

词汇 range


  • range
  • ranges
  • ranges
  • ranging
  • ranged
  • ranged


  • ① 行;列;连续;山脉
    • a mountain range山脉
    • a long range of arches一长排的拱门
  • ② 1(活动、知识、经验等所及的)范围,区域2[用单数形](动植物的)分布[栖息]区域3[用单数形](变动的)范围
    • within range of vision在视觉的范围内
    • The range of this flower is Indonesia.此花的分布区域是印尼。
    • the range of a thermometer温度计的升降幅度
    • the price range价格的变动幅度
    • The age range is from six months to twelve years.年龄范围自六个月到十二岁。
  • ③ 1(子弹、飞弹等的)射程2[或作a range]弹着距离3[或作a range]音域;视界4射击场,靶场;飞弹[火箭]试射场→rifle range
  • ④ 【美】(大)放牧场,牧场(参照ranch)
  • ⑤ 1同类不同对象的一套2(昔日的)多用途铁制壁炉
  • ⑥ 【美】(瓦斯、电、电子)炉


  • ① 1排成一直线,并排;排列;(山脉等)连亘;绵亘(★不可用进行式)2位列<with, among>
    • The mountains ranges east and west.那山脉绵亘东西。
    • He ranges with [among] the great poets.他位居大诗人之列。
  • ② (植物等)分布,蔓延
    • This plant ranges from France to Italy.这种植物分布于法国至意大利。
  • ③ 1漫游;徘徊<through, over>2(话题等)涉及某范围,涉及
    • Many animals ranged through the jungle.许多动物在丛林中漫游。
    • Their conversation ranged widely.他们的交谈范围很广。
    • His studies range over several subjects.他的研究涉及好几个科目。
    • The pupils' ages range from seven to fourteen [between seven and fourteen].那些学生的年龄自七岁到十四岁。
  • ④ (价格等)变动;(温度计等)升降
    • The temperature ranges from 15 to 35 degrees [between 15 and 35 degrees].温度在十五度到三十五度之间升降。
  • ⑤ (枪、砲弹)射程达到
    • These guns range eight miles.这些砲射程可达八英里。


  • ① 排列;使成行<on, in, along>
    • The teacher ranged his students along the path.老师令其学生沿着小径排队。
    • I ranged the books on the shelf by [according to] their authors.我把书按作者排在书架上。
  • ②[常用被动式或作range oneself]列(身于某一边);偏袒;站在…的方面<among, with, on>
    • They were ranged against the government [with the opposition].他们站在反对政府[列身于反对党]的一边。
    • We should range ourselves on the side of law and order.我们应该列身于法律与秩序的一边。
  • ③ 漫游;徘徊于(某地)(★不可用被动式)



range: 指凭心理感觉所能理解或领悟的范围,或机械力量的运用所能达到的范围

Many stars are out of the range of the telescope.

reach: 指伸手即可达到的范围,或某种效果、影响所及的范围

Riches and fame are above our reach.

scope: 指理解、见解、适用性所达的范围,并暗示其所能达到的限度

The plan is out of the scope of our activities.

compass: 指某种事物所能行动、作用的范围或界限

The idea was not within the compass of his mind.

gamut: 指某一范围或限制内的各种等级、程度、深浅

The family experienced the whole gamut of suffering.


roam: 指漫无目的地,在广大地区信步行走;暗示自由、乐趣等

roam over the countryside

ramble: 指离开固定路线或计划,毫无目的地,随兴之所至,到处走走

ramble through the country

rove: 指在广大地区有精神地[热心地]走来走去;常用于无目的地但有目的的场合

We roved through the woods searching for edible mushrooms.

stray: 指没有目的,离开平常的路(线)而徘徊

stray off the path in the woods

range: 指在广大但有限的土地上,为寻求某物而走动

Cattle range over plains.

wander: 指没有目的、路线等而悠游

wander through a park


  • rangern.森林或公园的看守员


  • at long [short, close] range
    • ① 在远[近]距离
  • beyond the range of ...
    • ① 超越…范围
    • It is beyond the range of my ability.这件事我的能力办不到。
  • out of one's range
    • ① 某人达不到的;在某人知识范围以外的
  • within [out of] range
    • ① 在射程内[外]


  • alignv.排列
  • arrayv.部署
  • fieldn.领域
  • linev.排列
  • meanderv.漫步
  • provincen.范围
  • ramblev.漫游
  • roamv.漫步
  • rovev.漫游
  • spheren.范围
  • ambit
  • arrange
  • capacity
  • categorize
  • class
  • classify
  • compass
  • deploy
  • dispose
  • distribute
  • drift
  • extend
  • extension
  • extent
  • gad
  • gallivant
  • go
  • grade
  • grasp
  • group
  • horizon
  • ken
  • marshal
  • neighborhood
  • orbit
  • order
  • organize
  • peregrinate
  • pigeonhole
  • place
  • purview
  • rank
  • rate
  • reach
  • realm
  • run
  • scope
  • sort
  • stray
  • sweep
  • swing
  • systematize
  • traipse
  • vary
  • vicinity
  • wander
  • browse
  • cast
  • chain
  • chain of mountains
  • cooking stove
  • crop
  • graze
  • image
  • kitchen range
  • kitchen stove
  • lay out
  • mountain chain
  • mountain range
  • pasture
  • range of a function
  • range of mountains
  • roll
  • set out
  • stove
  • straddle
  • swan
  • tramp
  • vagabond


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • property
  • magnitude
  • extent
  • scope
  • range
  • reach
  • orbit
  • compass
  • ambit


  • assortment
  • capability
  • capableness
  • extent
  • facility
  • formation
  • geological formation
  • installation
  • kitchen appliance
  • limit
  • miscellanea
  • miscellany
  • mixed bag
  • mixture
  • motley
  • parcel
  • parcel of land
  • piece of ground
  • piece of land
  • potentiality
  • potpourri
  • salmagundi
  • set
  • smorgasbord
  • tract
  • variety


  • Primus
  • Primus stove
  • approximate range
  • ballpark
  • band
  • charcoal burner
  • confines
  • contrast
  • cookstove
  • earreach
  • earshot
  • electric range
  • expanse
  • eyeshot
  • gamut
  • gas cooker
  • gas range
  • gas stove
  • hearing
  • home range
  • home territory
  • horizon
  • internationalism
  • internationality
  • ken
  • latitude
  • palette
  • pallet
  • potbelly
  • potbelly stove
  • practice range
  • purview
  • rifle range
  • rifle shot
  • sight
  • spectrum
  • spirit stove
  • sweep
  • test range
  • view




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