

词汇 record


  • record
  • records
  • records
  • recording
  • recorded
  • recorded


  • ① 1记录;登记2(具体的)记录;议事录;案卷
    • a record of accidents事故记录
    • records of ancient civilizations古代文明的记录
    • make a record of ...记录…
    • keep a record of ...将…加以记录。
  • ② (个人等的)履历;前科
    • a family record家谱
    • medical records病历
    • He has a criminal record.他有前科。
  • ③ 1(学校等的)成绩2(竞赛等的)记录;最高记录
    • He had a good [bad] record at school.他的学业成绩优良[不好]。
    • He holds the world record for high jump.他保有跳高的世界记录。
    • beat [break] the [a] record打破记录
  • ④ 唱片
    • an LP record of Mahler's Sixth Symphony马勒第六交响乐的长时间唱片
    • cut a record灌唱片
    • play [put on] a record放唱片


  • ① 记录;登记
    • We record our thoughts in our diaries.我们将自己的思想记载于日记上。
    • Where he died is not recorded.他死在何处并无记录。
  • ② 录音;录像
    • His will was recorded on tape.他的遗嘱录在带子上。
  • ③ (温度计等)显示
    • The thermometer recorded 38°C at noon.温度计显示中午为摄氏三十八度。


  • ① 记录
  • ② 录音;录像
    • The machine is recording now.机器现在正在录音[录像]。
    • Please be quiet. We're recording.请安静。我们正在录音。


  • ① 创记录的,破记录的,空前的
    • a record crop(创记录的)大丰收
    • Unemployment was at a record high.失业率空前地高。


  • a matter of record
    • ① 有案可稽的事件
  • for the record
    • ① 正式地或明确地(说)
    • For the record, I disapprove of the project.正式地说,我不赞成那项计划。
  • go on record
    • ① 正式声明;公开发表意见
    • He went on record as advocating unification.他公开表明立场,主张统一。
  • off the record
    • ① 【口】不记录的;非正式的;不可以公开的
    • What I am going to say is off the record.我现在要讲的话是不能公开的。
  • on record
    • ① 被(正式)记录的;被公开的
    • the greatest earthquake on record纪录上最大的地震,空前的大地震
    • Last winter was the coldest on record for 20 years.去年冬天是二十年来纪录中最冷的。
  • put [place] ... on record
    • ① 将…记录下来


  • albumn.唱片专辑
  • almanacn.年鉴
  • CDn.雷射唱片
  • chroniclen.编年史
  • discn.唱片
  • indicatev.指示
  • jot downv.写下
  • notev.记下
  • performancen.成绩
  • take downv.写下
  • write downv.写下
  • enter
  • insert
  • mark
  • post
  • read
  • register
  • show
  • book
  • commemorate
  • criminal record
  • disk
  • immortalise
  • immortalize
  • memorialise
  • memorialize
  • phonograph record
  • phonograph recording
  • platter
  • put down
  • record book
  • tape
  • track record


  • erase


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • indication
  • indicant
  • evidence
  • record


  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • attainment
  • audio
  • audio recording
  • document
  • evidence
  • fact
  • list
  • listing
  • number
  • sound recording


  • 78
  • L-P
  • LP
  • account
  • account book
  • balance sheet
  • bankbook
  • book
  • book of account
  • card
  • check stub
  • checkbook
  • chequebook
  • chronicle
  • counterfoil
  • data file
  • expense record
  • file
  • history
  • ledger
  • leger
  • logbook
  • memorabilia
  • passbook
  • payslip
  • register
  • scorecard
  • seventy-eight
  • story
  • stub
  • track record
  • won-lost record
  • working papers
  • world record
  • written account
  • written record


  • comprehend
  • perceive




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