

词汇 papers




  • ① 文档;数据;证件;证书


  • composition
  • document
  • newspaper
  • newspaper publisher
  • paper
  • report
  • theme
  • wallpaper
  • written document


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • written communication
  • written language
  • black and white
  • writing
  • written material
  • piece of writing
  • document
  • written document
  • papers


  • article
  • essay
  • material
  • medium
  • piece of writing
  • press
  • product
  • production
  • public press
  • publisher
  • publishing company
  • publishing firm
  • publishing house
  • stuff
  • writing
  • written material


  • art paper
  • ballot
  • blotter
  • blotting paper
  • blueprint paper
  • brevet
  • capitulation
  • carbon
  • carbon paper
  • card
  • cardboard
  • cartridge paper
  • certificate
  • certification
  • chad
  • charter
  • commercial document
  • commercial instrument
  • composition board
  • computer paper
  • confession
  • confetti
  • construction paper
  • copyright
  • credential
  • credentials
  • crepe
  • crepe paper
  • daily
  • declaration
  • drawing paper
  • enclosure
  • filter paper
  • flypaper
  • form
  • gazette
  • graph paper
  • greaseproof paper
  • inclosure
  • india paper
  • instrument
  • legal document
  • legal instrument
  • linen
  • linen paper
  • litmus paper
  • manifold
  • manifold paper
  • manila
  • manila paper
  • manilla
  • manilla paper
  • music paper
  • newspaper
  • newsprint
  • official document
  • oilpaper
  • pad
  • pad of paper
  • paper-mache
  • paper tape
  • paper toweling
  • papier-mache
  • papyrus
  • parchment
  • patent
  • patent of invention
  • piece of paper
  • platform
  • political platform
  • political program
  • program
  • rag
  • report
  • resignation
  • resolution
  • resolve
  • rice paper
  • right of first publication
  • roofing paper
  • school newspaper
  • school paper
  • score paper
  • sheet
  • sheet of paper
  • source
  • specification
  • study
  • tablet
  • tabloid
  • tar paper
  • term paper
  • ticker tape
  • tissue
  • tissue paper
  • tracing paper
  • transfer paper
  • voucher
  • wallpaper
  • waste paper
  • wax paper
  • wrapping paper
  • writing paper
  • written report




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