

词汇 mind


  • mind
  • minds
  • minds
  • minding
  • minded
  • minded


  • ① 1心,精神2精神状态
    • mind and body身心(★并称时无冠词)
    • She was in a fairly disturbed state [frame] of mind.她心情相当乱。
  • ② 1[或作a mind]心智,智力2精神的正常状态
    • a man of sound mind心智健全的人
    • He has a very simple [sharp] mind.他有很简单[很敏锐]的头脑。
    • She lost her mind.=She went out of her mind.她发狂了。
    • What a silly thing to say! Have you lost your mind?怎么说这种傻话,你发疯了吗?
  • ③[通常附有修饰语]人
    • He is one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century.他是二十世纪最伟大的人物之一。
    • No two minds think alike.没有两个人相法相同。
    • Great minds think alike.【谚】英雄所见略同;我跟你意见相同。
  • ④[通常用单数形]1意见,想法,主意2意向,打算
    • She has changed her mind (about going abroad).(关于出国的事)她已改变主意。
    • the public mind舆论
    • disclose [say, speak, tell] one's mind(坦率)表明意见
    • I am of the same mind.我的想法没变;我的意见相同。
    • Nothing was further from my mind.我绝无此意。
    • I've a good mind to punish him for being so rude.他这么粗野,我好想惩罚他。
    • He has no mind to go abroad.他不想出国。
  • ⑤ 记忆;回想
    • come to mind(事)浮上心头
    • flash across [rush upon] one's mind突然涌上心头
    • Out of sight, out of mind.【谚】眼不见,心不记;离久情疏。


  • ①[通常用于祈使句]注意,留意;当心
    • Mind that step.小心那个台阶。
    • Mind your head.小心你的头(不要碰到了)。
    • Mind your own business!管你自己的事(少管闲事)!
    • Mind you don't drop it.小心别使它掉下来。
    • Mind what you say.注意你所说的话。
  • ②[用于否定、疑问、条件句中]介意;反对
    • Never mind the expense.别担心费用。
    • Don't mind his words.不要在意他的话。
    • I wouldn't mind a drink.我不反对去喝一杯。
    • Do [Would] you mind handing me that book?请你把那本书递给我好吗?(★would 比 do 更为客气)
    • I don't mind your [you] staying here.我不介意你留在这儿。
    • I don't mind whether she comes or not.我不在乎她来不来。
  • ③ 1听从(人的)命令2遵守(命令)等
    • You should mind your father.你应该听父亲的话。
    • Mind the regulations.要遵守规则。
  • ④ 照顾,看管
    • Mind the house [baby] while I'm out.我出去时请照顾房子[婴儿]。
    • Would you mind my luggage for a few minutes?请看管一下我的行李好吗?


  • ① 注意,当心;听话
    • If you don't mind, you'll get hurt.你若不小心便会受伤。
    • This dog minds well.这条狗很听话。
    • Mind now, the dish is hot.当心,菜很烫。
  • ②[通常用于否定、疑问、条件句中]反对;介意;挂念
    • We'll rest here if you don't mind.如果你不反对,我们就在这里休息。
    • Do [Would] you mind if I open the window?我开窗户你不介意吧?(★对此句的回答可用No, I don't [wouldn't](没关系))
    • Never mind!不要介意!没关系!不要紧!
    • Never mind about that.不必介意那件事。
    • I'm sure she won't really mind.我相信她不会真正介意的。



Would you mind closing the window?



Certainly not.

Of course not.或

Not at all.(其中的not表示不在意),

但亦有以I'd be glad to.或

Yes, certainly.来回答者。


Would you mind my sitting next to you?


跟(1)一样,也是用Certainly not.等,但表示不同意时,则用如

I'm sorry but my wife will be coming back soon.




