

词汇 round


  • round
  • rounds
  • rounds
  • rounding
  • rounded
  • rounded
  • round
  • rounder
  • roundest


  • ① 1圆;圆形物;环;(梯子的)横木,梯级2【建】圆型嵌线;[雕]圆雕3环坐的人;(线的)一卷
  • ② 球;球形物;圆筒物;(牛的)后腿肉;圆而厚的一片面包(loaf的环切)
  • ③ (圆形物、球形物等的)周围;范围
  • ④ 1旋转;循环2反复;连续
    • the round of the seasons季节的循环
    • one's daily round=the daily round of life每天的例行工作[生活]
  • ⑤ (走)一圈;(走)一趟
    • take a round走一圈;散散步<of>
    • do a paper round送报纸
  • ⑥ 环形路
  • ⑦[通常用复数形]巡行;巡视;巡逻路线或区域
    • a doctor's rounds医师的巡视
  • ⑧ 1(比赛的)一回合2(弹药的)一发;(欢乐的)一阵;【军】一齐射击3(酒等)给每位在场者的一份,一客4(高尔夫球的)一局
    • the second round of a tournament竞赛的第二回合
    • a fight of ten rounds(拳击的)十回合的交战
    • play a round交战;比赛一局
    • 60 rounds of ammunition六十发的弹药
    • round after round of applause一阵又一阵的掌声
    • It's my round轮到我请大家喝一杯酒
    • pay for a round of drinks付费请大家喝一客的酒
    • play a round of golf打一局高尔夫球(包括18洞)
  • ⑨ 圆舞(曲)
  • ⑩ 【乐】轮唱


  • ① 圆的(←→square);圆筒形的;球形的;(拱)半圆形的;拱门状的
    • a round window圆窗
    • She has a round face.她有一个圆脸。
    • round eyes圆的眼睛
    • a round can圆筒形罐头
    • a round arch半圆拱
    • The stone is round.那块石头是圆的。
  • ② 肥胖的;弯曲的
    • round cheeks圆胖的面颊
  • ③ 环形的;围绕的
    • a round dance圆舞(曲)
    • a round tour环游
  • ④[无比较级]1完整的;无尾数的;整数的;大约的2颇;相当(数目)的
    • a round dozen整整[正好]一打
    • a round number整数(如10,100,1000等)
    • in round numbers [figures]以整数;大略
    • a round guess约略的猜测
    • a round sum of money金额相当大的一笔钱
  • ⑤ 率直的;照实的;不容情的;露骨的;不客气的
    • a round answer率直的回答
    • be round with a person对某人开诚布公
  • ⑥ 1(声音)洪亮的2流畅的;流利的3圆滑的;隽永的
  • ⑦ 活泼的;迅速的;轻快的
    • a round pace活泼的步调
  • ⑧ 【语音】(元音等)用圆唇发出的
    • round vowels圆唇元音


  • ① 绕着;环绕
    • He traveled round the world.他做了环球旅行。
    • walk round the corner绕过街角
    • The earth moves round the sun.地球环绕太阳运行。
  • ② 1在周围;在…的四周2在…的附近;在…的邻近
    • He looked round the room.他环视房间。
    • ten miles round the town该镇周遭十英里
  • ③ 围绕着
    • A fence has been built round the orchard.一道篱笆围绕着果园而筑。
    • They sat round the table.他们围桌而坐。
  • ④ 大约,大概,左右
    • She left round noon.她大概在中午离开。
    • He will probably pay somewhere round $800 for the painting.他可能为那幅画付出八百美元左右。
  • ⑤ 在…(时间)当中;始终
    • He worked round (all) the year.他整年工作。


  • ① 回转地;打圈地;循环地
  • ② 在周围;在四方;在附近;遍地
    • go [walk] round四处走走;转一转
    • loaf round游荡
    • all the country round全国到处
  • ③ 传递地;流传地;遍及地;挨次地
  • ④ 绕道地;迂回地
  • ⑤ 周围
    • 4 feet round周围四英尺
  • ⑥ 转动地
    • Please bring my car round.请把我的车子开过来。
    • The water turns the wheel round and round.水使轮子转动不停。


  • ① 使成圆形;使成球形或圆筒形;【语音】使嘴唇呈圆形发[元音]
    • The stones have been rounded by the action of water.那些石头由于水的作用而变圆。
    • He rounded his lips to whistle.他撮起嘴唇吹口哨。
    • round the lips使嘴唇成圆形(如发[u],[w]等音时)
  • ② 绕行;环行
    • His car rounded the corner at high speed.他的车子以高速绕过街角。
    • The ship is now rounding the cape.那艘船现在正在绕过海角。


