

词汇 pick


  • pick
  • picks
  • picks
  • picking
  • picked
  • picked


  • ① 凿,掘;挖(耳朵等);剔(牙齿等)
    • pick rock挖石头
    • pick one's teeth [nose]剔牙[挖鼻子]
  • ② 1啃(骨头);啃食2啄食(榖类);(人)细食,一点一点地吃
    • She picked the meat from the bone.她把骨头上的肉啃掉。
    • The dog picked the bone clean.那条狗把那根骨头啃得一干二净。
    • The bird was picking the grain.那只鸟在啄食榖粒。
  • ③ 摘(花、果等),采(★比gather更属口语)
    • She picked the flowers.她摘那些花。
    • He picked her a rose.=He picked a rose for her.他摘了一朵玫瑰给她。
  • ④ 拔(禽类的)毛(等)(以备烹饪)
    • pick a chicken拔鸡毛
  • ⑤ 扒取;撬开(锁)
    • pick a lock with a hairpin以簪开锁
    • His pocket was picked in the crowd.他在人群中口袋被扒了。
  • ⑥ 【美】用指弹(弦乐器等)(=pluck)
    • He began to play the banjo by picking its strings.他拨弄琴弦开始弹奏五弦琴。
  • ⑦ 挑选,选择
    • Next time please pick somebody else.下一次请选别人吧。
    • pick one's way [steps]拣好路走,小心走路
    • pick one's words carefully注意措词,慎选字眼
    • He picked me to represent him.他选了我去代表他。
  • ⑧ 找(碴儿);寻求;抓住(小辫子等)
    • pick acquaintance with ...偶然与…结识
    • She picked a quarrel with me.她故意跟我争吵。


  • ① 啄食
    • The hens are busily picking about in the backyard.那些母鸡在后院四处啄食。
  • ② (一点一点地)吃
    • The girl only picked at her food.那个女孩只吃了两、三口。


  • ① 1[one's pick]选择2[the pick]精选之物,精华<of>
    • Take your pick.你挑选吧。
    • You can have your pick.你可以任选。
    • The girl was the pick of the class.那个女孩是班上最优秀的。
  • ② 1【口】鹤嘴锄;镐2[通常用于复合语]小型的尖头工具
    • an ice pick冰凿子
    • a toothpick牙签
  • ③ (弦乐器的)拨子,琴拨


choose: 为一般的用语,指从提供的事物中,凭自己的判断或意志加以选择

She chose a fashionable dress.

select: 指从广泛的范围中,经慎重考虑加以选择

She selected a black dress to go to the funeral.

pick (out): 为与select同义的口语

They picked the site for the new building.

elect: 指依投票等特定手续正式选出;对于未被选中者有强烈的排斥意味

elect a chairman

prefer: 是凭一己之好恶,较喜欢或优先选择某人或某物,但未必能如愿到手

He preferred tea to coffee.


  • pickyadj.[美口]非常挑剔的


  • pick ... to pieces
    • ① 把…扯碎
    • ② 【口】酷评
  • pick and choose
    • ① 细心地挑选,精挑细选,挑三拣四,选了又选
  • pick apart
    • ① 把…扯碎
    • ② 【口】酷评
  • pick at ...
    • ① (鸟等)啄食
    • ② (一点一点地)吃
    • ③ 【美口】挑剔,找毛病,吹毛求疵
    • Don't pick at the crippled boy.不要找那个跛脚男孩的毛病。
  • pick off
    • ① 摘去,采取
    • ② 一个个地射杀
    • The sniper picked off three of the soldiers on patrol.那名狙击手射杀了那些巡逻兵当中的三个。
  • pick on
    • ① 选择
    • ② 使困恼;揶揄;吹毛求疵,批评
  • pick oneself up
    • ① (倒下的人)站起来
  • pick out
    • ① 选择;掘出;分辨出
    • ② 了解(意义),领会
    • ③ 凭听来的调子弹奏(歌曲)
    • ④ 衬托,(以不同的颜色)使明显<with, in>(★常用被动式)
    • The panels are picked out in red.那些镶板以红色(边缘)使之显眼。
  • pick over
    • ① 【口】(为选择而)仔细地[一个一个地]检查;拣选;精挑细选;选出
    • pick over apples拣选苹果
    • She picked over some shirts at the bargain counter.她在特价品的台子上拣选了一些衬衫。
  • pick up
    • ① 掘起;拾起
    • ② 偶获,偶得;(用无线电讯、探照灯等)探出,发现;得到(知识、利益等);听会;自然学会;(未经介绍)与(某人)相识;认识;(警察)逮捕(怪异的人物等)
    • ③ (车等)在中途搭载;以车子接(人)
    • ④ 找到(原来的路);恢复(健康、元气);鼓起(勇气);增加(速度)
    • ⑤ 【美】整理,收拾
    • ⑥ (病人)康复;(景气等)改进,好转
    • ⑦ (中断后)继续说(等)
    • ⑧ 收拾行李
    • ⑨ 整理[收拾]房间等
    • ⑩ 【高球】拾球
  • pick up with ...
    • ① 与(偶然遇到的人)结识
    • I picked up with an exile while I stayed in Switzerland.我在瑞士的时候跟一名流亡者结识。


  • creamn.精英
  • flowern.精英
  • acquire
  • apprehend
  • arrest
  • best
  • boost
  • bust
  • carp at
  • choice
  • choose
  • chosen
  • collar
  • come by
  • continue
  • crme de la crme
  • crop
  • cull
  • descry
  • discern
  • distinguish
  • elect
  • elevate
  • elite
  • extract
  • fuss at
  • gain
  • garner
  • gather
  • get
  • glean
  • gun
  • harvest
  • heave
  • henpeck
  • hoist
  • land
  • learn
  • lift
  • make out
  • master
  • nab
  • nag
  • obtain
  • opt
  • peck at
  • pinch
  • plug
  • prize
  • procure
  • raise
  • reap
  • rear
  • renew
  • reopen
  • restart
  • resume
  • run in
  • secure
  • seize
  • select
  • shoot
  • single
  • spot
  • take up
  • top
  • uphold
  • uplift
  • upraise
  • uprear
  • win
  • beak
  • blame
  • break up
  • clean
  • filling
  • find fault
  • foot
  • nibble
  • option
  • peck
  • pickax
  • pickaxe
  • picking
  • piece
  • plectron
  • plectrum
  • pluck
  • plunk
  • selection
  • weft
  • woof


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • process
  • cognitive process
  • mental process
  • operation
  • cognitive operation
  • higher cognitive process
  • decision making
  • deciding
  • choice
  • pick
  • selection


  • action
  • basketball play
  • deciding
  • decision making
  • device
  • edge tool
  • elite
  • elite group
  • hand tool
  • output
  • production
  • thread
  • yarn
  • yield


  • ballot
  • balloting
  • casting
  • coloration
  • colouration
  • conclusion
  • decision
  • determination
  • election
  • favorite
  • favourite
  • guitar pick
  • ice pick
  • icepick
  • mattock
  • pleasure
  • sampling
  • toothpick
  • volition
  • vote
  • voting
  • way
  • willing


  • chop
  • hack




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