

词汇 being


  • being
  • beings
  • is
  • being
  • was/were
  • been


  • ① 存在,生存(=existence);生命(=life)
  • ② (有形或无形之)物,存在物;生物;(尤指)人
    • a human being一个人
    • beings from outer space来自外太空的生物
  • ③[Being]神
    • the Supreme Being上帝(=God)
  • ④ 本质,本性


  • ①[be的现在分词]1[am [are, is, was, were] being +p.p.为被动进行式]正在被…着2[构成分词词组]
    • The church is being built.那座教堂正在建筑中。
    • Being tired, she went to bed.因为疲倦,她就去睡觉。
  • ②[be的动名词]
    • Being with her makes me happy.跟她一起使我快乐。
    • I hate being treated like a servant.我不喜欢被人当仆人看待。


  • ① 现在的


  • being as [that] ...
    • ① 【方】【口】因为,既然(=because; since)
  • call [bring] ... into being
    • ① 使产生;实现
    • A new organization was brought into being to deal with inquiries.一个新机构被创立以应付询问。
  • come into being
    • ① 开始存在;发生;产生
    • We do not know when the universe came into being.我们不知道宇宙何时开始存在。
  • for the time being
    • ① 目前;暂时;暂且
    • Let's do it just for the time being.暂时我们就这样做吧。
    • Let's stay here for the time being.我们暂时留在这里吧。
  • in being
    • ① 现在的;现有的
    • A college of that sort is already in being.那种学院现在已经有了。


  • creaturen.生物
  • humann.
  • human beingn.人类
  • living creaturen.生物
  • actuality
  • actualization
  • body
  • effect
  • entity
  • essence
  • essentiality
  • existence
  • existent
  • homo
  • individual
  • life
  • man
  • materialization
  • mortal
  • nature
  • object
  • party
  • person
  • personage
  • quintessence
  • reality
  • realization
  • something
  • soul
  • substance
  • texture
  • thing
  • be
  • beingness
  • comprise
  • constitute
  • cost
  • embody
  • equal
  • exist
  • follow
  • live
  • make up
  • organism
  • personify
  • represent


  • differ
  • nonbeing
  • nonexistence


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • being
  • beingness
  • existence


  • animate thing
  • living thing
  • state


  • actuality
  • aerobe
  • aliveness
  • amphidiploid
  • anaerobe
  • animal
  • animalcule
  • animalculum
  • animate being
  • animation
  • atavist
  • beast
  • benthos
  • brute
  • carrier
  • clon
  • clone
  • coexistence
  • commensal
  • congenator
  • congener
  • congeneric
  • conspecific
  • creature
  • cross
  • crossbreed
  • denizen
  • diploid
  • dwarf
  • eternity
  • eucaryote
  • eukaryote
  • fauna
  • flora
  • fungus
  • haploid
  • heteroploid
  • heterotroph
  • host
  • hybrid
  • individual
  • katharobe
  • life
  • living
  • mascot
  • micro-organism
  • microorganism
  • mortal
  • mutant
  • mutation
  • myrmecophile
  • native
  • nekton
  • nonvascular organism
  • parasite
  • parent
  • person
  • plankton
  • plant
  • plant life
  • polymorph
  • polyploid
  • possibility
  • possibleness
  • postdiluvian
  • preexistence
  • presence
  • procaryote
  • prokaryote
  • recombinant
  • relative
  • relict
  • saprobe
  • saprophyte
  • saprophytic organism
  • sitter
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul
  • sport
  • stander
  • subsistence
  • throwback
  • timeless existence
  • timelessness
  • transcendence
  • transcendency
  • utterer
  • variation
  • vocaliser
  • vocalizer
  • zooid




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