

词汇 will


  • would

aux v

  • ①[表单纯未来]将…,会…1You [He, She, It, They] will (第一人称时【英】I [We] shall,但【美口】多用I [We] will,尤以作I'll [We'll]的形式为普通)2Will he [she, it, they] ...?
    • Prices are rising and will continue to rise.物价正在上涨而且将继续上涨。
    • I will see her next week.我下星期会见她。
    • It [The weather] will be fine tomorrow.明天将会放晴。
    • I will [I'll] be twenty tomorrow.明天我就满二十岁了。
    • You will pack and leave this house at once.你得马上整理行李离开这个家(★You will有时表示「命令」)。
    • Will he be able to see us at such a distance?离这么远,他会看到我们吗?
  • ②[表对现在的推测]可能,大概
    • This will be the house he was speaking about.这大概是他提到的房子。
    • It will be snowing now in London.伦敦现在可能下雪。
  • ③[表意志未来]想(做)…,打算(做)…,愿[要]…1I [We] will ...(表说话者(I)的意志、承诺、主张、选择等)2Will you ...?(问对方的意思)
    • All right, I will tell her.好罢,我愿意告诉她。
    • I won't go there again.我不要再去那里。
    • Will you come tomorrow?你明天来不来?
    • Will you pass me the salt?=Pass me the salt, will you? (=Please pass me the salt.)[请托](在餐桌上)请你将盐递过来好吗?
    • Will [Won't] you have some more tea?=Have some more tea, won't you?[劝诱]要不要再喝一点茶?
  • ④[表主词的意志,无论未来或现在]欲,愿(表愿望、主张、固执、不可避免、拒绝等)
    • Go where you will.到你想去的地方吧(★ will go 之略)。
    • Come whenever you will.什么时候你想来就来吧(★will come之略)。
    • Accidents will happen.意外事件(即使小心防范也)不可避免。
    • This box won't open.这箱子就是打不开。
  • ⑤[表习惯、习性等;参照would]
    • He will often write all night.他常常通宵写作。
    • Helen kept all the letters she received as girls will.海伦像一般女孩子那样,将收到的信件都保存起来。
    • A large ostrich will stand more than 6 feet.大鸵鸟通常的高度有六英尺以上。
  • ⑥[在条件子句中,表主词的意愿;参照if]肯…
    • I shall be glad [pleased] to learn, if you will teach me.如果你肯教我,我就乐意学习。
  • ⑦[在间接引述中]1[原则上使用与直接引述相同的will或would]2[惟在单纯未来的I [we] shall, should在引用句中变成第二、三人称时,有时会用You [He] will, would]
    • She always says (that) she will help me.她总是说她要帮助我(★可改写为She always says,"I will help you.")。
    • He said he should [would] never manage it.他说他绝无法处理该事(★可改写为He said,"I shall never manage it.")。


Will you ...? 通常表示单纯未来。因此, Will you be back early this evening? 表(a)「今晚请早回家」(请托)之外, 也可能有(b)「今晚要早回家吗?」之意, 倘要明确区别, 则(a)加以please作Will you please ...? 或作(Please) be back early, will you? (b)


则作 Shall you...?


  • will do
    • ① 可用,行,可以(参照do)


  • will
  • wills
  • wills
  • willing
  • willed
  • willed


  • ① 企图;决心寻求;命令
    • If you will success, you can make it.你如果决心成功,就能成功。
    • God wills (that) man (should) be happy.上帝要人类幸福(★【口】多半不用should)。
    • She willed to be good.她决心为善。
  • ② 凭意愿使…(做…)
    • He willed himself to stay awake.他凭意愿使自己保持清醒。
    • He willed himself into serenity.他凭意志使自己宁静。
  • ③ 立遗嘱赠与<to>
    • She willed most of her money to the orphanage.她立遗嘱把大部分的钱捐给那家孤儿院。
    • She willed me this house.她立遗嘱把这栋房子赠给我。


  • ① 运用意志力
  • ② 想要,意欲
    • Come to see me when you will.你想来看我的时候就来吧。
    • You must go, whether you will or not [no].不管你想不想去,你都得去。


  • ① 1[常作the will]意志,意志力2[the will]决意,决心,意欲
    • He lacks will and ambition.他缺乏意志与雄心。
    • free will自由意志
    • the freedom of the will意志的自由
    • The will is as good as the deed.【谚】凡事以志为先(做事要先有意志)。
    • She has lost her will to live.她已丧失求生的欲望。
    • the will to win争取胜利的决心
    • the will to succeed成功欲
  • ②[或作a will]意志力
    • He has a strong [weak] will.他的意志力很强[弱]。
    • Where there's a will, there's a way.【谚】有志(者事)竟成。
  • ③ 1[God's will]神意,天意2[通常作one's will](人的)愿望,希望
    • God's will be done.但愿上帝的旨意得以实现。
    • work one's will做自己所愿意做的事,达到目的
  • ④ 意向,心意
    • Such is our will and pleasure.我们的意思就是就样。
  • ⑤ 【法律】遗嘱;遗书(★常作last will and testament)
    • make [draw up, write] a [one's] will立遗嘱
    • She left me some money in her will.她在她的遗嘱中给我留了一些钱。


  • willfuladj.(用在名词前)有意的,故意的
  • willingadj.情愿的;乐意的


  • against one's will
    • ① 无可奈何地,并非出于自愿地
    • I left against my will.我无可奈何地离去。
  • at will
    • ① 随意地,随心所欲地
  • God willing
    • ① 倘若幸能那样
    • God willing, we'll arrive at our destination tomorrow.顺利的话,我们明天会到达目的地。
  • have one's will
    • ① 坚持己见;为所欲为,如愿以偿
  • of one's own free will
    • ① 出于自由意志地,自愿地,自动地
    • He came here of his own free will.他自愿来这里。
  • with a will
    • ① 乐意地;认真地
    • He started to work with a will.他开始认真地工作。


  • desiren.欲望
  • determinationn.决心
  • resolutionn.决断力
  • wishn.希望




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