

词汇 organization


  • organization
  • organizations


  • ① 组织体,机构,团体,公会,协会
    • a nonprofit organization非营利机构
    • student organizations学生团体
    • establish [form] a political organization成立[组成]一个政治团体
  • ② 组成;组织,结构
    • the organization of a new club新俱乐部的组成
    • His work lacks organization.他的工作[作品]缺乏组织。
    • There has been a great change in the organization of society.社会的结构有了很大的变化。
  • ③ 【美】(政党的)全体干部


  • organizationaladj.组织的
  • organizev.组织,成立


  • arrangementn.安排
  • associationn.协会
  • establishmentn.成立
  • groupn.团体
  • instituten.机关
  • structuren.结构
  • Anschluss
  • alliance
  • bloc
  • cartel
  • categorization
  • classification
  • club
  • coalition
  • confederacy
  • confederation
  • congress
  • constitution
  • creation
  • deployment
  • disposal
  • disposition
  • distribution
  • federation
  • fellowship
  • formation
  • foundation
  • fraternity
  • grouping
  • guild
  • institution
  • layout
  • league
  • lineup
  • method
  • order
  • orderliness
  • origination
  • pattern
  • placement
  • plan
  • sequence
  • society
  • sorority
  • start-up
  • system
  • systematization
  • systemization
  • union
  • administration
  • brass
  • governance
  • governing body
  • organisation


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • social group
  • organization
  • organisation


  • activity
  • administration
  • beginning
  • body
  • commencement
  • disposal
  • methodicalness
  • orderliness
  • social group
  • start
  • structure


  • Curia
  • Girl Scouts
  • NGO
  • Peace Corps
  • Tammany
  • Tammany Hall
  • Tammany Society
  • adhocracy
  • affiliate
  • alignment
  • alinement
  • alliance
  • association
  • bench
  • blue
  • brotherhood
  • bureaucracy
  • calendar
  • classification system
  • coalition
  • collectivisation
  • collectivization
  • colonisation
  • colonization
  • commission
  • communisation
  • communization
  • company
  • contrivance
  • coordinate system
  • county council
  • data structure
  • defence
  • defence force
  • defense
  • defense force
  • delegacy
  • delegation
  • deputation
  • design
  • distribution
  • enterprise
  • establishment
  • executive
  • federation
  • fiefdom
  • fire brigade
  • fire company
  • force
  • frame of reference
  • genetic map
  • government officials
  • gray
  • grey
  • hierarchy
  • host
  • institution
  • itemisation
  • itemization
  • judiciary
  • kinship system
  • labor union
  • lattice
  • line of defence
  • line of defense
  • line organisation
  • line organization
  • listing
  • living arrangement
  • machine
  • management
  • mission
  • musical group
  • musical organisation
  • musical organization
  • nongovernmental organization
  • nonprofit
  • nonprofit organization
  • not-for-profit
  • officialdom
  • ontology
  • order
  • ordering
  • party
  • pecking order
  • personnel
  • plan
  • political machine
  • political party
  • polity
  • pool
  • power structure
  • professional organisation
  • professional organization
  • quango
  • quasi-NGO
  • randomisation
  • randomization
  • rationalisation
  • rationalization
  • reference frame
  • reference system
  • reorganisation
  • reorganization
  • self-organisation
  • self-organization
  • settlement
  • shake-up
  • shakeup
  • social unit
  • statistical distribution
  • syndication
  • systematisation
  • systematization
  • territorialisation
  • territorialization
  • top brass
  • trade union
  • trades union
  • troupe
  • union
  • unionisation
  • unionization
  • unit




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