

词汇 maneuver


  • maneuver
  • maneuvers
  • maneuvers
  • maneuvering
  • maneuvered
  • maneuvered


  • ① 1(军队等)(在战术上)移动2演习
    • The troop maneuvered along to the beach.部队移动到海滩。
    • The fleet is maneuvering off the east coast.舰队正在东海岸外演习。
  • ② 运用策略
    • He is always maneuvering for some advantage.他总是为了某种利益而运用计策。


  • ① 使(部队)演习或在战场上移动
    • maneuver the soldiers across a river使士兵渡河
  • ② 巧妙地操纵
    • He maneuvered his car into a small space.他巧妙地将车开进狭窄的地方。
    • She maneuvered herself out of the embarrassing position.她用计脱离尴尬的处境。


  • ① 战术性调动,换防
  • ②[常用复数形]【军】大演习
    • hold army maneuvers举行陆军演习
    • fleet maneuvers舰队演习
  • ③ (对船、汽车、飞机等的)巧妙操纵;巧妙的处置,策略,行动
    • Inverted flight is an acrobatic maneuver of the plane.倒飞是飞行的一种特技动作。


  • artificen.巧计
  • contrivev.设计
  • guidev.指导
  • intriguev.图谋
  • manipulatev.操作
  • military exercisen.军事演习
  • movev.使移动
  • pilotv.驾驶
  • plotn.计谋
  • plotv.图谋
  • schemen.计谋
  • schemev.图谋
  • steerv.掌舵
  • training exercisen.演习
  • trickn.巧计
  • deception
  • device
  • dodge
  • evolution
  • exploit
  • feint
  • finagle
  • gimmick
  • imposture
  • jig
  • jockey
  • measure
  • movement
  • navigate
  • play
  • ploy
  • procedure
  • remove
  • ruse
  • shenanigan
  • shift
  • sleight
  • step
  • stratagem
  • subterfuge
  • tactic
  • take-in
  • transfer
  • turn
  • wile
  • channelise
  • channelize
  • direct
  • evasive action
  • head
  • manoeuver
  • manoeuvre
  • operate
  • point
  • simulated military operation
  • tactical maneuver
  • tactical manoeuvre
  • tactics


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • operation
  • military operation
  • maneuver
  • manoeuvre
  • simulated military operation


  • evasion
  • military operation
  • motion
  • move
  • movement
  • operation
  • plan of action


  • airplane maneuver
  • artifice
  • assist
  • ball hawking
  • baseball play
  • blitz
  • clinch
  • completion
  • device
  • feint
  • figure
  • flight maneuver
  • footwork
  • gambit
  • gimmick
  • icing
  • icing the puck
  • jugglery
  • linebacker blitzing
  • measure
  • mousetrap
  • obstruction
  • parking
  • pass completion
  • ploy
  • ruse
  • safety blitz
  • shot
  • step
  • straight-arm
  • stratagem
  • stroke
  • takeaway
  • trap play
  • twist




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