  • mindfuladj.注意的,留心的
  • mindlessadj.不用心的,肤浅的,愚蠢的


  • after one's mind
    • ① 合意的
  • apply [bend] the mind to ...
    • ① 对…用心,为…煞费苦心
  • be of a [one] mind
    • ① 意见相同(★a 在此系 the same 之意)
  • bear [have, keep] ... in mind
    • ① 切记…,记住…
  • bring ... to mind
    • ① 使想起…
    • I cannot bring the name to mind at all.我根本想不起那个名字。
  • call to mind ...
    • ① (使)想起…
    • The photographer often makes us call to mind some incident of former intimacy with an absent friend.摄影师常使我们想起与昔日故友亲近的往事。
  • cross [come into, enter] one's mind
    • ① 涌上心头,突然想起
    • A strange idea came into his mind.一个奇怪的念头涌上他的心头。
  • give a person a piece of one's mind
    • ① 对某人不客气地表明意见;斥责某人
    • Sally, stop it, or I'll give you a piece of my mind.莎莉,住手,否则我要骂人了。
  • give one's mind to ...
    • ① 专心于…
  • go out of one's mind
    • ① 遗忘;发狂
    • The incident completely went out of his mind.那事件已完全为他所遗忘。
  • have ... on [upon] one's mind
    • ① 关心;为…担心
    • I still have it on my mind.我仍然关心它。
  • have a mind of one's own
    • ① 有自己的想法,有主见
  • have half a mind to-V ...
    • ① 有几分想…
    • I have half a mind to go abroad.我有几分想出国。
  • in [of] two minds
    • ① 犹豫不决,三心两意
    • I am in two minds about it.我对这事感到三心两意。
    • He was in two minds about how to tackle the problem.他对如何处理那个问题感到犹豫不决。
  • in one's mind
    • ① 依某人的想法;在某人看来
  • in one's mind's eye
    • ① 在某人心目[想像]中
    • In my mind's eye, I can see trouble ahead.在我想像中,我认为前途多艰。
  • in one's right [sound] mind
    • ① 理智的,思路清晰的,神志正常的
    • No one in his [their] right mind would do such a thing.神志正常者不会做这种事。
  • keep [have] one's mind on [upon] ...
    • ① 专心于…,一直想着…,注意
    • Jack has kept his mind on going to college next year.杰克决心明年上大学。
  • know one's own mind
    • ①[常用于否定句]有一己之见,已有决心
    • Mr. White never knows his own mind in regard to any matter.怀特先生对任何事都是优柔寡断。
  • make up one's mind
    • ① 决心,决定
    • ② 断定;认为…无可奈何
    • She made up her mind that she would not make it.她断定自己不会成功。
  • Mind!
    • ① 【口】好好听着!(表示让步或提出条件的插入语)
  • off one's mind
    • ① 被忘记
    • I cannot get this thing off my mind.我无法忘记这件事。
  • on one's mind
    • ① 为某人所关心
    • What is on your mind?你有什么心思?
    • He seems to have something important on his mind.他心头似乎有某件重要的事。
  • open one's mind to ...
    • ① 把自己所想的坦率告诉(某人)
    • John felt much better after he opened his mind to Betty.约翰将自己心里的话向蓓蒂倾诉以后,感觉舒服多了。
  • out of one's mind
    • ① 发疯的,心神错乱的
    • ② (因悲伤等)忘却自己的
  • pass out of one's mind
    • ① 被遗忘
  • put a person in mind of ...
    • ① 使某人想起…
    • You put me in mind of my sister.你使我想起我的妹妹。
  • set one's mind on [upon] ...
    • ① 专心于…,一直想着…,注意
  • slip one's mind
    • ① …被忘记
    • Names easily slip my mind.我容易忘记名字。
  • take one's [a person's] mind off ...
    • ① 使某人不再挂心或注意…,把某人的注意力由…移开
    • Television takes his mind off his work.电视使他工作不专心。
  • time out of mind
    • ① 上古,远古的时代
  • to one's mind
    • ① 依…的想法,某人以为
    • ② 【罕】喜爱的,合意的
    • He found the work very much to his mind.他发现那工作合他的心意。
  • turn one's mind to ...
    • ① 开始想…之事;注意…
    • She was interested in tennis but now she has turned her mind to music.她本来对网球有兴趣,但她现在开始注意音乐。
  • weigh on one's mind
    • ① 压在某人的心头,成为某人的心理负担
    • Many things weigh on his mind.许多事情压在他的心头。
  • with ... in mind
    • ① 鉴于…,考虑到…
    • We must act with our stockholders in mind.我们行动时必须考虑到我们的股东。


  • attendv.照顾
  • tendv.照顾
  • watchv.看守
  • abide by
  • adhere
  • aim
  • belief
  • bethink
  • beware
  • brain
  • brainpower
  • care
  • care for
  • carry out
  • comply
  • conform
  • contemplate
  • conviction
  • descry
  • design
  • detect
  • discern
  • distinguish
  • ethos
  • fancy
  • feeling
  • follow
  • gray matter
  • head
  • idea
  • intellect
  • intellectual
  • intelligence
  • intend
  • keep
  • liking
  • look after
  • look out
  • lucidity
  • lucidness
  • marble
  • mark
  • mean
  • mentality
  • mindset
  • minister to
  • note
  • notice
  • notion
  • obey
  • object
  • observe
  • opinion
  • persuasion
  • plan
  • pleasure
  • position
  • project
  • propose
  • psyche
  • psychology
  • purpose
  • reason
  • recall
  • recollect
  • remark
  • remember
  • reminisce
  • retain
  • revive
  • saneness
  • sanity
  • see
  • see to
  • sense
  • sentiment
  • smart
  • soundness
  • target
  • think
  • thinker
  • understanding
  • view
  • watch out
  • will
  • wit
  • bear in mind
  • creative thinker
  • heed
  • judgement
  • judgment
  • listen
  • nous
  • take care


  • disregardv.不注意
  • ignorev.忽视
  • neglectv.忽略
  • forget


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • mind
  • head
  • brain
  • psyche
  • nous


  • aim
  • cognition
  • design
  • intellect
  • intellectual
  • intelligence
  • intent
  • intention
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • notice
  • observance
  • observation
  • opinion
  • persuasion
  • purpose
  • recall
  • recollection
  • reminiscence
  • sentiment
  • thought
  • view


  • conclusion
  • decision
  • determination
  • ego
  • noddle
  • subconscious
  • subconscious mind
  • tabula rasa
  • unconscious
  • unconscious mind




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