

词汇 consider


  • considers
  • considering
  • considered
  • considered


  • ① 考虑,思考,考量;认为,以为;视为
    • We must consider the matter fully before we act.在我们行动之前,我们必须充分考虑这件事。
    • We had better consider their proposal.我们最好考虑他们的提议。
    • We consider Goethe a great poet.=Goethe is considered a great poet.我们认为歌德是一位伟大的诗人。
    • I consider myself (to be) very lucky.我认为自己很幸运(★加to be时为较正式的说法)。
    • He is considered a fool.他被认为是个愚人(★被动式通常不加to be)。
    • He considered her unfit for the job.他认为她不适合那件工作。
    • I consider him to have acted foolishly.我认为他的行动是愚蠢的(★此种句型中的不定词通常用完成式)。
    • We consider that he ought to help us.我们认为他应该帮助我们。
    • We must consider (the question) whether the plan will be feasible.我们必须考虑那项计划是否行得通。
    • He considered what to do next.他考虑下一步该做什么。
    • She's considering changing her job.她正在考虑换工作。
    • We will consider "Hamlet" as an example of a Shakespearian tragedy.我们将把「哈姆雷特」视为莎士比亚悲剧的典型。
  • ② 顾虑;体谅;为…着想
    • We must consider the feelings of other people.我们必须顾及别人的感情。
    • If you consider (the fact) that she's only been studying Chinese for a year, she speaks it quite well.如果你考虑到她只学了一年华语,她说得算十分好。
    • You must consider how young she is.你要考虑到她多么年轻。


  • ① 熟虑,细想,考虑
    • Consider carefully before you act.在行动之前要仔细考虑。


consider: 是在决定之前详加考虑

We considered ways and means to achieve our end.

study: 指比consider更有组织更专注地思考

He studied the problem carefully.

contemplate: 指深入而持续地考虑

She contemplated going to America after graduation.

weigh: 是在决定之前,从各方面权衡事情之得失优劣

He weighed the idea of becoming a baseball player.

reflect: 指就某事静思反省

He was reflecting on what he had done.


  • considerateadj.体贴的,体谅的
  • considerationn.考虑,熟虑


  • all things considered
    • ① 将一切可能的情形考虑进去,综观各种情势,事事考虑过后
    • All things considered, it was quite a successful performance.综观各种情形,那是一次十分成功的演出。


  • deemvt.视为
  • deliberate onvt.深思熟虑
  • pondervt.沈思
  • reflectvt.深思
  • regardvt.认为
  • thinkvt.认为
  • think aboutvt.考虑
  • account
  • admire
  • believe
  • chew on
  • cogitate
  • contemplate
  • deal with
  • deliberate
  • entertain
  • esteem
  • excogitate
  • eye
  • figure
  • hear of
  • hold
  • honor
  • judge
  • look
  • meditate
  • mull
  • muse
  • opine
  • reckon
  • respect
  • revolve
  • ruminate
  • see
  • study
  • take up
  • think of
  • think out
  • think over
  • think through
  • treat
  • turn over
  • value
  • view
  • weigh
  • conceive
  • count
  • deal
  • debate
  • look at
  • moot
  • take




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