  • beginning
  • belly button
  • bellybutton
  • blind spot
  • bottom line
  • cardinal compass point
  • celestial point
  • center
  • centre
  • chokepoint
  • climax
  • commencement
  • corner
  • crinion
  • crossing
  • crux
  • crux of the matter
  • cusp
  • date
  • deadline
  • departure time
  • diamond point
  • distance
  • east by north
  • east by south
  • east northeast
  • east southeast
  • elevation
  • end
  • end point
  • ending
  • extent
  • extra point
  • first
  • focal point
  • focus
  • full term
  • geographic point
  • geographical point
  • get-go
  • ground zero
  • head
  • height
  • hilum
  • hot spot
  • hotspot
  • incidental
  • instant
  • intercept
  • intersection
  • intersection point
  • inventory item
  • kickoff
  • ladder
  • line item
  • match point
  • meridian
  • midair
  • middle
  • midpoint
  • midterm
  • military position
  • minute
  • minutia
  • moment
  • navel
  • news item
  • nib
  • nidus
  • node
  • nook and cranny
  • nooks and crannies
  • nor'-east
  • nor'-nor'-east
  • nor'-nor'-west
  • nor'-west
  • north by east
  • north by west
  • north northeast
  • north northwest
  • northeast
  • northeast by east
  • northeast by north
  • northeastward
  • northwest
  • northwest by north
  • northwest by west
  • northwestward
  • offset
  • omphalos
  • omphalus
  • optic disc
  • optic disk
  • origin
  • outset
  • particular date
  • peak
  • pen nib
  • phase
  • phase angle
  • pike
  • pinnacle
  • pinpoint
  • place
  • plane
  • point after
  • point after touchdown
  • point of intersection
  • position
  • pressure point
  • punctum
  • quickening
  • rallying point
  • regard
  • respect
  • resultant
  • root
  • rootage
  • run-time
  • second
  • selling point
  • set point
  • show time
  • showtime
  • sou'-east
  • sou'-sou'-east
  • sou'-sou'-west
  • sou'-west
  • source
  • south by east
  • south by west
  • south southeast
  • south southwest
  • southeast
  • southeast by east
  • southeast by south
  • southeastward
  • southwest
  • southwest by south
  • southwest by west
  • southwestward
  • spear-point
  • spearhead
  • spearpoint
  • spike
  • spot
  • standard of life
  • standard of living
  • start
  • starting time
  • state of the art
  • sticking point
  • summit
  • superlative
  • suspension point
  • talking point
  • technicality
  • term
  • then
  • time of arrival
  • time of departure
  • tiptop
  • top
  • topographic point
  • trichion
  • trifle
  • triviality
  • ultimacy
  • ultimateness
  • umbilicus
  • vanishing point
  • west by north
  • west by south
  • west northwest
  • west southwest
  • widow's peak




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