

词汇 return


  • return
  • returns
  • returns
  • returning
  • returned
  • returned


  • ① 归,回来(★口语用come [go, get] back)
    • He left for work one morning and did not return.有一天早上他去上班而没有回来。
    • She will return home from France next week.下星期,她将由法国返国。
    • They have returned to Paris.他们已回到巴黎。
  • ② 回到(以前的话题等)
    • I'll return to this point later.我以后再回到这个话题。
  • ③ 恢复(原先的状态)
    • Consciousness soon returned.意识不久就恢复了。
    • He has returned to his old habits.他恢复了他的老习惯。
    • return to power重掌政权
    • return to life恢复生机,回生
    • The train service has returned to normal after the strike.在罢工后,火车服务已恢复正常。
  • ④ (疾病等)再发作;再发生
    • The pain has returned.病痛又发作了。
    • The cold weather will return soon.冷天气不久会再来。


  • ① 归还;送回;掷还;放回;寄回
    • Application forms must be returned by April 15.申请表必须在4月15日前寄回。
    • Don't forget to return the books you borrowed.别忘了归还你所借的书。
    • He forgot to return the dictionary to its place.他忘了把那本字典放回原处。
    • The purse was returned to her.那个钱包还给她了。
    • In case of nondelivery, return to the sender.如无法投递,请退还寄件人(★受词this letter被省略)。
    • Please return to me [return me] the money I lent you the other day.日前借你的那笔钱,请还给我。
  • ② 带来(利益等)
    • The investment has returned a fairly good profit.那项投资获利颇多。
  • ③ 报答,回报
    • return thanks(餐前)祷告感谢;(对干杯等)回敬,回礼
    • He didn't return my greetings.他没有回报我的问侯。
    • return a favor回报恩惠
    • return a visit回拜
    • return evil for good=return good with evil以怨报德;恩将仇报
  • ④ 回答
    • To her question he returned no reply.对她的问题,他未做任何答复。
    • "You are right," he returned.「你说得对,」他回答。
  • ⑤ 1(正式)报告,申报2(陪审团)声明
    • He failed to return all of his earnings.他没有申报他的全部所得。
    • The jury returned a verdict of guilty [not guilty].陪审团声明有罪[无罪]。
    • The accused was returned guilty.谕知被告有罪。
  • ⑥ (选区)选出,选举
    • A Labour candidate was returned.一位工党候选人当选。
    • He was returned to Parliament [as MP] for Bath.他由巴兹市选出为国会议员。
  • ⑦[网球等]将(球)击回;回打


  • ① 回来,归来,回家<to, from>
    • a return home回家
    • We are looking forward to your return to Taiwan [from France].我们盼望你回到台湾[从法国回来]。
    • On his return, he learned that she had died.回到家他才知道她已经去世。
  • ② 回归;再发生;复发<of>
    • the return of the seasons季节的循环
    • Many [I wish you many] happy returns (of the day)!(生日贺卡)祝你长寿!
    • the return of coughs咳嗽的复发
  • ③ 归还;退还;付还,偿还
    • She asked for the return of the book she had lent me.她要求归还她借给我的那本书。
    • He demanded the immediate return of the loan.他要求立即偿还该笔贷款。
  • ④ 答谢;回敬;回报;报答;回嘴
    • the return of a salute答礼
    • make a return for ...对…答谢;对…回报
  • ⑤ 回答,答复
  • ⑥[常用复数形]报酬;利润;收益
    • Small profits and quick returns.薄利多销(商店标语;略作S.P.Q.R.)。
    • He got [received] a good return [high returns] on the investment.他在那笔投资上获得良好的报酬[收益]。
  • ⑦ 1报告(书);申报(书)2[通常用复数形]开票报告
    • an income tax return所得税申报书
    • election returns选举开票报告
  • ⑧[网球等](球的)击回,回打
  • ⑨ 【英】来回票(=return ticket)
    • Two returns to London, please.请给我两张往伦敦的来回票。
    • a day [weekend] return当日[周末]有效的来回票


