

词汇 swell


  • swell
  • swells
  • swells
  • swelling
  • swelled
  • swollen/swelled


  • ① 膨胀,变大;(手脚等)发肿;(帆等)鼓起
    • His hand began to swell after the bee stung him.蜜蜂螯了他之后,他的手开始发肿。
    • A mosquito has bitten him and his arm has swollen up.一只蚊子叮了他,他的手臂就肿起来。
    • The sails swelled (out) in the wind.那些帆都在风中鼓起来。
  • ② (数量、强度等)增加,涨水;(潮水)高涨;(声音)变高<in, into>
    • The murmur swelled and then died away.低语声逐渐增高,然后渐渐消失。
    • The murmur has swollen into a roar.低语声逐渐增高为吼叫声。
    • The membership swelled to 600.会员增加为六百名。
  • ③ (物体的形状)突出;(土地)隆起<out, up>
    • A cask swells in the middle.大酒桶的中间部分是凸出的。
    • The hills swell gradually up from the plain.山丘逐渐由平原隆起。
  • ④ (心中感情)洋溢;(情绪)高昂
    • Pride swelled in him [his heart].傲气在他心中高昂。
    • His breast [heart] swelled with indignation.他义愤填膺。
  • ⑤ 【口】变神气,自负
    • He swelled like a turkey cock.他变得像火鸡一般神气活现。


  • ① 使膨胀;使涨;使肿;使(帆等)鼓起<out>
    • The wind swelled (out) the sails.风使帆鼓起来。
    • Heavy rain swelled the rivers.大雨使河水涨高。
  • ② 增加(数量等);提高(声音等);使增强
    • swell one's costs增加费用
    • The baby boom swelled the population to twice its size.婴儿潮使人口增加了两倍。
    • The new notes and additions have swollen the size of the book.新的注释及补遗增加了这本书的厚度。
  • ③ 【口】使自负,使趾高气扬(★常以过去分词当形容词用)
  • ④ (感情)使(心胸)鼓胀
    • Pride swelled her heart.骄傲使她得意扬扬。


  • ①[或作a swell]膨胀,涨;增加,增大
  • ②[用单数形;常作the swell]1(波浪的)汹涌2(土地的)起伏;隆起部分<of>3(胸部等的)隆起<of>4(声音的)提高
    • the swell of the ocean海洋的汹涌
    • the swell of her breasts她的胸部的隆起
  • ③ 【乐】1[或作a swell](音量的)增减,抑扬2增减记号(<,>)
  • ④ 1【口】时髦人物;漂亮人物2【古】名人,名士
    • a swell in politics政界名人


  • ① 【美口】1(打扮)入时的,漂亮的;时髦的2一流的,极好的
    • You look swell.你看起来挺帅的。
    • a swell hotel一流的旅馆
    • We had a swell time.我们玩得非常开心。
  • ② 【古】上流的,身分高的


expand: 为意义最广的用语,指体积、量等的增大;不论是由于内在或外在的力量而扩大,或由于展开而变大,均可使用

extend: 尤指延长、延伸

dilate: 指圆形之物(眼睛、洞等)expand

inflate: 指灌入气体等于其中,迫使容积等增大

swell: 指由于内部的压力而变得比平常大


  • amplifyv.放大
  • blow upv.放大
  • expandv.扩大
  • extendv.增大
  • heavev.起伏
  • heightenv.加强
  • increasev.增加
  • inflatev.膨胀
  • intensifyv.增强
  • puff upv.鼓起
  • risev.增大
  • surgev.起伏
  • throbv.悸动
  • A-one
  • ace
  • aggrandize
  • aggrandizement
  • amplification
  • augment
  • augmentation
  • banner
  • beef up
  • blue-ribbon
  • boost
  • boss
  • brag
  • build
  • build up
  • buildup
  • bully
  • burgeon
  • capital
  • champion
  • cool
  • dandy
  • divine
  • dreamy
  • enlarge
  • enlargement
  • escalate
  • escalation
  • excellent
  • fabulous
  • fantastic
  • fantastical
  • fine
  • first-class
  • first-rate
  • glorious
  • great
  • groovy
  • grow
  • growth
  • hike
  • hot
  • jump
  • keen
  • magnify
  • marvelous
  • mount
  • multiplication
  • multiply
  • neat
  • nifty
  • prime
  • proliferate
  • proliferation
  • quality
  • raise
  • ripping
  • run up
  • sensational
  • snowball
  • soar
  • splendid
  • super
  • superb
  • superior
  • terrific
  • tiptop
  • top
  • topflight
  • tophole
  • topnotch
  • tremendous
  • upsurge
  • upswing
  • upturn
  • wax
  • wonderful
  • bang-up
  • beau
  • clotheshorse
  • corking
  • cracking
  • crestless wave
  • dude
  • fashion plate
  • fop
  • gallant
  • intumesce
  • not bad
  • peachy
  • sheik
  • slap-up
  • smashing
  • swell up
  • tumefy
  • tumesce
  • well
  • well up


  • compressv.压缩
  • condensev.浓缩
  • contractv.收缩
  • decreasev.减少
  • diminishv.减少
  • fallv.降低
  • lessenv.减少
  • lowerv.降低
  • shrinkv.缩小
  • wanev.变弱


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • happening
  • occurrence
  • occurrent
  • natural event
  • movement
  • motion
  • wave
  • moving ridge
  • swell
  • crestless wave


  • adult male
  • crescendo
  • elevation
  • man
  • moving ridge
  • natural elevation
  • wave


  • cockscomb
  • coxcomb
  • ground swell
  • heavy swell
  • macaroni




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