  • ① 变圆;变丰润;成球形或圆筒形;变肥胖
    • Her eyes rounded with surprise.她的眼睛因惊讶而睁得圆圆的。
  • ② 巡回;巡视
  • ③ 绕转;转身
    • He rounded on his heels to call her.他转过身来叫她。


round: 为表「圆的」之意的意义最广的用语

a round table

circular: (circle)指圆形的,或大略圆形的

a circular area [motion]

annular: (annulus)指类似树木年轮的环状的

the annular body of wasp

spherical: (sphere)指像地球仪那样,表面各点与中心成等距离的

a spherical surface

globular: (globe)指球状的,或大略球状的

a globular gas tank


  • roundnessn.圆形;完全;圆满


  • all the year round
    • ① 全年,一年到头
    • The island has about the same weather all the year round.这个岛上的气候一年到头大致相同。
  • ask [invite] a person round
    • ① 邀请某人;邀某人来家
  • go a long way round
    • ① 绕远路去
  • go the round
    • ① 巡视;巡回;(谣言等)流传
    • War rumors are going the round.战争的谣言正在流传。
  • in the round
    • ①[雕]以圆雕,圆雕的
    • ② 由所有角度(来看)
    • ③ (剧场)圆形式的
  • make [do, go] one's round
    • ① (例行的)巡视;巡回
    • The doctors were making their morning rounds.大夫正在作上午的查房工作。
  • make the rounds of ...
    • ① 巡视;走遍
    • The newly married couple made the rounds of calls.新婚夫妇到处拜访。
  • pace [walk] the [one's] round
    • ① 巡逻;巡视
    • The night watchman was walking his round.守夜者正在巡逻。
  • round about
    • ① 成圆圈;在周围;四面八方;在对面那一方;绕着
    • ② 在附近
  • round about ...
    • ① 绕着…
    • ② 大约…
    • ③ 在…的附近
    • She lives round about here.她住在这附近。
  • round and round ...
    • ① 围绕…兜圈子
    • They argued round and round a subject.他们只在问题表面兜圈子(不深入问题内核)。
  • round down
    • ① 去掉(…的)尾数使成(为…)<to>
    • round down $2,586.46 to $2,586将2,586.46美元去掉尾数成为2,586美元
  • round off
    • ① 使成圆形;使成圆滑
    • ② 使完全;使完美;完成(文章)
    • ③ 化为整数;四舍五入
  • round on [upon] ...
    • ① 转身攻击;突然责骂(★可用被动式)
    • The lion rounded on him.那只狮子突然转身攻击他。
    • He was irritated and rounded on his son, "Why were you so late last night?"他火了就向儿子大发雷霆:「昨夜为什么那么晚才回来?」
  • round out
    • ① (使)变圆形;(使)胀大
    • ② 完成;使完美
    • He rounded out his education by traveling abroad.他以到海外旅行来完成他的教育。
  • round up
    • ① 驱集(家畜)
    • ② 围捕;捕捉
    • ③ 【英】简化为整数<to>
  • win round
    • ① 把(某人)拉到自己这一方


  • fulladj.肥胖的
  • phasen.回合
  • sequencen.一回合
  • about
  • angle
  • annular
  • arc
  • arch
  • around
  • assemble
  • back
  • backward
  • backwards
  • beat
  • bend
  • bow
  • call
  • chain
  • chubby
  • circle
  • circuit
  • circular
  • cluster
  • collect
  • complement
  • complete
  • congregate
  • consecution
  • convene
  • convoke
  • course
  • crook
  • curvature
  • curve
  • cycle
  • entire
  • fill in
  • gather
  • get together
  • globoid
  • globular
  • good
  • group
  • mellow
  • muster
  • orbit
  • order
  • orotund
  • over
  • perfect
  • plangent
  • plump
  • plumpish
  • procession
  • progression
  • pudgy
  • rearward
  • resonant
  • resounding
  • ringing
  • roly-poly
  • rotund
  • route
  • routine
  • run
  • series
  • sonorous
  • spheric
  • spherical
  • streak
  • string
  • succession
  • suite
  • summon
  • supplement
  • through
  • throughout
  • tour
  • track
  • train
  • tubby
  • turn
  • vibrant
  • whole
  • zaftig
  • assail
  • assault
  • attack
  • bout
  • brush up
  • daily round
  • fill out
  • flesh out
  • labialise
  • labialize
  • lash out
  • one shot
  • pear-shaped
  • polish
  • polish up
  • rhythm
  • round down
  • round of drinks
  • round of golf
  • round off
  • round out
  • rung
  • snipe
  • stave
  • troll
  • unit of ammunition


  • squareadj.方的


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • artifact
  • artefact
  • instrumentality
  • instrumentation
  • weaponry
  • arms
  • implements of war
  • weapons system
  • munition
  • ammunition
  • ammo
  • round
  • unit of ammunition
  • one shot


  • ammo
  • ammunition
  • applause
  • call
  • clapping
  • course
  • crosspiece
  • cut of beef
  • division
  • golf
  • golf game
  • habitude
  • hand clapping
  • helping
  • interval
  • itinerary
  • part
  • partsong
  • path
  • portion
  • rotating mechanism
  • route
  • section
  • serving
  • time interval
  • track


  • bottom
  • bottom of the inning
  • disc
  • disk
  • top
  • top of the inning




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