

词汇 strike


  • strike
  • strikes
  • strikes
  • striking
  • struck
  • struck/stricken


  • ① 1打,殴,击;敲2予以(一击)<on, in>
    • She struck the child.她打那个孩子。
    • He got very angry and struck his son on the ear.他非常生气而打了儿子耳光(★表身体某一部分的名词前面要加the)。
    • He struck the desk with his fist.=He struck his fist on the desk.他以拳头敲打桌子。
    • I struck the knife from his hand.我从他的手中将那把刀子打落。
    • strike a person down将某人击倒
    • He struck her senseless.他把她打得不省人事。
    • May God strike him dead!愿上帝将他击毙!
    • strike a blow予以一击
    • I struck him a blow (on the head).我给他(头上)一击(★表身体某一部分的名词前面要加the)。
  • ② 刺,戳
    • strike a dagger into a person's heart=strike a person to the heart with a dagger将短剑刺进某人的心脏
  • ③ 击中;撞;碰;(雷电、暴风雨等)袭击
    • The ship struck a rock.船触了礁。
    • Lightning struck the tower.雷电击中那座塔。
    • She struck her head against [on] the beam.她的头撞到了横梁。
  • ④ 挖到(地下资源);发现;到达(大路等)
    • strike the track走到马路来
  • ⑤ 打制,铸造;(用打火石)打(火),划(火柴)
    • strike a light点火
    • He struck a match and lit the candle.他划一根火柴点燃蜡烛。
  • ⑥ (时钟)敲响,敲打
    • The clock has struck six.钟刚打六点钟。
  • ⑦ (疾病、苦难等)使苦恼,压倒;使突然感到(恐怖等)
    • Her suffering struck him.她的苦难使他痛心。
    • She was struck with terror.她心惊胆颤。
    • The earthquake struck terror into every heart.地震使人人惊恐。
    • She was struck dumb with astonishment.她惊愕得目瞪口呆。
  • ⑧ 1给(人)印象;使感动,打动2(念头)忽然浮现于(某人的)心中
    • The disciples were struck by the determination of their master.那些门徒深为大师的决心所感动。
    • The idea struck him as foolish.他认为那个主意愚蠢。
    • A great idea struck him.一个很好的主意掠过他的脑海。
    • It struck him that he had missed his way.他突然想到他走错了路。
  • ⑨ 降下(旗、帆等);收(帐篷等);取下
    • strike a tent收帐篷
    • strike camp拔营
    • strike one's colors下旗(表示投降)
  • ⑩ 以斗刮(strickle)刮平,弄平;结算,计算
    • strike an average算出平均数
  • ⑪ 订定(交易等);缔结<with>
    • strike an agreement [a deal, a compromise, a truce] (with ...)(与…)订定协议[交易、妥协、停战]
  • ⑫ 采取(态度);装出,摆出
    • strike a pose摆个姿态
  • ⑬ 钓到(鱼)
  • ⑭ 生(根),扎(根);使(插枝)生根


  • ① 打,殴;敲;攻击
    • The tiger crouched ready to strike.那只老虎蹲下来,准备攻击。
    • Strike while the iron is hot.【谚】打铁趁热。
    • The troops struck at dawn.部队在黎明攻击。
    • He struck at her, but missed.他朝着她打过去,没有打中。
    • You must strike at the root of the evil.除弊应当治根;你应当根除弊害。
  • ② 撞;碰;触礁,搁浅
    • The boat struck on a rock.船在岩石上搁浅。
    • The ship struck against the jetty.那艘船撞到了防波堤。
  • ③ 1(火柴等)点燃,着火2照亮,照射<on, upon>
    • This match won't strike.这根火柴擦不出火。
    • The light struck on them.光照亮了他们。
  • ④ 1朝向…走;往2通过;贯穿;渗透;使感受
    • strike west往西
    • strike to the right往右道走
    • strike into the woods走入树林
    • After walking along the road a few miles they struck out across the meadow.沿路行走若干英里后,他们转入牧草地而穿过去。
    • The moonlight struck through the clouds.月光穿过云层。
    • The room struck warm as I came in.我走进房间时感到暖和。
  • ⑤ (植物)生根,扎根;(牡蛎的壳)固着;贴紧
    • The roots of this plant strike deep.这株植物扎根很深。
  • ⑥ 降旗;下旗投降[表示敬意]
  • ⑦ (时钟)敲响,报时;(时机)来临
    • The hour for political reform has struck.政治改革的时机已经来临。
  • ⑧ 罢工
    • The workers are threatening to strike.那些工人威胁要罢工。
    • The coal miners struck for higher pay [against the poor working conditions].煤矿工人为了提高工资[反对恶劣的工作环境]而罢工。
  • ⑨ (鱼)啣饵
    • The fish have struck well this morning.今晨鱼群啣饵情形不错(出钓顺利)。