  • ① 1归来的,回程的2回头的;回信(用)的3【英】(车票、票价等)来回的(=【美】roundtrip)
    • a return journey回程;(旅行的)归来
    • a return flight(飞机的)返航
    • a return voyage归航,返航
    • a return cargo回程所载的货
    • a return address回信地址
    • a return envelope回信用的信封
    • return postage回信邮资
    • a return fare来回运[车]费
    • The price is £1 single and £1.80 return.费用是单程一英镑,来回一点八○英镑。
  • ② 1回报的;报答的2(比赛等)再度的
    • a return shot还击的一枪
    • a return visit回拜,回访
    • a return match [game]复仇赛,雪耻战,二回战


  • by return
    • ① 接到信之后;立刻
    • Please send a reply by return (of post).请接到信之后立刻回复;请即回示。
  • in return
    • ① 作为回报;以为报答;作为替换
    • He kissed her in return.他回吻她。
    • Those who respect others will be respected in return.敬人者人恒敬之。
    • I want nothing in return.我不要任何报答;我不要任何东西作为交换。
  • in return for ...
    • ① 为报答…,为答谢…
    • I gave her some flowers in return for her help.为答谢她的帮助,我送给她一些花。
  • to return
    • ①[独立不定词词组]闲话少说,言归正传
  • without return
    • ① 无利地;无报酬地


  • harvestn.回收
  • profitn.报酬
  • reciprocatevt./vi.回报
  • recurvi.回来
  • refundvt.归还
  • repayvt.报答
  • restorevt.归还
  • resurgencen.再生
  • retaliatevi.回报
  • answer
  • bring in
  • clear
  • come back
  • draw
  • earn
  • earnings
  • gain
  • give back
  • go back
  • gross
  • hand down
  • net
  • pay
  • produce
  • realize
  • reappearance
  • recrudesce
  • recurrence
  • reestablish
  • reinstate
  • reintroduce
  • rejoin
  • render
  • renew
  • reoccur
  • reoccurrence
  • replace
  • reply
  • requite
  • respond
  • retort
  • revert
  • revisit
  • revive
  • riposte
  • take back
  • yield
  • bring back
  • comeback
  • coming back
  • counter
  • deliver
  • devolve
  • fall
  • generate
  • getting even
  • give
  • hark back
  • homecoming
  • income tax return
  • issue
  • pass
  • paying back
  • payoff
  • proceeds
  • recall
  • reelect
  • regaining
  • regress
  • rejoinder
  • replication
  • restitution
  • restoration
  • retrovert
  • return key
  • take
  • takings
  • tax return
  • turn back


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • written communication
  • written language
  • black and white
  • writing
  • written material
  • piece of writing
  • document
  • written document
  • papers
  • legal document
  • legal instrument
  • official document
  • instrument
  • tax return
  • income tax return
  • return


  • acquisition
  • appearance
  • arrival
  • group action
  • income
  • instrument
  • key
  • legal document
  • legal instrument
  • motion
  • move
  • movement
  • official document
  • repeat
  • repetition
  • reply
  • response
  • run
  • running
  • running game
  • running play
  • tennis shot
  • tennis stroke
  • turn
  • turning


  • amended return
  • atavism
  • back talk
  • backhand
  • backhand shot
  • backhand stroke
  • backtalk
  • chop
  • chop shot
  • clawback
  • comeback
  • declaration of estimated tax
  • dink
  • drive
  • drop shot
  • economic rent
  • estimated tax return
  • false return
  • flashback
  • forehand
  • forehand shot
  • forehand stroke
  • get
  • ground stroke
  • half volley
  • information return
  • joint return
  • lip
  • lob
  • mouth
  • overhead
  • passing shot
  • payback
  • payment
  • reciprocation
  • reentry
  • remand
  • rent
  • repatriation
  • requital
  • retaliation
  • revenge
  • reversion
  • sass
  • sassing
  • smash
  • throwback
  • tit for tat
  • volley




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