

词汇 along




  • ① 沿着(一直向前移动之意);往前(=onward)(★常常只为强调语意而用)
    • along by the fence沿着篱笆
    • Come along here.(朝这个方向)来吧,跟着来吧。
    • She hurried along.她急忙往前走。
    • Move along, please!请往前走!
  • ② (与…)一起;【美】连同;随同
    • I took my brother along.我带弟弟一同去。
    • He was not along.他没有同行。
    • Don't forget to bring along your umbrella.别忘了带你的伞。
  • ③[通常后接about]【美口】(时间)将近
    • along about six o'clock将近六点


  • ① 沿着;循
    • The road runs along the river.那条路沿着河流。
    • There are book stores along the street.沿街有书店。
    • He walked along the lane.他循着那条巷子走。
    • I met my teacher along the way to school.我在上学途中遇到老师。


  • all along
    • ① 自始至终;从开始一直
    • I knew all along that he was a hypocrite.我一直知道他是个伪君子。
    • You have been mistaken all along.打从开头你就错了。
  • along back
    • ① 【美口】最近
  • along with ...
    • ① 随同…;连同…一起
  • be along
    • ① 会来
    • She'll be along in five minutes.再过五分钟她就会来。
  • come along
    • ① 来;随同而至;[祈使句]快点,赶快
    • ② 同意,赞同<with>
    • ③ 顺利进行;进步;成功
    • ④ (随着)来;(从这里)经过
    • Come along (with me).(跟我)来吧。
  • get along
    • ①[通常用进行式]进展;(时间)移动;变老
    • ② 过活,生活,度日
    • ③ 相处
    • ④ (工作等)进步,有起色<with>
    • ⑤ 【口】走,离开
    • ⑥ 进展;繁荣
    • ⑦ 上了年纪,变老(=grow old)
    • ⑧[祈使句]【口】走[滚]开!胡说!
  • get along with ...
    • ① 进行(研究工作等);进步;与(同事等)相处
    • How is he getting along with his wife?他与太太相处得如何?
  • go along
    • ① 进行;进步
    • ② 陪伴<with>
    • ③ 赞成,同意<with>
    • I can't go along with you on this issue.对这个问题,我无法赞同你。
  • well along
    • ① (时间的推移)相当有所进展
    • The afternoon is well along.下午已经过去一大半了。


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