  • ① 打,打击,殴打
  • ② 【棒球】好球(←→ball)
    • three strikes三好球,三振
  • ③ 【保龄球】第一球击倒全部的瓶;其得分
  • ④ 罢工
    • the miners' strike矿工的罢工
    • a general strike总罢工
    • The workers have ended their three-week strike.那些工人已经结束为期三周的罢工。
    • They went on strike for better working conditions.他们为了较好的工作条件而举行罢工(★on strike无冠词)。
    • be (out) on strike在罢工
  • ⑤ (油田、金矿等的)发现;(事业的)意外大成功
    • a lucky strike大赚钱;走红运


strike: 为表「打,敲」之意的最普通用语

Don't strike a child.

hit: 与strike大致同义,但hit通常指用力打或瞄准而打

He hit a ball with a bat.

knock: 指用拳头或硬物敲打

knock a [on] the door

beat: 指连续反复敲打

He is beating a drum.

punch: 指以拳头殴打


  • strike back
    • ① 还击
  • strike home
    • ① 使受致命伤;触及要点[要害];使感铭
    • His complaints struck home.他那些怨言说中了要处。
  • strike in
    • ① 突然开口[插嘴]
    • ② (疾病)侵袭内脏
  • strike it rich
    • ① 挖到大矿脉[油田];获得意外的大成功
  • Strike me dead if ...
    • ① 【俚】若…我这个头就给你(断不会发生这种事)
  • strike off
    • ① 砍掉(头等);删除,除去
    • ② 印刷
    • ③ 拐弯儿;离开
  • strike on ...
    • ① 撞;碰;触礁,搁浅
    • ② 照亮,照射
    • ③ 想出(计划、主意等)
  • strike out
    • ① 【拳击】以肩膀高度出拳;打去;打出;乱挥拳头;[游泳]以手脚划水游去
    • ② 【棒球】使三振出局;变三振出局
    • ③ 创出(学说等);拟出(计划等);想出
    • ④ 删掉
    • ⑤ 离开(道路)
  • strike through
    • ① 删去
    • ② 贯穿;穿透
  • strike up
    • ① 往上挡开(敌人的剑等)
    • ② 结(交);达成(交易);开始唱或奏(歌曲)
    • ③ 制成浮雕
  • strike upon ...
    • ① 撞;碰;触礁,搁浅
    • ② 照亮,照射
    • ③ 想出(计划、主意等)
    • He struck upon the right solution.他想出正确的解决方法。


  • punchv.以拳重击
  • slapv.拍打
  • swatv.拍打
  • affect
  • afflict
  • aggress
  • aggression
  • agonize
  • anguish
  • annul
  • ascertainment
  • assail
  • assailment
  • assault
  • attack
  • attempt
  • bash
  • bear
  • belt
  • beset
  • biff
  • blot
  • bong
  • bop
  • bring down
  • cancel
  • catch
  • chime
  • clip
  • clout
  • conk
  • counter
  • cross
  • curse
  • cut down
  • deck
  • delete
  • discovery
  • down
  • drop
  • efface
  • erase
  • excruciate
  • expunge
  • fall on
  • fell
  • find
  • finding
  • flatten
  • floor
  • get
  • go
  • go at
  • ground
  • have at
  • head
  • hit
  • hit back
  • impress
  • knell
  • knock
  • knock down
  • level
  • light into
  • make
  • move
  • nip
  • obliterate
  • occur
  • offense
  • offensive
  • onrush
  • onset
  • onslaught
  • paste
  • peal
  • pitch into
  • plague
  • pop
  • prostrate
  • rack
  • reciprocate
  • retaliate
  • retort
  • ring
  • rub
  • sail into
  • scourge
  • scratch
  • seize
  • set out
  • slam
  • slog
  • slug
  • smash
  • smite
  • snap
  • snatch
  • sock
  • storm
  • take
  • throw
  • thwack
  • toll
  • torment
  • torture
  • touch
  • undo
  • vacate
  • walk out
  • wallop
  • whack
  • wham
  • whop
  • wipe
  • x
  • assume
  • attain
  • bang
  • chance on
  • chance upon
  • coin
  • collide with
  • come across
  • come to
  • come upon
  • discover
  • excise
  • fall
  • fall upon
  • happen upon
  • impinge on
  • light upon
  • mint
  • rap
  • run into
  • shine
  • smasher
  • strickle
  • take up
  • tap
  • ten-strike
  • work stoppage


  • balln.坏球
  • miss


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • group action
  • resistance
  • protest
  • objection
  • dissent
  • direct action
  • job action
  • strike
  • work stoppage


  • attack
  • blow
  • bump
  • delivery
  • job action
  • onrush
  • onset
  • onslaught
  • pitch
  • score
  • success


  • blockbuster
  • first strike
  • megahit
  • preventive attack
  • preventive strike
  • sit-down
  • sit-down strike
  • sleeper
  • smash hit
  • surgical strike
  • sympathetic strike
  • sympathy strike
  • walkout
  • wildcat strike


  • smooth
  • smoothen




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