

词汇 bread




  • ① 面包(参照loaf¹)
    • a loaf [slice, piece] of bread一条[片、块]面包
    • some bread and cheese些许面包和干酪
    • white bread白面包
  • ② (日常的)主要食物,食粮;生计
    • one's daily bread每日的食粮[生计]
    • the bread of life【圣】生命的粮食
    • beg one's bread行乞,讨食
    • earn [gain, win] one's bread as a laborer当工人谋生[糊口]
  • ③ 【俚】金钱(=money)


  • bread and butter
    • ①[当单数用]涂有奶油的面包
    • ② 【口】必需的粮食;糊口之道;生计
    • Don't quarrel with your bread and butter.不要抱怨[舍弃]自己的职业。
  • bread and cheese
    • ① 涂干酪的面包;简单餐食;生计
  • bread and milk
    • ① 浸沾牛奶的面包(小儿食物)
  • bread and salt
    • ① 面包与盐(款待的象征)
  • bread and scrape
    • ① 仅涂上少许奶油的面包
  • bread and water
    • ① 仅有面包与水的(粗陋)餐食
  • bread and wine
    • ① 圣餐(礼)
  • bread buttered on both sides
    • ① 鸿运高照;安乐的境遇
    • Wherever he goes he is sure to find his bread buttered on both sides.无论他走到那里,他一定发现无往不利。
  • break bread
    • ① (共)享餐食<with>
    • ② 参加圣餐礼;领受圣餐
  • cast [throw] one's bread upon the waters
    • ① 积阴德;为善不图报
  • eat the bread of affliction [idleness]
    • ① 过悲苦[懒惰]的生活
  • in good [bad] bread
    • ① 生活在幸福[不幸]中
  • know which side one's bread is buttered
    • ① 知悉自己的利益所在
  • take the bread out of a person's mouth
    • ① 夺走某人的生计;抢他人的饭碗
    • She accused her husband of drinking and gambling-taking the bread out of his children's mouths.她指责丈夫酗酒赌博,罔顾孩子的生计。


  • aliment
  • alimentation
  • alimony
  • brass
  • bread and butter
  • cabbage
  • cash
  • chow
  • comestible
  • currency
  • diet
  • dough
  • eats
  • edible
  • esculent
  • fare
  • food
  • foodstuff
  • gelt
  • green
  • grub
  • jack
  • keep
  • lettuce
  • livelihood
  • living
  • long green
  • lucre
  • maintenance
  • mazuma
  • meat
  • money
  • moola
  • nourishment
  • nurture
  • nutriment
  • nutrition
  • pabulum
  • pap
  • provender
  • provision
  • scratch
  • subsistence
  • support
  • sustenance
  • upkeep
  • victual
  • wampum
  • boodle
  • breadstuff
  • clams
  • dinero
  • kale
  • lolly
  • loot
  • moolah
  • pelf
  • shekels
  • simoleons
  • staff of life
  • sugar


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • matter
  • solid
  • food
  • solid food
  • baked goods
  • bread
  • breadstuff
  • staff of life


  • baked goods
  • money
  • starches


  • Boston brown bread
  • English muffin
  • Host
  • anadama bread
  • bap
  • barmbrack
  • bread-stick
  • breadstick
  • brown bread
  • bun
  • caraway seed bread
  • challah
  • cinnamon bread
  • cracked-wheat bread
  • cracker
  • crouton
  • dark bread
  • flatbread
  • garlic bread
  • gluten bread
  • hallah
  • light bread
  • loaf
  • loaf of bread
  • matzah
  • matzo
  • matzoh
  • naan
  • nan
  • onion bread
  • quick bread
  • raisin bread
  • roll
  • rye bread
  • salt-rising bread
  • simnel
  • sour bread
  • sourdough bread
  • toast
  • unleavened bread
  • wafer
  • white bread
  • whole meal bread
  • whole wheat bread




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