释义 |
company/ˈkʌmpəni//ˈkʌmpəni/ ★★★★★n. - companies
- companying
- companied
- companied
n- ① 交谊,交际;陪伴,伴随
- I hope we will have the pleasure of your company at dinner.我希望你肯赏光与我们共餐。
- She very much enjoyed his company.她非常喜欢他的陪伴。
- ②[集合用法]同伴,伙伴,友伴
- get into bad company与坏人为友,结交坏人
- keep good [bad] company与好[坏]人交往
- I don't like the company he keeps.我不喜欢他所结交的朋友。
- So you failed the test. You've plenty of company [【英】You are in good company].原来你未能通过测验,跟你一样的人多的是。
- ③ 1[集合用法](为社交等目的)聚在一起的人,同席[同行]的一群人2【口】来客,访客
- They used to receive [see] a great deal of company.他们以前常接待[会见]许多客人。
- We're expecting [having] company this evening.我们今晚将有客人。
- ④[集合用法]一行,一团,一队<of>;(演员的)一个团,剧团
- a company of tourists观光团
- a theatrical [theater] company剧团
- the Royal Shakespeare Company皇家莎士比亚剧团
- ⑤ 1同业公会,行会(=guild)2公司,行号(参照corporation; firm²);(商号上未列其名的)合伙人(略作Co.)
- a publishing company出版公司
- a Limited Liability Company【英】有限责任公司(当作公司名称时略作Co., Ltd.)
- a private company私人公司
- She works for an insurance company.她为一家保险公司工作。
- Smith & Co.史密斯公司(由代表人Smith及其他合伙人组成的公司)(★【美】用the Smith Company的形式)
- ⑥[集合用法]1【军】连(陆军单位)(→army;参照battery; troop)2【海】船上所有人员(=ship's company)
- get [receive] one's company获任连长职位
字辨company: 为最普通的用语,指为各种目的而聚结的一群人 troop: 系由一群人组成而一体的单位 band: 是为某共同目标或某特殊工作而聚集一起,人数较少的company party: 乃是为某共同目标暂时相聚的一小群人 circle: 为同好或同道的集团 补充军队的组织单位通常如下: army 军团(由两个(以上)的corps所组成) corps 军(由两个(以上)的divisions所组成) division 师(由三或四个brigades所组成) brigades 旅(由两个(以上)的regiments所组成) battalion 营(由两个(以上)的companies所组成) company 连(由两个(以上)的platoons所组成) platoon 排(由两个(以上)的squads或sections所组成) squad 班(由中士, 下士各一人及兵十人所组成) 短语- be good [bad, poor] company
- err [sin] in good company
- for company
- He has only a dog for company.他只有一只狗为伴。
- When I go shopping, I often take my daughter for company.我去购物时,常带女儿作伴。
- give a person one's company
- I am glad to have given him my company.我很高兴曾经陪伴过他。
- in a person's company
- in company
- You must behave well in company.你跟别人在一起时必须很有规矩。
- in company with ...
- She came in company with her mother.她跟她母亲一起来。
- keep a person company
- I kept my uncle company for a few hours.我陪伴我伯父几个小时。
- keep company with ...
- Don't keep company with such bad boys.不要跟这种坏男孩交往。
- part company
- ① (与某人)分手[分别、分离],断绝关系,各自东西,分道扬镳;意见不合<with>
- I decided to part company with him.我决定跟他分手。
同义词- concernn.公司
- establishmentn.公司
- firmn.公司
- fraternityn.同业公会
- gatheringn.一群
- teamn.一队
- troopn.团
- visitorn.来客
- accompany
- assemblage
- assembly
- attend
- band
- body
- business
- companion
- companionship
- conclave
- conference
- congregation
- congress
- consort
- convention
- convocation
- corporation
- corps
- crowd
- enterprise
- escort
- fellowship
- get-together
- group
- guest
- house
- meeting
- muster
- outfit
- party
- society
- troupe
- visitant
- caller
- keep company
- ship's company