

词汇 slip


  • slip
  • slips
  • slips
  • slipping
  • slipped
  • slipped


  • ① 滑;滑落
    • slip along [off]滑动[滑落]
    • The book slipped off [from] her hand.书本从她的手中滑落。
    • Some rocks slipped down the face of the cliff.一些石头沿着悬崖面滚下来。
  • ② 滑倒,失足,颠踬
    • Don't slip on the mud.不要在泥巴上滑倒。
    • His foot slipped on the step.他的脚在台阶上滑倒。
    • He slipped on a banana peel and feel down.他踩到香蕉皮而滑倒。
  • ③ 1(自脑中、记忆中)离去<from, out of>2(秘密、言语等)(自口中)溜出,泄漏<from>
    • Her name has slipped from my mind [memory].我想不出她叫什么名字。
    • The words slipped from his lips.那些话由他口中泄漏。
    • The secret has slipped out.那项秘密已泄漏。
  • ④ 偷偷进[出];潜入[出];悄悄经过
    • An error has slipped in [into the report].不知不觉中(报告里)冒出一个错误。
    • She slipped away (from the back door).她悄悄地(自后门)溜出去。
    • She slipped out of the room.她溜出房间。
    • She has just slipped across to the grocery.她刚跑了食品杂货店一趟。
  • ⑤ 1(机会等)溜走<away, past, by>2(时间)不觉之中过去[经过]<away, past, by>3如滑动般地行走
    • let a good chance slip (by)错过良机
    • Time [The years] slipped by.时间[岁月]在不知不觉中过去。
    • The yacht slipped through the waves.那艘游艇在波涛中平滑地驶过。
  • ⑥ 急急进去或穿上[脱下]
    • She slipped on [off] her shoes.她急急穿上[脱下]鞋子。
    • slip into bed钻进被窝
    • slip into [out of] a dress急急穿上[脱去]衣服
  • ⑦ 不小心犯错<up>
    • As far as I know, he hasn't slipped once.就我所知,他没犯过一次错误。
    • She often slips (up) in her grammar.她常犯文法错误。
  • ⑧ (力量等)衰减,衰退;(股票价格等)看跌,下降
    • The dollar is slipping on the money markets.美元在货币市场上滑落。
    • Standards in many schools are slipping.许多学校的水准正在下降。
    • His memory is slipping.他的记忆力在衰退。
    • He has slipped in my opinion.我对他的评价已下降。


  • ① 1使(脚等)滑2顺溜地戴上;急速地穿上[脱下];轻易地套上[脱下](戒指等);悄悄交给3悄悄放进<into>;悄悄取出<out of>4悄悄交给<to>
    • I slipped my foot and sprained my ankle.我滑倒而扭伤了踝部。
    • He slipped his coat on [off].=He slipped on [off] his coat.他俐落地穿上[脱下]外衣。
    • She slipped the ring from her finger.她轻易地自手指取下戒指。
    • He slipped a letter into her hand.他悄悄地把信塞进她的手里。
    • He slipped an envelope out of his pocket.他悄悄从口袋中拿出一个信封。
    • He slipped the waitress a dollar.=He slipped a dollar to the waitress.他悄悄给那名女侍者一美元。
  • ② 1(狗等)挣脱(束缚);甩脱(追踪者等)2放开(狗等);释放
    • The dog slipped its collar.那条狗挣脱了拴牠的项圈。
    • He slipped his chasers.他甩脱了追他的那些人。
    • He slipped the dog from its leash.他解开皮带放走那条狗。
  • ③ 脱离(记忆);溜过(注意)
    • Her name has slipped my mind [memory].我忘了她的名字。
    • It slipped my mind that she was arriving today.我忘了她今天要来。


  • ① 滑;(汽车、飞机等的)滑向一边,横滑
  • ② 1滑倒,失足2错误,失误;失言;写错
    • make a slip犯错
    • a slip of the pen笔误
    • a slip of the tongue失言
    • There are a few slips in the translation.这翻译有几个错误。
    • There's many a slip 'twixt [between] the cup and the lip.【谚】杯已到口还会失手;事情往往功败垂成。
  • ③ 1(妇女的)套裙2枕头套(=pillow slip)
  • ④[通常用复数形]【造船】(倾斜的)造船台
  • ⑤ 【地质】滑动,移动
  • ⑥ 【板球】1[the slips]守三柱门球员旁的位置(离三柱门后面数码,由打者来看为左方的位置)2守此位置的外野手
    • in the slips当外野手
  • ⑦[the slips]【英】(舞台的)边门
  • ⑧ 【美】(码头或船坞中)船的停泊处


slide: 指在平滑表面上轻轻滑动

slide on the snowfield

glide: 指如流动般安静地滑过光滑的表面,有时不常与表面接触

The dancers glided over the floor.

slip: 指自然而然地,或错误地[因意外]而在物体表面滑动

slip on the ice


error: 为表示「错误、谬误」的一般用语

mistake: 指由于不注意、误解等所产生的错误;不含强烈谴责之意

blunder: 通常暗示无知或愚蠢,往往成为别人取笑的对象

slip: 指讲话[书写]当中由于疏忽所犯的小错


  • give a person the slip
    • ① 【口】躲过某人,逃开某人
    • The thief managed to give his pursuers the slip.那个小偷设法逃开了追他的人。
  • let slip
    • ① 使自由;错过(机会等);不经意地泄漏(秘密等);不关心,不理
  • slip one over on a person
    • ① 【美口】欺骗某人


  • errorn.错误
  • lapsen.差错


  • slip
  • slips


  • ① 片;长条;纸片;传票;便条纸;券(常为长方形)
    • I made a note of her telephone number on a slip of paper.我把她的电话号码记在一张纸片上。
  • ②[园艺]接枝,插枝
  • ③[通常用单数形]【罕】瘦小的年轻人<of>(★通常用于a (mere) slip of a boy [girl])
    • a (mere) slip of a boy [girl]瘦削的男孩[女孩]




  • ① 【窑业】黏土浆(用以纹饰陶器表面及做为接合剂)




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